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l'environnement (un oeil sur le monde) model 90 words worksheet
Worksheet to demonstrate a model 90 words to students.
It involves reading it through and identifying different features of the language.

BANGS/BAGS adjective rule introduction worksheet
Worksheet for introducing the BANGS/BAGS rule about adjective word order in French.
Designed for KS3 but could work for year 10 foundation

Vois sur ton chemin (Les Choristes) Gap Fill
Gap fill for students to fill in as they listen to the song ‘Vois sur ton chemin’.
Fun activity as part of an A level film lesson on Les Choristes.

A level French study skills homework
Study skills worksheet to get students into the habit of using linguee/reverso context, and voice banks to check for pronunciation!

L'étranger Past Paper Questions- Edexcel A2
A list of past paper questions on l’étranger for Edexcel A level French

Cyprien 'le mariage homosexuel' A level worksheet
Worksheet for the unit ‘les changements dans les structures familiales’ of A level.
Questions and match-up based on the Cyprien video ‘le mariage homosexuel’

L'étranger film lesson for French A level
Worksheet on Visconti’s adaptation of l’étranger

Conti Style GCSE worksheet- ma maison/ma région. ('home, town, neighborhood and region')
Worksheet to revise the AQA GCSE unit on home/town/neighborhood/region.

The perfect past tense with avoir and être worksheet (conti style)
Worksheet to practice the perfect past tense with avoir and être in French (conti style)

Model 90 words worksheet- 'ma ville' French GCSE
Worksheet to support students analysing a model 90 words for GCSE French

Mes vacances de rêve GCSE French worksheet
Worksheet practicing describing a dream holiday- created for AQA GCSE French.
Practices the conditional tense in the first and third person. No explicit instruction on the tense however- could be good to do a walkthrough before or after doing this worksheet.

Le monde du travail: film lesson for sixth form
Worksheet on the film ‘deux jours, une nuit’ about a factory worker in Belgium. Suitable for year 12 or 13 studying the world of work.
The film is available on amazon prime: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Two-Days-Night-Marion-Cotillard/dp/B00MPHKPGK/ref=sr_1_1?crid=J1JCJ8BSZDJW&keywords=deux+jours+une+nuit&qid=1657279551&s=instant-video&sprefix=deux+jours+une+nuit%2Cinstant-video%2C118&sr=1-1

Proofreading guide for A level French
Information sheet to help A level French students learn how to proofread their work

Bleib Gesund! Conti worksheet (Stimmt 2 Chapter 3)
Double sided A4 worksheet on healthy living (Conti style).
Based on vocab from Stimmt 2, chapter 3.

Stimmt 1 'ich bin online' sentencebuilder+worksheet
Conti style worksheet and sentence builder to accompany the Stimmt 1 ‘Ich bin online’ double page.

Die Edelweißpiraten worksheet
Worksheet suitable for year 9 or older. Suitable for a cultural activity on the Edelweiß pirates resistance group.

Cover worksheet on BBC doc 'Make me a German'
Works well as a standalone KS3 German cover lesson. Students must note down new vocab and answer questions about the content of the documentary.