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Sue Summers Shop

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I'm currently teaching 8th grade Spanish. I have taught all levels of Spanish, from kindergarten to high school, at various times in the past 17 years. I have a BA in Spanish and International Relations from Lake Forest College in Lake Forest, IL, and an MA in Spanish Language and Culture from the University of Salamanca in Salamanca, Spain. My shop includes all types of resources for Spanish and French, as well as materials for English Language Arts and ELL.




I'm currently teaching 8th grade Spanish. I have taught all levels of Spanish, from kindergarten to high school, at various times in the past 17 years. I have a BA in Spanish and International Relations from Lake Forest College in Lake Forest, IL, and an MA in Spanish Language and Culture from the University of Salamanca in Salamanca, Spain. My shop includes all types of resources for Spanish and French, as well as materials for English Language Arts and ELL.
Spanish Day of the Dead / Dia de los Muertos Fallen Phrases Homework

Spanish Day of the Dead / Dia de los Muertos Fallen Phrases Homework

Spanish Day of the Dead / Dia de los Muertos Fallen Phrases - This activity provides a unique way for students to write Spanish sentences that utilize common Day of the Dead vocabulary (pierced paper, bread of the dead, cemetery, food, photo, altar, marigolds, family, sugar skulls, etc.) and the verbs gustar and encantar. There are 7 sentences to translate from English to Spanish. The words of the sentences must be written inside of "fallen phrases" boxes that resemble a crossword. Students get feedback as they complete the assignment because only correct words will complete each "fallen phrases" box. The answer key is included.
Spanish Christmas Writing Prompt - A Letter to Santa Claus

Spanish Christmas Writing Prompt - A Letter to Santa Claus

Students write a letter to Santa that explains their behavior and tells him what gifts they would like him to bring. There are 48 vocabulary words in Spanish and English to assist students in their letter writing. Included are words about behavior and many gift vocabulary words such as cell phone, clothes (there are 17 clothing words), books, toys, video games, skis, etc. The quantity and variety of vocabulary makes it easy for students to complete their writing assignments and makes this item useful for all levels of Spanish. A one hundred word essay works well for first year students. The word count can be changed for other levels and varying ability levels.
French Cognate Human Bingo Get to Know You Activity

French Cognate Human Bingo Get to Know You Activity

French Cognate Human Bingo Get to Know You Activity - Help beginning students get to know their classmates and build confidence about learning French with this fun ice-breaker cognate activity. They'll be reading, comprehending, and speaking French right from the start! Each student mingles with a bingo grid and must ask classmates if the grid facts apply to them. The grids contain sentences such as, "Je danse dans le studio." There will be words that students don't know, but all squares contain easily recognizable cognates that will help students navigate meaning. When a student replies yes that a fact applies, the name is written in the box. When a student fills the entire grid, he says, Bingo!" The download includes a follow-up written assignment. Students are to write what they think each sentence means and write the French cognate for 6 clip art images. This activity can also be used as a back to school refresher for continuing French students. 2 pages
Spanish Descriptive Adjectives Year End Activity and Reference

Spanish Descriptive Adjectives Year End Activity and Reference

Spanish Descriptive Adjectives Year End Activity and Reference - Let your students begin their summer vacation with a fun keepsake from their Spanish class and classmates! They use the construction "Pienso que..." and lots of Spanish descriptive adjectives while they write about their classmates. Contents: 1. 3 numbered pages for the in class activity which will cover a class size of up to 42 students, if necessary. 2. Instruction page explaining both the in class activity and the follow-up activity. 3. 3 pages (137 words!) of English to Spanish descriptive adjectives for use with this activity and for future student reference.
Spanish Christmas Vocabulary Preterit Sentences and Conjugations

Spanish Christmas Vocabulary Preterit Sentences and Conjugations

Spanish Christmas Vocabulary Preterit Sentences and Conjugations - 10 English to Spanish preterit sentence translations plus 7 clip art image IDs of Spanish Christmas vocabulary. Verbs used are both regular and irregular verbs. Verbs included are decorar, colgar, hornear, hacer, cantar, poner, and decir. The answer key is included.
Recycling Vocabulary Sketch and Label Activity

