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Teachallenjoy Primary Resources

Average Rating3.94
(based on 154 reviews)

An English Lead who has been teaching for over 10 years, sharing high quality, time saving resources so you can focus on your pupils and achieve a healthy work-life balance. You will find bright and engaging resources that are designed to be picked up and easily taught by anyone. Each resource is focused on progress, inspired by the Outstanding Teachers Course.




An English Lead who has been teaching for over 10 years, sharing high quality, time saving resources so you can focus on your pupils and achieve a healthy work-life balance. You will find bright and engaging resources that are designed to be picked up and easily taught by anyone. Each resource is focused on progress, inspired by the Outstanding Teachers Course.
Mountains of Europe Geography Lesson KS2

Mountains of Europe Geography Lesson KS2

A complete geography lesson on the mountains of Europe. Includes a thorough teaching PowerPoint, interactive activities, worksheets, video, extensions and games. Follow the ready-to-go PowerPoint to teach about the mountain ranges of Europe. Cover: Formation Map work Climate Vegetation Facts Famous peaks Planned for years 3 or 4, easily adaptable for years 5 and 6. Differentiated recording tasks provided with two extensions. Highlights: Photo analysis starter activity Activities for all styles of learners Scaffolded learning Check out my other popular Geography lessons on Europe: Where is Europe? lesson pack Countries of Europe lesson pack Compare Cities of Europe lesson pack Climate of Europe lesson pack Rivers of Europe lesson pack
Year 1 Grammar Glossary

Year 1 Grammar Glossary

A complete Year 1 grammar pack including an A4 grammar glossary, grammar memory cards, grammar flash cards and an engaging PowerPoint which introduces these technical terms and gives children the opportunity to practice finding each one. A colourful and useful resource designed to increase your pupil’s progress when learning English with the New Curriculum. Enhance the confidence of every child, parent, TA and Teacher with these clear and up-to-date glossaries. All the technical vocabulary used in the new curriculum explained for children from year 1. Every word class and sentence type explained with clear helpful examples. Useful to have as a large display or as a laminated mat for the tables. Very useful stuck in English or SPAG books to encourage independence, revision and confidence during lessons. Can also be stuck in homework books to support children with explaining these new technical terms to parents and carers at home. All reviews welcome. Check out these other popular resources: Whole School SMART Targets Whole School Writing Assessment Sheets Whole School Guided Reading Questions
Observed Lesson Plan Template

Observed Lesson Plan Template

A lesson plan with 33 sections for all that you will ever need for planning an observation of an outstanding lesson. Complete with useful tips, ideas and examples, plan with confidence, efficiency and success. Helpful tips and higher level thinking questions are included to help structure the lesson and ensure that everyone makes progress. Use the extra notes pages as a starting point and to ensure coverage, differentiation and progression for every child. Suitable for any year group in primary and adaptable for secondary. All reviews welcome. You can find many more reliable and useful KS2 resources at my shop: Teachallenjoy You might also be interested in enhancing your Behaviour Management Strategies Follow that link to find new and refreshing ideas. To further engage your class why not try these fun and educational word searches, handy in English as a starter or plenary. Or they can be used in any other lesson to boost the children's understanding of KS2 grammar terminology: Word Search Bundle
Charles Darwin KS1 Assembly and Lesson

Charles Darwin KS1 Assembly and Lesson

An engaging KS1 assembly on Charles Darwin’s life and achievements. Includes the complete PowerPoint assembly, reasoning questions, differentiated follow up writing resources and opportunities for discussion. Involve the students with the interactive questions and inspire them to become scientists. Includes differentiated follow up writing activities with all the necessary resources. Can be used on Darwin’s birthday February 12th or for starting a topic on famous scientists or explorers. Key teaching points covered: Darwin’s beliefs Darwin’s early life and careers His big break at 22 Adventures around the world Darwin’s theories and the public’s views His characteristics for success Impact on the world Darwin’s family life Celebrating Darwin Lots of opportunities for discussion and higher level thinking. All concepts explained clearly. 3 differentiated writing resources included to extend the assembly/input into a full lesson. Give your pupils opportunities to imaginatively respond to his amazing life. Perfect for year 1 and year 2. All reviews welcome. Check out my other popular KS1 science resources: Science Week Assembly Science Week Posters Science Week Investigations
Place Value Year 3 Lessons Week 2

