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Sue Russell's Shop

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I have just started adding my plays to TES (over 400)!but this will take time! All my assemblies/class plays and guided reading scripts are on www.plays-r-ussell.com and I am happy to write on request. I have converted the entire History Key Stage II curriculum into play format - and much of the other subjects such as Science, Geography, PSHE etc. I cover events such as the Olympics and have received great feedback from teachers around the world! Writing is my passion - hope you enjoy my work!




I have just started adding my plays to TES (over 400)!but this will take time! All my assemblies/class plays and guided reading scripts are on www.plays-r-ussell.com and I am happy to write on request. I have converted the entire History Key Stage II curriculum into play format - and much of the other subjects such as Science, Geography, PSHE etc. I cover events such as the Olympics and have received great feedback from teachers around the world! Writing is my passion - hope you enjoy my work!
St. George's Day Assembly or Class Play

St. George's Day Assembly or Class Play

St. George's Day Assembly or Class Play What on earth could the queen of England, our narrator alias Beefeater/guard of the Tower of London and the Artful Dodger have in common? Read on to find out what 'Twist' turns the Artful Dodger into Sir Artful Dodger! Cast size: 25 but easily adjusted up or down Duration: Around 20 minutes (depending on how much music is used) The focus of this play is London. Time constraints meant I just touched on England's history - events and people. I have addressed this 'shortfall' in the collection of guided reading scripts (available separately). Sample Text (Enter Sir Winston Churchill, smoking a pipe) Narrator: Ah, Sir Winston Churchill! Thank goodness. You pulled us through that Second World War - can you help me deal with this group of .. of ... super-women? Sir Winston Churchill: What? This lot? Leave it to me! Music 5 Who Do you Think You Are - Spice Girls (Spice Girls sing and make threatening gestures toward Sir Winston Churchill, who cowers and runs off stage) Narrator: (Aside) Hmm. Time for a different kind of ‘Help!" (Turning to Spice Girls) Hey girls, here come the Beatles! Spice Girls: (Together) Beetles? Did someone say, beetles? (All Spice Girls scream and run off stage) Music 6 Help - Beatles (Beatles stride on, singing Help!) Narrator: OK! That's probably as much help as I need! Thank you, boys! Beatles: (Together) No probs! (Exit Beatles) Narrator: So. Enough of this frivolity! Back to the serious stuff! Take my job at the Tower, for example (Queen Elizabeth runs back onto stage, in state of total panic) Narrator: Your Majesty! Whatever is the matter? Don't tell me you spilt your tea? Queen Eliz: (Gasping) Haven't you heard? Music 7 London Bridge is Falling Down (Cast sings first verse) Narrator: But that was around one thousand years ago, Your Majesty! It has been rebuilt several times since then! Queen Eliz: No! No! It's not that I'm worried about! Narrator: Oh no! Don't tell me the Thames Barrier has failed? Queen Eliz: What? The world's largest movable flood barrier? Of course not! Narrator: So. Has Buckingham Palace been burgled? Music 8 They're Changing Guards At Buckingham Palace (Cast sings first verse, as two guards in uniform march up and down) Queen Eliz: What? With my fine guards to keep us safe? I don't think so! Narrator: (Gasping) Don't tell me St. Paul's Cathedral has burnt to the ground again? Queen Eliz: (Sighing in exasperation) No. Our fire service has improved a little since that Great Fire of London!
St. George's Day Poem

St. George's Day Poem

St. George's Day Poem (or Ode to St. George) This poem was written in celebration of St. George's Day. It's about championing the cause of a national holiday and celebrating England as a country. Sample text: Rule Britannia! St. George's Day is here. England never shall have Anything to fear! Land of Hope and Glory Mother of the Free We have no national holiday Now how can that be? St. George, get off your charger And come and sort this out. If you truly champion valour Then leave us in no doubt. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Following emboldened text spoken by St. George) OK, I wasn't born in England That is certainly true. I was actually born in the Middle East When Christianity was taboo. But wait a while, have you not heard Exactly how I lost my head? In defending my own Christian faith I ended up .... Dead! An inspiration To those Crusaders later. If you don't believe me, kids, Go check your data! I know how much England Means to you. Keep pride in your country Trust me ‐ I do! It's a while since I fought For any worthwhile cause. But give me a chance And I'll champion yours! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- England has history that goes on forever (Makes up, perhaps, for our crummy weather!) England produced the Beatles, the Stones and the Who And a capital city, London - equaled by few. England serves the very best tea England has health care that is free. England is the place to be England is the land of the free.
Odysseus and the Cyclops Assembly or Class Play

Odysseus and the Cyclops Assembly or Class Play

Ancient Greek Myths Odysseus and the Cyclops Assembly or Class Play Cast of 30 - easily adaptable up or down Duration - around 10 to 15 minutes reading time (around 20 with addition of music) One of several Ancient Greek scripts written by Sue Russell. A set of 5 Ancient Greek Myths is also available in Guided Reading format, each with 6 speakers, and its own quiz. Sample Text: Poseidon: Oh I’m sure it is! So you stopped off at my son’s island for a bit of a holiday? (To audience) I’ve heard the Greek islands are a favourite holiday destination. Island hopping, I believe you call it? Odysseus: Well, that was hardly our intention. We wanted to get home. Ancient Greek 6: But stopping off for a bit of a rest did make sense. Ancient Greek 7: Though it didn’t turn out to be quite the holiday we expected! Ancient Greek 8: Stuck in the back of that cave (Enter Polyphemus, finding his way to the group, with the aid of a white stick) Polyphemus: (Bellowing loudly) My home! Ancient Greek 9: Hardly the best that Airbnb have to offer! Polyphemus: (Bellowing angrily) Pardon? There’s nothing wrong with my cave I’ll have you know! Ancient Greek 10: Nothing at all – until you get your head bashed against one of the walls! I was the first to suffer at your hands Ancient Greek 11: And I the second! Ancient Greek 1: And I the third! Ancient Greek 2: And I the fourth Ancient Greek 3: And I the fifth Ancient Greek 4: And I the sixth! Poseidon: (Tutting) Son! Really! That was rather greedy, even by your standards! Polyphemus: (Muttering sulkily) But I didn’t eat them all in one go! Odysseus: (Sarcastically) Oh that was very good of you! Polyphemus: Well, thank you! Poseidon: No, I think he’s being sarcastic, son! The lowest form of wit. But something tells me, not quite low enough for you! Odysseus: (To Polyphemus) So come on! What have you got to say in your defence? Surely you don’t want your old man thinking you have the table manners of a monster? Polyphemus: (Spluttering) Well, I er, Ancient Greek 5: You just fancied a change from lamb stew, right? Polyphemus: (Beaming) Oh that’s right! Indeed I did! Ancient Greek 6: I expect lamb gets pretty boring night after night? Polyphemus: Oh you’re right! Ancient Greek 7: So we made a pleasant change to your diet? Polyphemus: (Slapping his large belly, fondly) Well, I’d hardly call it a diet!
Theseus and the Minotaur Assembly or Class Play

