Here we have a very powerful and engaging assembly that I ran for all year groups throughout the school (Year 7 to 13) - it shows just how diverse the content is, and the fact it is suitable for all!
It covers some really important topics, and it is literally ready to go. Content includes:
Definition of Social Media
What do they post on Social Media?
Once it is out there… (once posted, it is out there for all to see)
The impact on others (suicide, depression, etc)
What is a troll (video)
Case Study - more information about a victim
Facts and statistics about a Study on Trolling
The impact on them (reputation, jobs, etc)
What the police say
Caroline Flack - including videos
What to do if they see something potentially harmful
The assembly worked really well - it took roughly 30 minutes but could have taken longer if we had more time available.
A ready to use Safeguarding Training / CPD for staff.
The focus is on:
Online Safety
Sexual Harassment
Sexual Abuse
Staff engaged positively and have a good knowledge of these areas.
This is a CPD session focused on the theme of de-escalation. It took around 45 minutes, but could have taken the whole hour if we had the time. The PowerPoint is 15 slides including:
What is de-escalation?
A definition of de-escalation
Stages of escalation
De-escalation strategies
De-escalation strategies if things have escalated
Reframing language including examples
Reflecting on reframing language
Role playing
This has been tried and tested and works really well, year on year. ECTs really enjoyed this session too!
This is a script I wrote for a staff play a few years ago; it was such a huge success! It can be used for both staff plays and for using in class with students. It would work perfectly when studying Pantomime.
Students and staff loved the play and thought it was very funny. It can be edited based on your needs and with some additions to relate directly to your institution.
In this bundle are 4 different CPD sessions, covering Safeguarding topics for whole staff delivery including:
Honour and Gender Based Violence
Mental Health
Sexual Harassment, Sexual Abuse and Online Safety
An assembly on the theme of ‘Acts of Kindness’. The assembly has easy to understand information, but will need some amending on a couple of slides where you talk about your specific school and your influences growing up.
This went down well with students, and the following week we launched the ‘Kindness Card’.
A ready to use Honour and Gender Based Violence CPD / Training for Staff.
Staff engaged positively with this CPD and could then discuss the matters covered afterwards.
This is a whole staff CPD focused on the theme of positive and assertive language. It took around 45 minutes but could have been the whole hour if we had time. The PowerPoint includes:
What does assertive / positive mean?
Definition of positive language
Definition of assertiveness
How to use assertive language
Examples of assertive language
Hallmarks of being assertive / positive
Techniques and strategies
Group task based around the theme
Role play
Everyone really enjoyed the session and took away useful tips for the classroom. ECTs have also had this session and said it was very useful!
Ready to use safeguarding CPD based on the theme of County Lines. Interactive with scenarios and question and answer. Having run this with staff, it takes around 45 minutes.
A ready to use CPD session for staff based on the topic of ‘Mental Health’. This is relevant and informative, and went down very well with the staff I delivered it to.