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BTEC Enterprise Keywords

BTEC Enterprise Keywords

BTEC Enterprise Keywords for all components. List of keywords that students should be using in the internally and externally assessed units.
Business Environment

Business Environment

I was struggling with P5 for Unit 1 of the BTEC First - Came across a powerpoint on here for Manchester and thought I would share my adaption for Nottingham
End of Year Business Quiz

End of Year Business Quiz

End of year business quiz based on real news stories and research. Answers included. Suitable for KS4 and KS5. Based on statistics found on: moneycharity.org, the stock exchange and various news websites. Correct as of 15/07/2016.
BTEC Enterprise Mock Paper Analysis (Feb 2019 Paper)

BTEC Enterprise Mock Paper Analysis (Feb 2019 Paper)

Whole class/cohort spreadsheet to show where strengths and weaknesses are across all of the questions in the Component 3 Marketing and Finance February 2019 paper. Also an individual student report (works on a mail merge and the data will need to be connected).
SMSC Poster BTEC Tech Award Enterprise

SMSC Poster BTEC Tech Award Enterprise

Editable SMSC Poster for the BTEC Tech Award Enterprise that focuses on what students do during the course to meet the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural focuses. In the style of a London Tube Map.
Range of Sentence Starter Fans

Range of Sentence Starter Fans

Two resources in one here! Print and cut out the sentence starters and use a split pin to make fans. Included is a set of self assessment, peer assessment, describe sentence starters, explain sentence starters, give opinions sentence starters, give examples sentence starters, add ideas sentence starters, connect ideas sentence starters, compare sentence starters and summarise sentence starters.