Theseus and the Minotaur Assembly or Class Play

Ancient Greeks Theseus and the Minotaur Assembly or Class Play Cast of 30 - easily adaptable up or down Duration: 10 - 15 minutes reading (this does not include music suggestions) Monsters and heroes - not the easiest cast to deal with! But then Poseidon is more than man - sorry, make that - god enough to take this lot on! Also available (as separate purchase): This assembly plus Guided Reading Script plus Quiz (one of large collection of Ancient Greek scripts written by Sue Russell) Sample Text: Music 1 – El Matador Music (Cast file into hall, in order of speaking, taking seats along two rows of fifteen facing the audience) Poseidon: Welcome to this tale about (Enter Theseus) Music 2 Holding Out for a Hero – Bonnie Tyler (chorus) (Theseus strides up and down, bracing his muscles and striking various ‘heroic postures’) Theseus: A hero! That’s me, Theseus! (Theseus gestures to cast to cheer) (Whole cast cheers) Poseidon: And (Enter Minotaur) Music 3 Deeper Underground – Jamiroquai (chorus) (Minotaur ‘skulks’ up and down, glaring at both cast and audience) Minotaur: Me! The Minotaur! (Minotaur ‘paws the ground’, snorts in anger and glares at cast who all boo) Poseidon: Hmm. Quite a split! In fact Theseus: (Interrupting) You could say, Good versus Evil! Poseidon: (Glaring at Theseus) I could! But I’m not going to, if it’s all the same to you! (To audience, aside) These heroes! Think they’re God’s Gift! Theseus: Well, you may not have regarded me as a gift (pauses) Dad! (Pauses) But my other father did! (Enter Aegeus) Aegeus: Ah Theseus, my son! There you are! (To audience) I hope you haven’t been listening too much to this god, here (pointing at Poseidon). Gods! Way too much time on their hands and far too many off spring to show for it! Poseidon: What was that? Aegeus: Oh nothing, Poseidon! Just commenting on how creatively you fill your time. Truly awesome! Poseidon: Well, as God of the Seas I guess I am rather (pauses) what did you say? Oh, awesome, that’s right! A shame not everyone was in such awe of me as you! (Enter Minos) (Whole cast hisses and boos) Minos: (Angrily) Hey! That’s no way to greet the King of Crete! Aegeus: (Contemptuously) Pah! Some king you were! Minos: (Laughing) Huh! And you were any better, oh great King of Athens? (Pauses) Now, just remind me. Who had to send human sacrifices to who? Aegeus: (Exclaiming) Why, you evil, wicked, cruel, vindictive .. Poseidon: (Interrupting) Yes, yes. I think we get it. You two didn’t like each other much, did you? Aegeus: Oh I’ve barely started.
The Gorgon's Head Assembly or Class Play

The Gorgon's Head Assembly or Class Play

Ancient Greek Myths The Gorgon's Head Assembly or Class Play Cast of 30 - easily adaptable up or down Duration: around 10 - 15 minutes not including music What was Poseidon thinking - taking on all these women? He might succeed at putting the youth Perseus in his place but a group of 'wronged women'? Never! This is one of a large collection of Ancient Greek scripts written by Sue Russell – guided reading scripts also available. Sample Text: Medusa: Just like I said! Gods! Men! The bane of our lives! Poseidon: (Clutching his forehead, muttering) I think I have a headache coming on. (Pauses)You know something? I suddenly feel just a little outnumbered! Would you ladies mind just giving me a short break? (Exit Athene, Medusa and Danae, shrugging their shoulders) Poseidon: Phew! Peace at last! Oh, don’t get me wrong. I have nothing against ‘the weaker sex’ (Athene comes storming back) Music 3 War – Edwin Starr – Brief excerpt Athene: What was that you just said? Weaker, eh? I’ll show you weaker! (Athene strides up and down, wielding her sword) Poseidon: (Holding hand up) OK. I apologize. Athene: Goddess of wisdom and war! (To Poseidon) You’d do well to remember that! Poseidon: (Aside) As if I could forget! (To Athene) Now, what was I saying about having a little peace? Athene: Huh! Give me war any day! (Exit Athene) Poseidon: (Clutching head) Women! I knew I should never have agreed to this! (Enter Perseus, giving Poseidon a ‘high five) Perseus: What’s up, bro? Poseidon: (Indignantly) Bro? I’ll give you bro! Perseus: OK so I guess it’s Uncle, really – seeing as Zeus was my dad, and your brother! Poseidon: Correct! So, no more bro, right? Perseus: Fair enough! So, what’s the plan, dude? Poseidon: (Exploding) Dude? That’s even worse than bro! What is it with you youngsters? Can’t you talk normally? Perseus: (Sighing) OK I’ll try! I’m just not used to hanging out with oldies like you! Poseidon: (Exploding) Now look here, young Perseus! If you and me are going to get along, you need to show a little respect! (Enter Danae) Danae: Perseus! Where are those manners I taught you? Poseidon: I think he might have lost them during his travels! Danae: Well, let’s help him find them again! Poseidon is only trying to Poseidon: (Looking at his watch) Get this story told? Well, that’s proving a bit of a challenge! (To Danae) No offence, madam, but you women don’t half talk a lot! (Enter Polydectes, accompanied by ‘several’ women, all chatting and laughing) Polydectes: (Groaning) Tell me about it! You want to try keeping them quiet in court! Once they get going there’s no stopping them!
Twelve New Labours of Hercules Assembly