Recycling Vocabulary Sketch and Label Activity

Recycling Vocabulary Sketch and Label Activity - Students sketch and label on the recycling containers 10 items that can be recycled. There are 2 designs from which to choose. Students will enjoy sharing their creations with their classmates! This is a fun activity for Earth Day or whenever the environment is studied. Instructions for the activity are included on the worksheet.
Spanish Valentine's Day Sketch and Label Activity - 2 Designs

Spanish Valentine's Day Sketch and Label Activity - 2 Designs

Spanish Valentine's Day Sketch and Label Activity - 2 Designs - Students sketch and label 10 things that remind them of Valentine's Day / El Dia de San Valentin / El Dia de los Enamorados. There are 2 designs of hearts and each has 2 word banks containing 14 vocabulary words. Sample words are candy, hearts, flowers, chocolate, etc.
Spanish Greetings and Basics 2 Writing Dialogues

Spanish Greetings and Basics 2 Writing Dialogues

Students practice asking and responding to basic questions as they write dialogues containing greetings, introductions, name, age, origin, and farewells. There are 2 separate dialogue templates. Both contain greetings and farewells. One also contains introductions and feelings, and the other also contains age and origin. This is great back to school activity! The download contains 3 pages: - Both dialogue templates on 1 page - Enlarged dialogue template with greetings, farewells, introductions and feelings - Enlarged dialogue template with greetings, farewells, age, and feelings. The enlarged versions can be used to project and write dialogues on the smart board, or can be used as 2 separate assignments. 3 pages
French Carnival Booklets - Carnaval

French Carnival Booklets - Carnaval

French Carnival Booklets - Carnaval - Students will have fun learning about this holiday and French culture. Each booklet contains 8 pages: the title page with 7 additional pages containing common Carnival words. Also included are suggestions for using the booklets and an assembly instruction page. Students first cut, assemble and read the booklet that contains text and illustrations of things associated with Carnival / Carnaval. Each of the 7 pages in the booklet includes the words il y a with a word that corresponds to the illustration on that page. Words included are ballons, costumes, masques, dances, fêtes, chenilles, and défiles. Students then create their own version using the text only template. The illustration version can be projected in class to present, review and practice pronunciation of the Carnival words. The text only version can be projected onto the Smart Board and students can draw pictures on the Smart Board that correspond to the text.
Back to School Student Profile For All Subjects

Back to School Student Profile For All Subjects

Back to School Student Profile For All Subjects - This student information sheet contains 12 questions for students to answer to help you get to know them a little better and a little quicker at the beginning of the year. The questionnaire asks about hobbies, favorite classes, travel experiences, learning styles, and more.
French Christmas and Pere Noel Writing Activity

French Christmas and Pere Noel Writing Activity

French Christmas and Pere Noel Writing Activity - Students get creative with this Christmas speech bubble or comic strip worksheet! There are 6 different scenes of Père Noël doing a variety of unusual activities, each with speech bubbles in which students write their creative comments based on the pictures. This fun activity is one that students enjoy sharing with their classmates! The assignment works well with students of all ages and levels.
Spanish Memorial Day Word Search Puzzle Worksheet and Vocabulary

Spanish Memorial Day Word Search Puzzle Worksheet and Vocabulary

This puzzle contains 33 clues for words associated with Memorial Day, and 8 images representing the clues. Sample words are: bandera, cementerio, desconocido, flores, guerra, libertad, desfile, and soldado. Students are instructed to: 1. Write Spanish words under each picture. 2. Write the Spanish meaning next to each clue. 3. Complete the puzzle with Spanish words. The download includes: 1. Bilingual vocabulary list, copied 2 per page for paper saving student handouts 2. Bilingual vocabulary list in large font for presenting and practicing in class 3. Crossword puzzle 4. Answer key with the Spanish words next to the clues 4 pages
Spanish Memorial Day Crossword Puzzle Worksheet and Vocabulary

