Common, Proper and Abstract Nouns: Worksheet Answers
Common Nouns matching
Abstract Nouns opposites
Proper Noun grammar corrections.
Harry Potter Extract - Find the Common, Proper and Abstract Nouns.
Create your own sentences using Common, Proper and Abstract Nouns.
PPT that supports the development of the ‘ee’ and ‘ea’ Vowel Sound.
This can be used as part of the ‘say it, read it and write it’ phase of a literacy lesson.
These cards can be cut up and played like traditional charades.
This can be used as an introduction or fast finisher to allow the pupils to identify the verbs and adverbs.
Turn over the cards and ask the pupils to add in some of their own ideas.
This PPT resource can be used to introduce shapes, colours and lines in French. The powerpoint runs through all the aspects and then allows for recall.
I created a Kahoot Quiz for the plenary:
I created this traffic light resource to support formative assessment within the classroom.
I printed, laminated and cut these out and put one on each of my students desks.
I put a counter on each traffic light and asked the pupils to move them to the colour depending on how they felt the lesson went, what their understanding was etc.
This allowed me to assess their understanding throughout and after a lesson.
This resource will help when your class needs a brain break.
These include a range of ideas, link in with curriculum areas and can be used solo, in pairs or in groups.
With 50 brain break ideas your class will always be relaxed and ready for their next task.
When printing, these can be altered to the size of choice.
I printed them off at 50% and have kept them in a jar for easy access.
These star and moon design tray tables allow you to be the most organised you can be.
The labels include
Days of the week
Send home
Next Week
General x2
This powerpoint scaffolds and supports learners as they are introduced to counting in 2s. The pupils can count along as the numbers and pictures appear.
This rainbow check in display can be used to monitor the moods of the pupils in your class.
I created small names labels with blue tac so that the pupils can move their names over each morning.
These flashcards can be used as an introduction or a fast finisher.
Cut them up and ask the pupils to sort them into each category and explain their reasons WHY.
Can be used for solo or group work.
Turn the cards over and ask the pupils add some of their own.
I have created labels with pastel balloons of months and names to create a lovely classroom display.
This resource includes an editable template to add in your own pupil’s names.