Twelve New Labours of Hercules Assembly

Twelve New Labours of Hercules Assembly NB: This script is not about the original 12 Labours of Hercules! It is based around a completely different set of challenges – on the kind of ‘admirable qualities’ the cast feels Hercules should have – presenting him with a 12-part self-improvement plan! This is a kind of spin off from the Superheroes script - almost a reversal in fact; as whilst in that script it was Hercules trying to make superheroes out of a pretty unpromising cast, this script is about the cast pulling the punches - Hercules struggling along in their wake! Cast of 30 - easily adaptable up or down Duration around 15 - 20 minutes not including music suggestions. This Key Stage II class play is PSHE ‘orientated’ as it focuses on 'character improvements' e.g. humility, courage, mutual respect, upholding what is right, keeping positive, patience, love .... and of course the hardest of all, being happy! Sample Text: Child 11: A start to your self-improvement plan. Hercules: My what? Child 12: Well, we all feel you are lacking Hercules: Me? The great Hercules? Lacking? Child 12: (Coughing) If you would allow me to finish? We all feel you are lacking – make that, greatly lacking in some of the qualities you should have as Hercules: As a great superhero? I don’t think so! Child 13: Actually, I was going to say, as a member of the human race! Your mother was a mortal, right? Hercules: Yes Child 14: So I’m sure she’d appreciate us trying to improve you! Hercules: Huh! How can you improve on perfection? Music 3 Chariots of Fire theme music (Hercules strides around ‘looking magnificent’) (Child 15 walks over to the music and turns it off) Hercules: (Indignantly) Hey! What’s the big idea? Child 15: I think we all get it! You are Mr Universe! Hercules: (Looking very pleased with himself) Well, thank you. I Child 15: (Pointing to head) In your head, that is! Hercules: (Furiously) Pardon? Child 15: Oh do stop saying that! Anyone would think you had a hearing problem! Hercules: (Spluttering) I most definitely do not! Everything about my physique is perfect! Child 15: Like I said, maybe on the outside. But it’s what’s on the inside that is sadly lacking. But don’t worry, we are going to help fix that! Hercules: (Sarcastically) And may I ask how? Child 16: You may! All very simple. You just have to complete 12 simple tasks that we set you. Hercules: (Laughing) Oh I get it! You are going to give me another 12 labours.
The Twelve Labours of Hercules Assembly or Class Play

The Twelve Labours of Hercules Assembly or Class Play

The Twelve Labours of Hercules Assembly Cast of 30 - easily adaptable up or down; Duration around 15 minutes not including music suggestions - this could double the length of the assembly or class play. Every teacher's dream come true - an Ancient Greek superhero calling in to reignite the class's interest in a subject they have been doing all term! Hercules does so well ... until the arrival of that wicked king Eurystheus; but it doesn't take long before the latter realises his mistake in taking on this class - and it is truly heartening for all teachers everywhere to hear such respect from Hercules for their magnificent efforts! Enjoy The Twelve Labours of Hercules in fun, entertaining style - if it works for this set of children, it will definitely work for yours! Hercules features in two other scripts written by Sue Russell: 1. Superheroes Assembly for KSII – where Hercules has the dubious pleasure of converting a class of very un-super heroes … into super heroes! 2. Twelve New Labours of Hercules – in which the tables are turned on Hercules as he is the student on a self-improvement programme – this one with its focus on PSHE (i.e. ‘admirable’ character qualities!) Sample Text: Eurystheus: (To Narrator) Now. How many labours have we done? Narrator: Just three! (Loud groan from cast) Child 20: What? Nine more to go? Child 21: You have to be kidding? Child 22: This had better be good! Eurystheus: (Peevishly) What is it with these kids? A case of short attention span or what? (Cast all cross arms angrily, in defiant posture) Narrator: I’d be careful what you say, if I were you! This lot are easily upset and you might just find yourself in a bit of a spot! Eurystheus: (Laughing) Are you suggesting I should be worried by a load of kids? Oh don’t make me laugh! (To cast) Now. About this fourth labour. (Whole cast yawns loudly) Hercules’ task was to capture the Erymanthian Boar. Child 23: Did someone say ‘bore’? Child 24: As in, bore us to death’ Child 24: I think we can safely say, he already has! (Whole cast nod) Eurystheus: Now wait a minute! (Eurystheus walks over to the props box and tries to find ‘Boar’) Eurystheus: (Muttering) it must be in here somewhere! (Child 25, who had, unseen by Eurystheus, crept over to the props box and taken the Boar, pounces out at him, making him leap in the air and scream with terror; Hercules falls about laughing, as does the rest of the cast)
Pandora's Box Assembly or Class Play

