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GCSE Business studies people management complete pack
GCSE Business studies people management complete pack

2.2 Programming techniques for Python - GCSE Computer Science OCR 9-1 Programming with Python
Covers 2.2 Programming techniques from the specification.
Created for use with Python version 3.x. (although could be adapted for version 2)
Full resources for the following:
Learners will study the following: **
• how to identify and use variables, operators, inputs, outputs and assignments
• how to understand and use the three basic programming constructs used to control the flow of a
program: Sequence; Selection; Iteration
• how to understand and use suitable loops including count and condition controlled loops
• how to use different types of data, including Boolean, string, integer and real, appropriately in
solutions to problems
• how to understand and use basic string manipulation
• how to understand and use basic file handling operations:
• how to define and use arrays (or equivalent) as appropriate when solving problems
• how to understand and use functions/sub programs to create structured code.