Place Value Year 3 Lessons Week 2

All you need to teach the second week of the Autumn term place value unit, week 2 in year 3. A colourful, engaging Powerpoint using some of the questions and images from White Rose. All worksheets, extensions and challenges included. Also in this extensive pack of 5 lessons, is a detailed plan for the week. Key Small Steps Covered: Number lines, 10 and 100 more and less, Comparing objects, Comparing numbers. Highlights of this week 2 pack: Range of activities Simple game Concrete, pictorial and abstract maths Visual and colourful Designed to enable mastery Supports variation theory Special Features: Starter activities are building blocks for the lesson Reasoning and Problem Solving questions for every lesson Fast finisher activities for every lesson A ‘Crack the code to find the treasure in the map’ lesson reviewing all the objectives covered All reviews welcome. You might also be interested in my: 5 star review Year 3 Week 1 Place Value NEWYear 3 Week 3 Place Value Place value display
Writing Assessment Year 3

Writing Assessment Year 3

Year 3 English objectives on one handy sheet. Separated into transcription, composition and grammar. Useful for remembering what to cover, assessing work and for planning for progress. You could have one sheet for each child or use as a resource on its own. All reviews welcome. You might also be interested in these resources for teaching English with the New Curriculum: Year 3 SMART Writing Targets Year 3 Writing Assessment Guidance Year 3 Reading Assessment Questions
The Giraffe, The Pelly and Me Reading Comprehension Lessons KS1

The Giraffe, The Pelly and Me Reading Comprehension Lessons KS1

A whole week of year 2 reading comprehension lessons on The Giraffe And The Pelly And Me. Includes teaching PowerPoint, paired and group activities, scaffolding, differentiation, sequenced learning, challenge and answers. Five complete lessons which develops the children’s understanding of the book and their ability to answer comprehension questions. Every lesson includes: Starter Teaching points Pages to read Independent activities Challenge Plenary This week focuses on the comprehension questions which ask you to find a word with a similar meaning to a quote from the text. The teaching points emphasise the importance of looking back over what you have read and using what you know. Colonel Code Breaker appears everyday to give the children handy tips and help them become confident at decoding tricky words. All activities are differentiated into 3 ability groups, with printable sheets provided separately to support every child. Enjoy teaching reading with this accessible and engaging famous book by Roald Dahl, excite your pupils with the charming characters whilst they expand their vocabulary. You can find lots more useful resources at my Teachallenjoy Shop Or you might be interested in these handy resources: Year 2 Reading Corner Display Year 2 Reading Assessment Questions
Human Impact on Coasts KS2 Geography

Human Impact on Coasts KS2 Geography

A detailed lesson covering coasts and how they can change. Includes a 38 slide PowerPoint, a detailed plan, 2 writing templates and a challenge activity including another writing template. Covers the impact of tourism, shipping, urbanisation, overfishing and communities on the coast. Written for UKS2 but can easily be used by all year 3, 4, 5 and 6. An engaging starter, mixture of independent, paired and group work. Plenty of opportunities for discussion and for children to share ideas. Full of lots of interesting images to prompt discussion about geographical features. An extension activity to challenge the higher ability. Plenary for children to move on in their learning. Covers national curriculum learning objectives: Learn about diverse places, people and resources Learn about natural and human environments Learn about the interaction between physical and human processes Learn about the formation, use of and change of landscapes and environments All resources included. All reviews welcome.
'The Piano' Planning Powerpoints Resources KS2 Wk 2

'The Piano' Planning Powerpoints Resources KS2 Wk 2

5 complete English lessons where children watch and rewrite their own version of the video clip ‘The Piano’ by Aidan Gibbons, found on Literacy Shed. Includes a PowerPoint covering the week, inputs, starters, plenaries, modelled texts, paired and group activities and differentiation. Lots of high level questioning to probe deeper into how and why we use writing techniques and opportunities for paired, individual and group work. The week takes the children through writing the opening, middle and end of their memory story, then editing and publishing it. Starters include: spellings, adding description, handwriting, editing punctuation and improving words. Lessons focus on types of sentence openers, how to start a story, building suspense, writing effective phrases to show change, peer assessment and editing skills. Every lesson contains an engaging starter, teaching points, modelled texts, activities, challenges and a plenary to summarise and extend the learning. All reviews welcome. All resources, plan and PowerPoint included.
'ough' Words Spelling Lessons 2

'ough' Words Spelling Lessons 2

A bright and clear PowerPoint leading you through a week of engaging and memorable spelling lessons for years 5 and 6. All words follow the pattern of using the letter string ‘ough’ from the year 5/6 new curriculum spelling lists. Monday - Covers the word class of each spelling, patterns, rules and definitions. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - 5 animated and effective spelling lessons which enable children to learn these spellings in a fun and successful way. Friday - Includes a dictation containing the spelling words covered in the week. Shows how many words there are and how many spellings. A helpful resource so that you can easily fit spellings into a busy week. Lessons could be completed on white boards, draft books or English books. Also includes a simple display of the spelling words so you can keep referring to them throughout the day. All reviews welcome.
Spelling Hyphens