Pandora's Box Assembly or Class Play

Ancient Greek Myths Pandora's Box Assembly or Class Play This class play can be used as an assembly (for performance) or as a class play, to be read within the classroom. Cast of 30 - easily adaptable up or down Duration - around 15 - 20 minutes reading not including music suggestions. The Seven Deadly Sins plus all those Vices? No wonder our Narrator is worried! But as with all good stories, this one has a happy ending - well, maybe not for all those baddies! This is one of a collection of Ancient Greek Myth scripts – assemblies and guided reading scripts, sold as separate and combined products. This play could also be used as a PSHE resource – on resisting temptation, and the victory of good (hope) over evil (Seven Deadly Sins plus, in this case 19 Vices). Sample Text: Music 5 – You’re Beautiful – James Blunt (Epimetheus sings love song to Pandora) Narrator: (Indicating for music to stop) Yes, yes. We get it! Young love! Epimetheus: Oh come on! Look at this perfect woman? How could I possibly resist? Narrator: (To audience) Aha! Somebody else who couldn’t resist temptation! (To Pandora) No offence to you, madam. (To Epimetheus) But did you not look a little deeper? I mean, yes, she’s undoubtedly beautiful but (Optional burst of The Price You Pay – Bruce Springsteen) Pandora: (Angrily) Oh right! It’s the blond argument, right? The ‘well, if she looks that good, there can’t be much underneath’? No spirit, heh? Music 6 Missionary Man – Eurythmics (Pandora throws off her ‘pretty clothes’ displaying a much stronger image) Narrator: (Holding up hand for music to stop) Whoa! That’s not the Perfect Pandora I was expecting! Epimetheus: (Gasping) And that’s not a side of my wife I’ve ever seen before! Pandora: Of course not! You only ever wanted me to be that perfect ‘domestic goddess’ – sitting around, looking pretty, staring vacantly out to space! Epimetheus: Well, isn’t that what wives are supposed to do? Narrator: Not this one, I suspect! (Optional excerpt of Thorn in my Side – Eurythmics – Pandora strutting up and down) Narrator: (Holding hand up) OK. Yes, we’ve got it! So underneath all that sweetness was a whole heap of frustration! Pandora: More like mega boredom! I mean, what was I supposed to do all day? Epimetheus: Stay out of mischief?
General Election Assembly

General Election Assembly

General Election Assembly - Who should be our next prime minister? 6 weeks to go … and bored with the General Election already? Then this assembly is your perfect tonic! As for our narrator, who would envy their task of choosing a prime minister - from a class of 30?! The choice? Football stars, movie stars, rock stars ..... and a whole lotta girl/boy attitude between the Spice 'lot' and a certain Direction! Somebody needs to tell them about equality - and who better than .... S Club 7?! This is a very light hearted look at the coming election. The ‘possible candidates’ are a selection of celebs – chosen purely for entertainment sake. For a more serious ‘take’, the script could be adapted to include a far more serious list of people either now or in the past e.g. Gandhi, King, Mandela, Mother Theresa etc. Likewise, whilst dealing with the current topic of the election, this script could be used for citizenship because of its PSHE component – this latter could be extended by adding a section on ‘What would you change if you were prime minister?’ Duration: 10 – 15 minutes reading time; around 20 – 30 minutes including music suggestions. Cast of 30 - easily adapted up or down; and characters may be replaced by children’s own choices. Sample Text Child 1: I think David Beckham should be prime minister! Child 2: Nah! It’s got to be Lionel Messi! Child 3: No! Wayne Rooney has my vote! Child 4: Rubbish! It’s got to be Cristiano Ronaldo! Narrator: (Blowing whistle) Excuse me! Since when did any of these footballers know anything about politics? They might be pretty good at running up and down a pitch, but running a country? I don’t think so! (Exit Child 1, 2, 3 and 4) Narrator: Next! (Enter ‘athlete’ – Child 5) Child 5: I’m here representing the world of athletics! I’d vote for Jessica Ennis! Narrator: (To audience, sighing) What is it with kids and sport? (To Child 5) Yes, I can see why you might think Ms Ennis would set us all a fine example Child 5: A prime role model! An inspiration to us all! Narrator: Yes, yes. I totally agree! But there is a difference between running along those tracks Child 5: In record times! Narrator: And, …..let me finish…., running the country! (To audience) Am I having a moment of déjà vu or didn’t I just say that a very short while ago? (To Child 5) Anyway. Thank you … but no thank you! (Exit Child 5) Music 3 Theme music from Doctor Who
History of the Olympics Assembly

History of the Olympics Assembly

Olympic History Class Play (one of collection of 10 scripts) This assembly, written by Sue Russell, covers the history of the Olympics, starting with its origins in Ancient Greece. All the host nations are presented in a fun coverage of both events and stars. Featuring the 18 countries that have so far hosted the Olympic Games, plus Brazil (2016 host), each gives a brief summary of their 'contribution' to the Games' history so far. Sample Text: 1. Simply the Best - Tina Turner (Children file in, waving flags triumphantly) Coubertin: Good morning and welcome to our class play on The History of the Olympics - when nations compete against each other, in the most sporting manner. (19 nations stand up with flags, cheering loudly) (Zeus plus 3 Ancient Greeks stride onto stage, folding their arms in front of them, taking up an aggressive stance) Coubertin: ‘Course, it wasn't always like that. Back in 776 BC it was only athletes from across Ancient Greece who competed. Zeus: In my honor! Sostratos: 5 days Leonidas: 7 events Kallipateira: (Scowling) And no women! Coubertin: Ah! The good old days! When men were men, and women were women! Kallipateira: I thought you were here to represent the Modern Olympics? Coubertin: Indeed I am. And you're about to see just how many changes took place over the years Zeus: Not necessarily for the better! (Looking around) I can't see any of this lot paying me homage! And what are those women doing, mingling with the men athletes? Coubertin: (In disgust) They're competing too! Other scripts available: 1. Brazil - Host Country to 2016 Olympics 2. Olympics PRIDE Assembly (PSHE 'team spirit' script) 3. Olympic Games 2016 Leavers Assembly 4. Rio 2016 Olympic Games Assembly - covering all 28 sports 5. Rio 2016 Olympic Games Assembly: history and events - combined script including Olympic Ode 6. Olympics Assembly for Key Stage 1 Rio 2016 7. Paralympics 2016 Assembly GUIDED READING SCRIPTS 1. A Complete History of the Olympic Games Guided Reading Scripts plus quizzes - set of 8 scripts, plus quizzes 2. Olympics PRIDE Guided Reading QUIZ Rio 2016 Olympic Games Quiz - 100 questions and answers! plus OLYMPIC ODE
Rio 2016 Olympic Games Assembly Key Stage I

