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Worksheet- le monde du travail, A level French
Reading comprehension on ‘les jobs fly-in-fly-out’ in Québec, and gap-fill of the song ‘Fermont’ (about miners commuting to a remote town in northern Québec).

Entre les murs compréhension de lecture A level French
Extracts from the book ‘entre les murs’ with questions.
Interesting task for students studying the film ‘entre les murs’ for A level!

L'étranger Past Paper Questions- Edexcel A2
A list of past paper questions on l’étranger for Edexcel A level French

Stimmt 1 'ich bin online' sentencebuilder+worksheet
Conti style worksheet and sentence builder to accompany the Stimmt 1 ‘Ich bin online’ double page.

worksheet to teach or revise the past tense with être (double sided, A4)

Model 90 words worksheet- 'ma ville' French GCSE
Worksheet to support students analysing a model 90 words for GCSE French

A level French: La musique- Comment récompenser les artistes?
Reading comprehension on the phenomenon of streaming sites and how much harder it is now for musicians to earn a living.

Les Choristes worksheet on 'L'après guerre' setting
Worksheet for A level students studying Les Choristes.
This worksheet gives a text and comprehension questions on l’Après-Guerre to help them understand the context better.

L'Étranger list of quotes+ Worksheet
Suitable for teaching French A-level l’étranger:
-One revision sheet of quotes
-One worksheet of gapfill+match-up

A2 Le monde du travail: égalité hommes-femmes
Worksheet on the world of work unit.
Gapfill and questions focus on the question ‘Les femmes et les hommes ont-ils les mêmes droits ?’

Mes vacances de rêve GCSE French worksheet
Worksheet practicing describing a dream holiday- created for AQA GCSE French.
Practices the conditional tense in the first and third person. No explicit instruction on the tense however- could be good to do a walkthrough before or after doing this worksheet.

Worksheet on the subjunctive
Worksheet for introducing and drilling the subjunctive (fairly simplified)

French Youtubers- fun worksheet for sixth form
Can be completed in lesson, and then for homework they must pick one of the youtubers and watch and review one of their videos.
Adapted from this article: https://www.ladn.eu/media-mutants/tv-et-nouvelles-images/classement-plus-gros-youtubeurs-francais-meilleurs-videastes/

Les représailles French A level Worksheet
A worksheet on the reprisal massacre that took place in the French village of Oradour sur Glane.
Suitable for the French A level topic of l’occupation et la résistance.

Regular -er verbs conjugation worksheet French
Worksheet for practicing the conjugation of regular -er verbs in the present tense

La musique: Louane Segment translation.
Segment Translation which helps refresh appearance, family and music. Good to use when covering music!
They need to find the French for each segment in the text and copy it out.
Afterwards, you could play them a clip of Louane singing ‘je vole’ or singing on ‘La voix’.