Spanish Memorial Day Crossword Puzzle Worksheet and Vocabulary

This puzzle contains 34 clues for words associated with Memorial Day, and 8 images representing the clues. Sample words are: bandera, cementerio, desconocido, flores, guerra, libertad, desfile, and soldado. Students are instructed to: 1. Write Spanish words under each picture. 2. Write the Spanish meaning next to each clue. 3. Complete the puzzle with Spanish words. The download includes: 1. Bilingual vocabulary list, copied 2 per page for paper saving student handouts 2. Bilingual vocabulary list in large font for presenting and practicing in class 3. Crossword puzzle 4. Answer key with the Spanish words next to the clues 4 pages
French Greetings and Leave Takings Bundle

French Greetings and Leave Takings Bundle

5 Resources
Get ready for Back to School with this French Greetings and Leave Takings Bundle! It contains 3 worksheets, a skit, a hands on vocabulary puzzle, and a greetings vocabulary reference. The bundle price offers more than 25% savings over the cost of each item purchased separately! Here's what you get: - Greetings skit - Greetings crossword w/key and vocabulary - Greetings word search w/key and vocabulary - Greetings matching squares puzzle and vocabulary - Greetings writing All resources are also sold individually on TES. 16 pages
French Presidents' Day Emergent Reader Booklets - Le Jour des Presidents

French Presidents' Day Emergent Reader Booklets - Le Jour des Presidents

These booklets provide an introduction in French to words associated with Presidents' Day in the United States. Words included are 3rd Monday in February, government, constitution, first president George Washington, White House, Abraham Lincoln, and government of the U.S. Each booklet contains 8 pages: the title page with 7 additional pages. Also included are suggestions for using the booklets and an assembly instruction page. Students first cut, assemble and read the booklet that contains text and illustrations. They then create their own version using the text only template. The illustration version can be projected in class to present, review and practice pronunciation of the vocabulary words. The text only version can be projected onto the Smart Board and students can draw pictures on the Smart Board that correspond to the text. 6 pages
French Valentine's Day Vocabulary, 36 Word Crossword, and Picture IDs

French Valentine's Day Vocabulary, 36 Word Crossword, and Picture IDs

This crossword puzzle includes words and phrases such as Do you love me?, February 14th, friendship, to flirt, boyfriend, and more! Included in the 5 page download: 1. Large font bilingual English/French vocabulary list for presenting and practicing vocabulary. 2. Small font bilingual English/French vocabulary list copied 2/page for paper saving student handouts 3. Small font bilingual French/English vocabulary list copied 2/page for paper saving student handouts 4. Crossword and answer key Students must: 1. Complete the puzzle 2. Write a French vocabulary word next to each clue 3. Write a French word under each of the 12 clip art images.
Spanish Easter Poem, Crossword, Cloze Activity and Vocabulary List

Spanish Easter Poem, Crossword, Cloze Activity and Vocabulary List

Spanish Easter Poem, Crossword, Cloze Activity and Vocabulary List - This original rhyming 4 stanza poem about Easter eggs includes 4 color adjectives, 3 pattern words and mentions places that Easter eggs can be found such as in a basket, on the grass and even on the beaches! The lines are easy to learn for students of all ages. Also included with the poem: 1. A cloze exercise of the poem 2. Crossword with Easter vocabulary from the poem. Students complete the crossword, write the Spanish word next to the English clue and write Spanish words under the 8 clip art images shown. 3. 19 word vocabulary list for use in completing the crossword and cloze activity. These are copied 2 per page for student handouts. Felices Pascuas!
Spanish Easter and Spring Word Search and Vocabulary

Spanish Easter and Spring Word Search and Vocabulary

There are 24 Spanish Easter and spring vocabulary words in this word search. Sample words are cuaresma, conejito de Pascua, huevos docorados, familia, cruz, primavera, Semana Santa and Felices Fiestas. Students find the words in the word search and are also instructed to write the English translation next to each word. Also included: 1. Answer key is included showing location of words in the puzzle 2. Answer key with English words next to the Spanish clues 3. Spanish to English vocabulary list, copied 2/page for student handouts This is a helpful sub lesson. When students finish the puzzle, they can work in pairs to quiz each other on the vocabulary. 4 pages