Rio 2016 Olympic Games Assembly Key Stage I

Olympic Games Assembly for Key Stage I. This script covers past ‘host nations’ but is predominantly an overview of the 2016 sporting events. Cast size 30. Olympic Games Assembly for Key Stage I Rio 2016 With coverage of all hosts nations (past and present) plus all the sports present at the Olympics, this is quite an epic - even by the Ancient Greeks' standards! Cast of 30 - easily adapted up or down Duration - 10 to 15 minutes Sample Text: Kallipateira: Huh! But I don’t see any horses! You should have seen our chariot races! (Enter Equestrian Team) Rider 1: Well, our horses may not race but look how well behaved they are! Rider 2: And look how well they jump! (Exit Equestrian Team) Narrator: So that just leaves (Enter Ball Games representative, carrying various balls and rackets) Ball Games rep: The Ball Games! Narrator: Let me help! (Reading from a list) Tennis, table tennis, volley ball, hockey, golf, rugby, football, basketball, handball and badminton! (Exit Ball Games representative) (Recitation of Olympic Ode Chorus) (Enter Archery, Shooting and Fencing representative, carrying assortment of ‘equipment’) Narrator: Wow! What are all these sports! Archery, Shooting and Fencing rep: Archery, Shooting and Fencing! (Exit Archery, Shooting and Fencing representative) (Recitation of Olympic Ode Chorus) (Enter cyclist, on bike) Narrator: And last but by no means least! Cyclist: Watch me cycle! (All applaud) (Exit cyclist) (Enter Homer) Homer: (Spluttering) Well! Narrator: Not speechless again, are we, Homer? Homer: Just a bit! I think it’s time I returned to Ancient Greece – where life was a lot simpler! Other scripts available: 1. Brazil - Host Country to 2016 Olympics 2. Olympics PRIDE Assembly (PSHE 'team spirit' script) 3. Olympic Games 2016 Leavers Assembly 4. Rio 2016 Olympic Games Assembly - covering all 28 sports 5. History of the Olympics Assembly 6. Rio 2016 Olympic Games Assembly: history and events - combined script including Olympic Ode 7. Paralympics 2016 Assembly GUIDED READING SCRIPTS 1. A Complete History of the Olympic Games Guided Reading Scripts plus quizzes - set of 8 scripts, plus quizzes 2. Olympics PRIDE Guided Reading QUIZ Rio 2016 Olympic Games Quiz - 100 questions and answers! plus OLYMPIC ODE
Brazil Host Country to 2016 Olympics Assembly

Brazil Host Country to 2016 Olympics Assembly

Brazil Host Country to 2016 Olympics Assembly This class play looks at the country in which the Olympics is staged this year (plus information on the Olympics e.g. Olympic Torch journey, number of countries taking part etc) For a history of the Olympics and coverage of sporting events, please select from one of the other scripts listed below (scroll down below sample Text) Cast of 30 - easily adaptable up or down Duration - around 10 minutes not including music suggestions Sample Text: Child 11: But haven’t you heard what party there’s going to be Child 12: Starting August 5th Child 13: And going on til August 21st? Narrator: (Spluttering) But, but, that’s … over 2 weeks! What kind of party goes on that long? (Cast swaps Carnival banners for Olympics banners, raising them above their heads) Whole cast: (Shouting) The Olympics! Music 2 Fanfare for the Common Man Narrator: Oh my goodness! The Olympics again! It seems like only yesterday we were partying in London! Child 14: That was for the 2012 Olympics! Proud hosts – the United Kingdom! Child 15: But 2016 is the year for Brazil – proud hosts of the 31st Olympic Games! Child 16: In the city of Rio de Janeiro! Music 3 Gypsy King ‘Carnival selection’ (Whole cast grab their carnival props and raise them again) Narrator: Wow! Summer 2016 is going to be some party! How can it not be – with the Olympics in Brazil? (Narrator turns to Child 15) Narrator: But what was that you said about the number of Olympic Games we’ve had so far? Child 15: 30 so far. 2016 will be the 31st! Child 16: The very first one was of course held in Ancient Greece. Child 17: In the city of Olympia – birthplace of the Olympic Games! Child 18: And that’s where the Olympic Torch started its journey on 21 April 2016 Other scripts available from Sue Russell: ASSEMBLIES 1. Olympics PRIDE Assembly (PSHE 'team spirit' script) 2. Olympic Games 2016 Leavers Assembly 3. Rio 2016 Olympic Games Assembly - covering all 28 sports 4. History of the Olympics Assembly 5. Rio 2016 Olympic Games Assembly: history and events - combined script including Olympic Ode 6. Olympics Assembly for Key Stage 1 Rio 2016 7. Paralympics 2016 Assembly GUIDED READING SCRIPTS 1. A Complete History of the Olympic Games Guided Reading Scripts plus quizzes - set of 8 scripts, plus quizzes 2. Olympics PRIDE Guided Reading QUIZ Rio 2016 Olympic Games Quiz - 100 questions and answers! plus OLYMPIC ODE
Olympic Games 2016 Leavers Assembly