Spelling Hyphens

A ready-to-go PowerPoint leading you through a week of visual and bright spelling lessons. 5 lessons, each with activities, answers and a dictation. All words contain a hyphen following the rule of matching vowels from the year 5/6 new curriculum spelling lists. Monday - Explains the word class of each spelling, patterns, rules and definitions. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - Engaging spelling lessons to enable children to learn these spellings in an memorable and successful way. Friday - Use the imaginative dictation included to test the spelling words covered in the week. Mark this quickly and easily as it shows how many words there are in the dictation and how many spelling words. A helpful resource so that you can easily fit spellings into a busy week. Lessons could be completed on white boards, draft books or English books. Also includes a simple display of the spelling words so you can keep referring to them throughout the day. All reviews welcome.
-able/y -ible/y Spelling Lessons

-able/y -ible/y Spelling Lessons

A bright and animated PowerPoint leading you through a week of engaging spelling lessons for years 5 and 6. All words have the -able/y -ible/y endings from the year 5/6 new curriculum spelling lists. Monday - Covers the word class of each spelling, patterns, rules and definitions. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - 3 thorough spelling lessons which enable children to learn these spellings in an active and successful way. Friday - Includes a dictation containing the spelling words covered in the week. Shows how many words there are and how many spellings. A helpful resource so that you can easily fit spellings into a busy week. Lessons could be completed on white boards, draft books or English books. Also includes a simple display of the spelling words so you can keep referring to them throughout the day. All reviews welcome.
-able -ably -ation Spelling Lessons

-able -ably -ation Spelling Lessons

A visual and ready-to-go PowerPoint leading you through a week of 5 engaging spelling lessons. Teach your class short and effective sessions to enable them to learn their spellings and succeed in a dictation. Give spellings a high profile and provide strategies for every child to access the curriculum. All words have the -able, -ably and -ation endings from the year 5/6 new curriculum spelling lists. Monday - Covers the word class of each spelling, patterns, rules and definitions. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - Short easy to resource spelling activities to enable children to learn these spellings in an engaging and successful way. Friday - Includes a dictation containing the spelling words covered in the week. Shows how many words there are and how many spellings. A helpful resource so that you can easily fit spellings into a busy week. Lessons could be completed on white boards, draft books or English books. Also includes a simple display of the spelling words so you can keep referring to them throughout the day. All reviews welcome. For a whole year of spelling lessons follow these helpful links: Term 1 Yr 5/6 Spelling Lessons Term 2 Yr 5/6 Spelling Lessons Term 3 Yr 5/6 Spelling Lessons Term 4 Yr 5/6 Spelling Lessons Term 5 Yr 5/6 Spelling Lessons Term 6 Yr 5/6 Spelling Lessons
WW2 Spelling Lessons

WW2 Spelling Lessons

A clear and animated PowerPoint leading you through a week of effective spelling lessons. All words are linked to WW2, a useful way to deepen the pupil’s understanding of important words and phrases from this topic. Monday - Covers the word class of each spelling and definitions. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - 3 Thorough spelling lessons to enable children to learn these spellings in an engaging and successful way. Friday - Includes a dictation containing the spelling words covered in the week. Shows how many words there are and how many spellings. A helpful resource so that you can easily fit spellings into a busy week. Lessons could be completed on white boards, draft books or English books. Also includes a simple display of the spelling words so you can keep referring to them throughout the day. All reviews welcome.
-ible & -ibly Spelling Lessons

-ible & -ibly Spelling Lessons

A bright and memorable PowerPoint leading you through a week of engaging spelling lessons. All words have the -ible and -ibly endings from the year 5/6 new curriculum spelling lists. Monday - Covers the word class of each spelling, patterns, rules and definitions. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - 3 thorough spelling lessons which enable children to learn these spellings in an active and successful way. Friday - Includes a dictation containing the spelling words covered in the week. Shows how many words there are and how many spellings. A helpful resource so that you can easily fit spellings into a busy week. Lessons could be completed on white boards, draft books or English books. Also includes a simple display of the spelling words so you can keep referring to them throughout the day. All reviews welcome.
Words With Silent Letters - Spelling Lessons

