This resource aims to assist classroom teachers in their mid to long-term planning. It contains schemes of work for a number of sections across components 1-3, 'student friendly' generic mark schemes for all questions across each component and a student marking and reflection (DIRT) sheet that improves the efficiency of providing student feedback. Find beneath more specific details:
Schemes of Work:
In detail: for first time teaching:
*Understanding social inequality (social class): component 2
*Understanding social inequality (gender): component 2
*Understanding and researching social inequalities (combined plan of delivery): component 2
*A selection of research tasks that are directly incorporated into researching social inequalities
*Crime and deviance: component 3
In summary: for revision purposes:
*Socialisation, culture and identity: component 1
*Youth subcultures: component 2
*Researching social inequalities: component 2
*Understanding social inequalities (social class): component 2
*Understanding social inequalities (gender): component 2
Each plan of delivery contains:
*Component and specific section briefs
*Guided number of lessons
*Learning objectives and points of guidance
*Guided assessment points and questions
*Homework prompts
*Colour coded prompts e.g. research methods links, content no explicitly on the specification, assessment points, preparation lessons and dedicated feedback and reflection opportunities
Generic mark schemes / feedback and reflection (DIRT) sheet
These mark schemes are 'user friendly' for both teachers and students with the purpose of making marking a more efficient process. This is achieved by:
*Providing generic mark schemes for each question across component 1 - 3
*Breaking down assessment objective skills into clear sections
*Providing level descriptors in bullets
*Prompts to recognise type of marking e.g. teacher / peer and pride and effort taken by the student
The feedback and reflection (DIRT) sheet contains opportunities for students to:
*address spelling mistakes
*identify strengths and successes
*identify errors / steps for continued support
*specific targets for improvement and reflection
*reflect on identified targets
Teachers are provided with the opportunity to recognise the quality of reflection through identifying the appropriate descriptor and can provide further guidance by identifying points from a pre-populated menu.