Olympic Games 2016 Leavers Assembly

Olympic Games 2016 Leavers Assembly A challenging one, this class play, for the school’s head teacher! It’s never going to be easy working with an English teacher (Mrs Wright) who’s always right; a Maths teacher (Mr Minus) who’s always negative; a Geography teacher (Miss Place) who is always getting lost; a History teacher (Mr Date) who is always late; and as for that Music teacher (Ms Tune) – maybe somebody could ask her to stop singing? …. Or at least do it in tune?! And then there’s Mr Fit (P.E. teacher) who isn’t quite as tough as he looks. With insults flying, who is going to stop the staff from stealing the show? Just as well those Year sixes are up to the task! Written for cast of 30 but easily adjustable up (2 to 3 classes) or down – see production notes –the duration is likewise extremely flexible, depending on amount of music used - there are over 20 pieces of music to choose from. As a rough guide, the reading time is approximately 15 minutes but this does not include ‘mini presentations’ of different sports. Script also includes Olympic Ode - performed by the children. Sample Text: Head Teacher: Wow! What an amazing set of Olympians! Mr Fit: All potential medal holders! Mr Minus: (Scowling) All right for some! Head Teacher: What do you mean, Mr Minus, all right for some? Mr Minus: Well, whilst I’m indoors, slaving away over long division, he (pointing to Mr Fit) is out there in the sunshine, knocking a few balls around and … well, generally having a ball! Mrs Wright: (Bitterly) Yeah! All right for some! Whilst I’m writing away, inside, filling in all that missing punctuation, he’s out there playing games! Miss Place: Whilst I’m finding different places on a map! Mr Date: And I’m battling it out with the Tudors! Other Olympic scripts by Sue Russell: ASSEMBLIES 1. Brazil Host Country to the Olympics 2016 Assembly 2. Olympics PRIDE Assembly (PSHE 'team spirit' script) 3. Rio 2016 Olympic Games Assembly - covering all 28 sports 4. Rio 2016 Olympic Games Assembly including history events and ode 5. History of the Olympics Assembly 6. Olympics Assembly for Key Stage 1 Rio 2016 7. Paralympics 2016 Assembly GUIDED READING SCRIPTS 1. A Complete History of the Olympic Games Guided Reading Scripts plus quizzes - set of 8 scripts, plus quizzes 2. Olympics PRIDE Guided Reading QUIZ Rio 2016 Olympic Games Quiz - 100 questions and answers! plus OLYMPIC ODE
Rio 2016 Olympic Games Assembly including history events and ode

Rio 2016 Olympic Games Assembly including history events and ode

Rio 2016 Olympic Games Assembly including history events and ode This class play is a combination/condensed version of two previous scripts: History of the Olympic Games and Olympic Games 2016. Whilst its main focus is coverage of all the 2016 sporting events, there is included a list of the previous 'host nations' (but without all the accompanying information i.e. medals won and 'events' on and off the course - inclusion of all this material would have made a single script far too long). Also included is the Olympic Ode - as an optional extra. Thus, the cast can be as small as 30 or as great as 75, with a cast of 52 as another possibility - the production notes explaining these numbers fully. The duration is from 20 minutes to at least 30 minutes - this does not include music options. Sample Text Child 5: Like football! Same objective but using feet instead of a stick! Oh and not forgetting that new sport – rugby sevens. New Zealand have to be the favourites having won the 2015 rugby World Cup. Course we all know how good the Brazilians are at football – oops, don’t mention the last world cup! Narrator: But playing at home should give them ‘the edge’ Trev: Like in 1908 when Great Britain won gold! What a moment! Particularly as this was the first time football had been played at the Olympics! A debut to remember! Narrator: (Aside) Those were the days! But hey! (Shaking himself up) Who knows? Amazing things do happen at the Olympics! Child 6: Like that 1992 U.S. Dream Team! What a set of athletes they were – and not bad at ‘dunkin’ from what I’ve heard! Narrator: Dunkin? You mean, Dunkin Doughnuts? (Rubbing tummy) Mmm I’ve heard they’re pretty yummy! Child 6: (Throwing hands up in exasperation) No no! Not that kind of ‘dunkin’! Basketball dunkin is when the ball is slammed directly into the net using one or two hands. Other scripts available from Sue Russell: ASSEMBLIES 1. Brazil Host Country to the Olympics 2016 Assembly 2. Olympics PRIDE Assembly (PSHE 'team spirit' script) 3. Olympic Games 2016 Leavers Assembly 4. Rio 2016 Olympic Games Assembly - covering all 28 sports 5. History of the Olympics Assembly 6. Olympics Assembly for Key Stage 1 Rio 2016 7. Paralympics 2016 Assembly GUIDED READING SCRIPTS 1. A Complete History of the Olympic Games Guided Reading Scripts plus quizzes - set of 8 scripts, plus quizzes 2. Olympics PRIDE Guided Reading QUIZ Rio 2016 Olympic Games Quiz - 100 questions and answers! plus OLYMPIC ODE
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland - An alternative version

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland - An alternative version

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Take Two - or The Trial of Alice (An alternative version) Insolent, conceited, insensitive, stupid, cruel, dishonest .... surely not the Alice that Lewis Carroll gave us? Read on to find out how false fiction can be in this alternative take on one of our best loved classics. In this one Alice is facing those animals she met ‘down the rabbit hole’ on her first visit – in court! See how she fares under the pressure of the justice system – Wonderland-Style! PLEASE NOTE: This is not a re-telling of the original story. Cast of 30. Duration: Longer version around 20 - 25 minutes; Shorter version around 15 – 20 minutes. Sample Script: Alice: Now look! There’s been some terrible mistake! I’m here to be queen, not prisoner! (Whole court erupts in laughter) Queen: (Holding her sides) Oh dear! This really is turning out to be the funniest day of my life! King: Totally priceless, my dear! Alice: (Sobbing) No! No! This can’t be happening. White Rabbit will tell you it as it is! (White Rabbit just shrugs his shoulders) Alice: Oh no! This has got to be a bad dream I’ll wake up from in a minute! (Alice pinches herself and then cries even more) (Mouse, Duck and Dodo stand up) Mouse: Oh oh! She’s making one of those lakes again! Duck: That’s how she caught us out last time! Dodo: Playing the innocent! Mouse: And then scaring me to death with stories of that cat! Alice: You mean, Dinah? (Mouse starts screaming; other two get him to sit down) Duck: (To King) You see what I mean? Dodo: Ah! She’s not going to get away with it a second time! (King gestures for both to sit down) Alice: Get away with what? Queen: (To King) Does it matter? Off with her head! Alice: I was wondering when you were going to get round to saying that! King: Oh! The cheek! (To jurors) Please note. Offence Number one – Threatening Behaviour Alice: But I King: Offence Number Two – Interrupting Alice: But that’s not fair! King: Offence Number Three – Whingeing and complaining Alice: Hey, wait a minute King: Offence Number Four – Speaking out of turn (Alice is about to say something else but White Rabbit rushes over and puts his paw over her mouth) Queen: (To White Rabbit) Thank you! She really doesn’t know when to shut up, does she? King: No my dear! Not at all like you! Queen: Not at all! Alice: Huh! That’s a joke! Queen: (Screaming) Off with her head! Off with her head! (King ‘calms her down’ before addressing jurors again, both scribbling away trying to keep up) King: Make that Offence Number Five – Being Insolent and Rude and Juror 1: Please slow down a bit. Juror 2: We’re not used to as many offences as this!
Burns Night Assembly