Words With Silent Letters - Spelling Lessons

An engaging and memorable PowerPoint leading you through a week of fun and active spelling lessons for years 5 and 6. All words follow the pattern of containing silent letters from the year 5/6 new curriculum spelling lists. Monday - Clearly explains the word class of each spelling, the spelling patterns, all the rules and talks through the definitions. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - 5 effective spelling lessons which enable children to learn these spellings in a successful way. Friday - Includes a dictation containing the spelling words covered in the week. Shows how many words there are and how many spellings. A helpful resource so that you can easily fit spellings into a busy week. Lessons could be completed on white boards, draft books or English books. Also includes a simple display of the spelling words so you can keep referring to them throughout the day. All reviews welcome.
'ough' Words Spelling Lessons 1

'ough' Words Spelling Lessons 1

A bright and animated PowerPoint leading you through a week of engaging spelling lessons for years 5 and 6. All words follow the pattern of using the letter string ‘ough’ from the year 5/6 new curriculum spelling lists. Monday - Covers the word class of each spelling, patterns, rules and definitions. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - 5 effective spelling lessons enable children to learn these spellings in an active and successful way. Friday - Includes a dictation containing the spelling words covered in the week. Shows how many words there are and how many spellings. A helpful resource so that you can easily fit spellings into a busy week. Lessons could be completed on white boards, draft books or English books. Also includes a simple display of the spelling words so you can keep referring to them throughout the day. All reviews welcome.
-cious and -tious Spelling Lessons 2

-cious and -tious Spelling Lessons 2

A visual and ready-to-go PowerPoint leading you through a week of engaging spelling lessons. Teach your class short and effective sessions to enable them to learn their spellings and succeed in a dictation. Give spellings a high profile and provide strategies for every child to access the curriculum. All words are from the year 5/6 new curriculum spelling lists. Monday - Covers the word class of each spelling, patterns, rules and definitions. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - Short easy to resource spelling activities to enable children to learn these spellings in an engaging and successful way. Friday - Includes a dictation containing the spelling words covered in the week. Shows how many words there are and how many spellings. A helpful resource so that you can easily fit spellings into a busy week. Lessons could be completed on white boards, draft books or English books. Also includes a simple display of the spelling words so you can keep referring to them throughout the day. All reviews welcome. Check out my whole term’s stash of spelling lessons: Term 1 Stash Term 2 Delight Term 3 Bonanza Term 4 Cool Collection Term 5 Time Saving Special Term 6 Relax and Enjoy Summer
Year 5/6 Homophone Lessons (aisle/isle)

Year 5/6 Homophone Lessons (aisle/isle)

A visual and ready-to-go PowerPoint leading you through a week of engaging spelling lessons. Teach your class short and effective sessions to enable them to learn their spellings and succeed in a dictation. Give spellings a high profile and provide strategies for every child to access the curriculum. All words are homophones from the year 5/6 new curriculum spelling lists. Monday - Covers the word class of each spelling, patterns, rules and definitions. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - Short easy to resource spelling activities to enable children to learn these spellings in an engaging and successful way. Friday - Includes a dictation containing the spelling words covered in the week. Shows how many words there are and how many spellings. A helpful resource so that you can easily fit spellings into a busy week. Lessons could be completed on white boards, draft books or English books. Also includes a simple display of the spelling words so you can keep referring to them throughout the day. All reviews welcome. You might also be interested in my other yr 5/6 spelling lessons on homophones: Guessed/guest, morning/mourning, past/passed, precede/proceed, ate/eight Draft/draught, farther/father, heard/herd, led/lead, aren’t/aunt Bridal/bridle, cereal/serial, compliment/complement, descent/dissent, desert/dessert advice/advise, device/devise, licence/license, practice/practise, prophecy/prophesy Visit my shop for more high quality KS2 resources created by an English specialist: Teachallenjoy
Reading Corner Display Year 1

Reading Corner Display Year 1

A complete reading display to inspire a year 1 class. Includes title, bunting, quotes, national curriculum learning objectives, vocabulary cards, question bubbles, interactive elements and a reading challenge. Useful for teachers, children, parent helpers and visitors showing the reading objectives of the new curriculum in a bright and colourful way. An easy way to jazz up your reading corner. Year 1 reading display pack: A large welcome title All the year 1 reading statements simplified to child speak within speech bubbles by animals 12 bunting triangles with famous inspirational quotes Key reading vocabulary cards 10 question bubbles Top Trump book review cards Book recommendation sheets A reading challenge Easily adaptable to fit your space, could also be used in a library to prompt whole school progression. Benefits Children know what they are learning within reading lessons. All adults involved with the class are able to ask effective questions when listening to children read. Assessments of children are more accurate and relevant. Children self and peer assess using the display. Prompts reading discussions. All reviews welcome.