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Power and Conflict poems English Lit revision guides AQA

Power and Conflict poems English Lit revision guides AQA

15 Resources
15 individual revision guides for each of the AQA GCSE 9-1 English Literature Power and Conflict poems. Contains a section about context, detailed language and quotation analysis and a section on key themes, form and structure. Also has an exam question at the bottom of each page. All go into much more depth than most revision guides and are therefore suitable for higher sets. Each revision guide is between 1 and 2 pages long. I’m selling this bundle for £35.00, which is 22% cheaper than if you bought them all individually.
AS Level religious studies - evil and suffering (Edexcel)

AS Level religious studies - evil and suffering (Edexcel)

These 3 resources prove valuable in teaching as well as revision for students. They answer 3 key themes surrounding evil and suffering: Does evil and suffering exist?, Theodicies and solutions to the problem of evil and suffering and does evil have a prupose? Inclusing Process, Irenaean and Augustinian theodicies, as well as quotes from famous scholars and philosophers like Spinoza, Leibniz and Plantinga. Gives all the key information, and more detailed notes, about this topic.
AS Level Religious Studies Utilitarianism

AS Level Religious Studies Utilitarianism

This pack contains notes on the social and intellectual background of Act utilitarianism as well as Bentham’s critics and supporters. JS Mill’s Rule Utilitarianism is also included, as is several other types of the theory.
Social and Spatial inequality case studies and theory - AS/A Level Geography OCR B

Social and Spatial inequality case studies and theory - AS/A Level Geography OCR B

This bundle of fact sheets and revision guides covers case studies about social inequality, as required on the AS/A Level Geography OCR B specification. Includes: Northwood, Irvine (USA) and Tallulah, Louisiana (USA) which demonstrates social inequality within countries as well as Mumbai case study (also used at GCSE level) which demonstrates social inequality between countries. Also includes methods of measuring social inequality in the UK/globally (e.g. LSOAs) as well as methods of tackling inequality in the UK (focusing on the Eden project in Cornwall). Also includes a sheet on the causes of inequality.
Renfield Character Profile - Dracula, A Level English

Renfield Character Profile - Dracula, A Level English

A comprehensive profile introducing the character of Renfield in Bram Stoker’s Dracula. Includes an introduction to the character, analysis and points where they appear in the novel. This will help your A Level English Language and Literature (AQA) students to make links to other points within the novel in their answers, as well as providing some context.
Dracula summary - Chapter 12

Dracula summary - Chapter 12

This handy revision tool has been designed specifically for the AQA English Language and Literature A/AS Level course. It gives a plot summary of the chapter, as well as analysis of quotes, space for students to make links to the rest of the novel, context and other themes and features (including Gothic conventions).
Dracula summary - Chapter 11

Dracula summary - Chapter 11

This handy revision tool has been designed specifically for the AQA English Language and Literature A/AS Level course. It gives a plot summary of the chapter, as well as analysis of quotes, space for students to make links to the rest of the novel, context and other themes and features (including Gothic conventions).
Dracula summary - Chapter 10

Dracula summary - Chapter 10

This handy revision tool has been designed specifically for the AQA English Language and Literature A/AS Level course. It gives a plot summary of the chapter, as well as analysis of quotes, space for students to make links to the rest of the novel, context and other themes and features (including Gothic conventions).
Dracula summary - Chapter 8

Dracula summary - Chapter 8

This handy revision tool has been designed specifically for the AQA English Language and Literature A/AS Level course. It gives a plot summary of the chapter, as well as analysis of quotes, space for students to make links to the rest of the novel, context and other themes and features (including Gothic conventions).
Dracula summary - Chapter 9

Dracula summary - Chapter 9

This handy revision tool has been designed specifically for the AQA English Language and Literature A/AS Level course. It gives a plot summary of the chapter, as well as analysis of quotes, space for students to make links to the rest of the novel, context and other themes and features (including Gothic conventions).