Burns Night Assembly

Burns Night Assembly Cast of 30 - easily adaptable up or down Duration: Around 15 - 20 minutes (depending on number of music suggestions included). The assembly could be further extended by the addition of some of the poems of Robbie Burns. Who would not want to come to this party? Well, if you're not keen on bagpipes, it could be a problem! But the guest list is pretty unbeatable - with the likes of St Andrew, William Wallace, Mary Queen of Scots, James VI, Robert the Bruce, Walter Scott plus fellow writers, Alexander Bell plus fellow scientists, John McAdam plus fellow engineers, some sportsmen, politicians (fraid so!), that oh so enthusiastic chef (no prizes for guessing what he's served up!), Nessie (of course!) and not forgetting - that guy with the bagpipes .... oh and Robbie Burns!! This script comes with some seriously bad jokes – would definitely get the thumbs down from that other Mr Burns of Simpsons fame! Sample Text (Enter bagpipes player, with loud bagpipe accompaniment) (Everyone groans and cover their ears) Narrator: Stop! Please! I think I’m going mad! Bagpipes player: Och! You need to chill out a little, man! (Takes out bottle of whisky from inside kilt) Here! Have some of this fine Scottish whisky! Nothing quite like it for lessening the old stress levels! Narrator: (Taking the bottle and having a sip) Well as long as it means your volume levels take a corresponding dip! Bagpipes player: Oh to be sure! If that’s what keeps you happy! (Enter Scottish chef carrying tray of haggis) Scottish chef: And here’s something else to warm your inners! (Narrator takes a bite followed by a coughing fit) Narrator: What on earth was that? Scottish chef: Oh! Just a bit of sausage I cooked up! Narrator: Er, something tells me you’re holding back a bit on the description there? Scottish chef: Oh, didn’t I mention? It’s the inner organs of a sheep … cooked in the stomach of a sheep! (Narrator has explosive coughing fit) Scottish chef: Oh, and if you want to know what those organs are, they’re the liver, heart and lungs. Plus a little seasoning! Delicious, eh? (Narrator continues to ‘gag’) Bagpipes player: (To chef) Er, far be it from me to interrupt but I think we’ve had enough description! Scottish chef: Oh very well! (Placing tray on a chair) I’ll leave it here for you all to enjoy. (Whole cast pull faces) (Testily) This is meant to be a Burns celebration, you know! Other Scottish scripts available from Sue Russell. Please note: there is some duplication of content and characters in this script and the St. Andrews Assembly/Class Play.
Russian Assembly or Class Play

Russian Assembly or Class Play

Russian Assembly or Class Play Cast of 30 - easily adaptable up or down Duration - 10 - 20 minutes. (20 mins with inclusion of music suggestions and performances) Script can be further extended to include more information on the country. As always our narrator has his work cut out – kicking off assembly with having to keep bolshy Bolsheviks apart from arrogant tsars. Nothing bolshy about those Bolshoi ballerinas, fortunately - but who invited that mob of unruly Chelsea supporters along?! Normal formula of fun and laughter mixed in with a generous spattering of facts .. demonstrating just how much a country of contrasts Russia is. This script will be adapted to include longer reference to 2018 World Cup, nearer the time. Sample Text: Narrator: That’s better! Now let’s see. (Looking through script) What are a load of Chelsea Football supporters doing here in my Russian assembly? Supporter 1: Oh! Hadn’t you heard, mate? Supporter 2: Heard? Heard what? Supporter 3: That Chelsea Football Club is owned Supporter 4: By a Russian! Supporter 1: One Roman Obramovich! Supporter 2: One of the richest men in the world! Supporter 3: In charge of the greatest team in the world! (Half the cast boo and wolf whistle; and Narrator ushers supporters off before there is trouble) (Exit Chelsea supporters) Narrator: (Sighing) Oh dear! Nothing like lowering the tone of my assembly. It was all so lovely and cultured before that noisy lot turned up! (Enter 2 artists, Marc Chagall and Wassily Kandinsky, setting up their easels and painting, silently) Narrator: Ah! That’s more like it! The silent world of art! And who better to represent it than these two amazing Russian artists Marc Chagall: (Holding up picture of The Fiddler) Marc Chagall! Music 4 Fiddler on the Roof theme tune (Chorus from the musical could be performed either by the artist, Chagall, or someone else in the cast) Narrator: (Applauding) Wonderful! (To second artist, Wassily Kandinsky) And you, sir? Wassily Kandinsky: (Holding up Squares with Concentric Circles) Wassily Kandinsky Narrator: And this artwork is called? Wassily Kandinsky: Squares with Concentric Circles! Why do you look so surprised? Narrator: (Uneasily) Oh just expecting something …er. Em Wassily Kandinsky: (Angrily, snatching up his easel) A little more abstract?
Butterfly Photos

