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Abstraction resources for computing KS3
A fantastic set of resources. Abstraction is one of those topics where teachers may need a little extra help.
Here are three resources that cut through what abstraction is and how students can really get to grips with this concept that is essential for computer science!

Ethics debates for AQA GCSE Computer Science 9-1 8520
A PowerPoint presentation with over 100 ethical and legal debates for AQA Computer Science 9-1 (8520)
Investigate and discuss Computer Science technologies while considering:
ethical issues
legal issues
cultural issues environmental issues. privacy issues.
Written by subject specialists, with in depth debates that are relevant to students. Content covers AI, automation, gaming, privacy, hacking, security, cloud services, piracy, copyright, algorithms, emerging technology, wearable technology and more!
The pack includes a voting card that you may choose to use for students to vote, or students can move from one side of the room to another.
A great resource that can be used for starters or plenaries, and can also become the basis of an entire lesson.

GCSE Business Revision and Challenge cards for OCR GCSE (9-1) J204
More than 150 business challenge cards that can be used to extend students, used as revision activities or given to students to answer at home.
Mini tasks, questions, and statements to think about that can be used as starters, plenaries, flipped learning tasks or homework.
Multiple questions one each of the following topics and sub-topics:
Business activity
1.1 The role of business enterprise and entrepreneurship
1.2 Business planning
1.3 Business ownership
1.4 Business aims and objectives
1.5 Stakeholders in business
1.6 business growth
2.1 The role of marketing
2.2 Market research
2.3 Market segmentation
2.4 The marketing mix
3.1 The role of human resources
3.2 Organisational structures and different ways of working
3.3 Communication in business
3.4 Recruitment and selection
3.5 Motivation and retention
3.6 Training and development
3.7 Employment law
4.1 Production processes
4.2 Quality of goods and services
4.3 The sales process and customer service
4.4 Consumer law
4.5 Business location
4.6 Working with suppliers
5.1 The role of the finance function
5.2 Sources of finance
5.3 Revenue, costs, profit and loss
5.4 Break-even
5.5 Cash and cash flow
Influences on business
6.1 Ethical and environmental considerations
6.2 The economic climate
6.3 Globalisation

2.4 Marketing Mix for OCR GCSE (9-1) in Business
Complete resources for OCR GCSE (9-1) in Business
a full presentation
McDonalds activitity
Interactive questions
Retail discussion activity
Fully class-tested and ready to go!

Ethical and Legal debates for Pearson Edexcel GCSE in Computer Science
A PowerPoint presentation with over 100 ethical and legal debates for the Pearson Edexcel GCSE in Computer Science.
Helps learners study the following specification reference:
1.8 Ethical, legal, cultural and environmental concerns.
How to investigate and discuss Computer Science technologies while considering:
- ethical issues
- legal issues
- cultural issues environmental issues. privacy issues.
Written by subject specialists, with in depth debates that are relevant to students. Content covers AI, automation, gaming, privacy, hacking, security, cloud services, piracy, copyright, algorithms, emerging technology, wearable technology and more!
The pack includes a voting card that you may choose to use for students to vote, or students can move from one side of the room to another.
A great resource that can be used for starters or plenaries, and can also become the basis of an entire lesson.

Chemistry GCSE Multiple Choice Questions
More than 100 GCSE Chemistry multiple choice questions.
One copy has no answers, one copy has the correct answer highlighted in bold.
Possible uses include games, revision sessions and so on.

Fake news? Full Lesson for KS3
Designed for KS3 or high ability KS2 in Citizenship, English or Tutor groups.
Contains worksheet, presentation, quiz, activities and more!
The OECD announced that schools should teach people how to identify fake news. This lesson resource does just that.

Regular Expressions (RegEx) Computing lesson for KS3
Lesson that links regular expressions to text correction in mobile phones: makes Regular Expressions relevant to your students!
This lesson gives a series of graded exercises for students.
Suitable for KS3 and is great preparation for students likely to study Computer Science, a booster session or a standard class.

Business Studies (Edexcel 1BS0) Topical Events - Xmas, Easter and Christmas events
125 slides that give ideas for starters and ideas for events throughout the year.
They are organised into the following topics:
1.1 Enterprise and entrepreneurship
1.2 Spotting a business opportunity
1.3 Putting a business idea into practice
1.4 Making the business effective
1.5 Understanding external influences on business
Each subtopic has the reference to the syllabus.