Butterfly Photos

Butterfly photos I have added these photos (89 of them!) as I think they would be a really good resource for teachers and students studying butterflies. I took the photos at an amazing exhibition 'Sensational Butterflies' which was housed in a temporary greenhouse outside the London Natural History Museum this summer (July 2016). I had spent the previous week writing Butterfly scripts for PSHE (KS II) and it was just fate that took me to the museum that day, totally unaware that I'd be greeted with yet more butterflies! I have since written a script on the Butterfly's Life Cycle - KS I. I did start labelling the butterfly photos - but decided having got up to about Butterfly No 75 that there were just too many 'I wasn't sure about' - I do not pretend to be a butterfly expert! And a lot of butterflies are remarkably like others - give or take a dot or two! I will try to get the butterflies in my photos formally identified - next time I go to a Butterfly Farm or exhibition. Of course, if anyone out there wants to take on this task for me, more than happy to hear from you, and thus pass this info onto my customers. Likewise, the photos are in no particular order - just in order of download (the caterpillar and pupa are a few photos in). The photos are there to be enjoyed - to be used for display or other purposes (I was quite pleased with the level of detail I achieved using my very 'standard' camera and you can actually identify features like the proboscis which would be useful for 'parts' identification). So enjoy (no sample text given!)
World Cup 2018 Leavers Assembly

World Cup 2018 Leavers Assembly

World Cup 2018 Leavers’ Assembly Duration: around 15 minutes. Cast size suitable for one class - or year group of two or three classes. Who would have thought Mr. Head would have so much trouble in this Leavers' Assembly - disciplining his own staff?! There's Mr. Place - a geography teacher with an unfortunate temper; there's Mrs Sums - with an unfortunate obsession with numbers; there's Mrs Write - with her unfortunate outspokenness ... are you spotting a pattern here? And as for Mr. Force from the science department ... well, let's just say he might have pushed his luck just that little bit too far on this occasion! Anyway, hat's off to Mr. Head as he struggles on. After all, football is just a game, isn't it?! Sample Text Mr. Head: Ah! Mrs Write, our Literacy expert! Mrs Write: (Enunciating every word slowly and perfectly) Good morning, Mr. Head. Good Morning, children! Students: Good morning, Mrs Write! Mrs Write: Before we go any further, I do feel it is important that our children can tell the difference between fact and fantasy! Mr. Head: Er, don't you mean facts and opinions? Mrs Write: (Impatiently) Just so! Though some of my students seem to be indulging in some very worrying fantasies at the moment. Student 1: But you're always telling us to use our imaginations, Miss! Mrs Write: ‘Tis true. But we also need to keep a certain hold on reality. And, to put it bluntly .... (pausing) Mr. Head: (Impatiently) Yes, Mrs Write. We haven't got all day! Mrs Write: Well, as long as you can assure me that I won't upset anyone in speaking my mind? Mr. Head: It's never stopped you in the past! Mrs Write: (Cagily) Well, it's about England's chances of winning the World Cup! Mr. Head: Ah! (Pauses) Now I see where you're coming from. Could I suggest you proceed with extreme caution? With extreme tact, even? Mrs Write: Oh don't you worry! You're looking at somebody who can not only write to the highest standard but is also always right in everything she says .. Mr. Head: (Aside) And so modest with it! Mrs Write: Let me just tell anyone who is nursing any illusions about England winning Mr. Head: (Anxiously) I think I mentioned tact, Mrs Write? Mrs Write: Well .... (takes a deep breath and then blurts out) England doesn't stand the faintest chance of winning the World Cup! (Mr. Head covers his head in despair, as all students rise to their feet in uproar) Mrs Write: You see what I mean? Somebody had to tell them! They shouldn't be allowed to continue believing in this fantasy! Mr. Head: (In exasperation) Mrs Write! Have you ever heard the expression ‘Like a bull in a china shop'?
Evolution Assembly or Class Play

Evolution Assembly or Class Play

Evolution Assembly or Class Play Cast of 30 (easily adjustable) Duration: Around 20 minutes without the inclusion of music suggestions. This script has ‘serious factual content’ including a timeline from the beginning of time to the present, but it has plenty of humour including a seriously bad set of jokes at the end! This assembly or class play is based on the Evolution and Inheritance unit of study and has the following coverage: How fossils record changes that living things undergo over millions of years Shared characteristics of parents and offspring Adaptation and evolution of animals and plants in order to survive in different habitats/how characteristics are acquired rather than inherited/natural selection How creatures change over long periods of time Sample Text: (Enter Giant Tortoise slowly) Narrator: (Sarcastically) In your own time! Giant Tortoise: Hey! No need to rush! And it’s not like I have any predators to run from. Narrator: Just as well! Have you had far to come? Giant Tortoise: I live on the Galapagos islands, off the South American coast. Narrator: Whoa! That’s a long way! Giant Tortoise: Not as far as Mr Darwin travelled on his five-year trip! Narrator: So, you met the great man? (Enter Finch) Finch: We certainly did! Took some of us home with him! (Enter Darwin) Darwin: (To Giant Tortoise and Finch) You got me thinking about (To Giant Tortoise) Different patterned shells (To Finch) Different shaped beaks. You see, these creatures were different on each island suggesting they had adapted to their immediate environment. Giant Tortoise & Finch: (Together) Fascinating! (Exit Giant Tortoise & Finch) Narrator: Shall we look at some other examples? Darwin: (Enthusiastically) Certainly! Music 3 Parade of the Charioteers (Enter Stag and Peacock, both strutting proudly across stage) Stag: Look at my fine antlers! (Looks at audience) Anyone want to take me on? Peacock: Huh! No need for any violence! Just look at my magnificent display (opens tail to full effect). Who could not be impressed with me? Narrator: (Thoughtfully) Hmm. They are rather winning features Stag: It’s called ‘survival of the fittest’! Peacock: You’ve gotta have what it takes you know!