GCSE Business Studies Starters Bundle for Edexcel (1BS0)
GCSE Business Studies Starters for Edexcel (1BS0)
Contains cine images and an interactive hex game
Covers the following topics
1.1 Enterprise and entrepreneurship
1.2 Spotting a business opportunity
1.3 Putting a business idea into practice
1.4 Making the business effective
1.5 Understanding external influences on business
2.1 Growing the business
2.2 Making marketing decisions
2.3 Making operational decisions
2.4 Making financial decisions
2.5 Making human resource decisions

GCSE Business Studies Starters for Edexcel (1BS0) theme 2
These starters are designed to take the effort out of planning for the 2017 Edexcel GCSE in Business Studies (1BS0). Designed for theme two, this represents over 50 different pictures. You can display the large image and ask the students their opinion about both the image and the topic in hand. The other slide is a cline around creating degrees of intensity - this is great for showing literacy in your lessons.
The idea is to provide you with a great start to your lesson with the least preparation time possible.
2.1 Growing the business
2.2 Making marketing decisions
2.3 Making operational decisions
2.4 Making financial decisions
2.5 Making human resource decisions

GCSE Business Studies Starters for Edexcel (1BS0)
These starters are designed to take the effort out of planning for the 2017 Edexcel GCSE in Business Studies (1BS0). Designed for theme one, this represents over 50 different pictures. You can display the large image and ask the students their opinion about both the image and the topic in hand. The other slide is a cline around creating degrees of intensity - this is great for showing literacy in your lessons and enhancing the value of the time you have with your students.
The idea is to provide you with a great start to your lesson with the least preparation time possible.
1.1 Enterprise and entrepreneurship
1.2 Spotting a business opportunity
1.3 Putting a business idea into practice
1.4 Making the business effective
1.5 Understanding external influences on business

iPhone X Marketing in Business Studies (1BS0) theme 1
A series of activities (certainly over a lesson's worth) based around the recent release of the iPhone X.
Contains activities (5 worksheets) and materials that fit in nicely to topic 1.2.1: Customer needs, and also has elements of 1.2.3: Market research, 1.2.3: Market segmentation, 1.2.4: The competitive environment.
Developed for the Pearson Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9-1) in Business (1BS0), but suitable for other business studies specifications.

iPhone X Higher Lower game
Created for Business Studies but also suitable as a game for tutor groups, Economics and citizenship.
How much do things cost in the real world?
Play this higher - lower game with the prices of the iPhone X and more.

Computing KS3 cover lessons
19 different activities in this great pack!
A selection of cover lessons and one off sessions.
Suitable for non-subject specialists and experienced teachers alike. Some cover lessons are created for off the computer, some traditional computer room lessons and some a combination of the two!
Contains classic puzzles, whole lessons, Excel lessons…the list goes on.
Added resource for 2019 - Webquest. If you purchase this resource regularly check back for added resources and updates!

iPhone presentation and lesson resources
Today the iPhone 11 has been launched by Apple at an event in California.
But what do our students think of the pressure that comes with needing to have a new phone each and every year? What are the ethics around purchasing a new phone? What about the way that you are tempted to make inapp purchases on your phone?
This resource is designed to help you!
A series of great resources around the iPhone.
Presentations: iPhoneHistory
Can be used in
Computing / ICT
Tutor time

Fetch Execute Cycle Revision Pack for OCR Computer Science
Complete revision pack for Storage. Designed for OCR Computer Science (9-1) J276 but is more than useful for Computer Science students studying AQA and other exam boards.
Contains a revision booklet for the students to read and comprehend.

Computer Science Fetch Execute Starter
An interesting starter for students to use to study the fetch execute cycle.
Suitable for WJEC, OCR or AQA GCSE courses.

Fetch Execute Computer Architecture Lesson for OCR Computer Science
Complete lesson for the Fetch Execute cycle. Designed for OCR Computer Science (9-1) J276 but is more than useful for Computer Science students studying AQA and other exam boards.
Contains a PowerPoint presentation, and two worksheets.

Memory Lesson for OCR Computer Science
Complete lesson for Memory. Designed for OCR Computer Science (9-1) J276 but is more than useful for Computer Science students studying AQA and other exam boards.
Contains a PowerPoint presentation, and two worksheets.
Contains everything the students need to know:
the difference between RAM and ROM
the purpose of ROM in a computer system
the purpose of RAM in a computer system
the need for virtual memory
flash memory