Level 3 teacher with 20 years of classroom teaching experience. Masters in Education (learning disabilities and difficulties). Creating resources to assist with differentiation. Fun early childhood resources to inspire.
Level 3 teacher with 20 years of classroom teaching experience. Masters in Education (learning disabilities and difficulties). Creating resources to assist with differentiation. Fun early childhood resources to inspire.
alternative graphemes for m sound - A 188 slide PowerPoint lesson that teaches students the alternatives for /m/. Includes the graphemes; m, mm, mn and mb.
alternative graphemes for m sound includes:
direct instruction format
graphemes included; m, mm, mb, mn
learning intentions and success criteria
mouth articulation
spelling rules or patterns
polysyllabic words (underlined to show you how to read them)
tune in
word level reading
sentence level reading
phonic dictation slides
word building (moveable letter tiles - click outside of slide show mode for this function)
check for understanding questions/activities
188 slides includes cover pages
Enjoy! Please provide a review.
Aboriginal Symbol Activities - Discover Aboriginal art symbols with this comprehensive 95-page worksheet pack, perfect for primary students worldwide. Activities include ‘Colour and Design Your Own Symbol,’ a word search, cut-and-paste tasks, and creative story writing using traditional Aboriginal symbols. This print-and-go, no-prep resource fosters creativity and cultural learning, making it ideal for teachers seeking to introduce Aboriginal culture in the classroom.
Phonics PowerPoint on sh sound alternatives A 202 slide phonics powerpoint for alternative graphemes covering the /sh/ sound!
learning intentions
success criteria
direct instruction lesson format
alternative graphemes; sh, ch, ss, si, s, ti and ci
two slides with all graphemes listed showing alternatives (with words)
word level reading for each alternative
sentence level reading
polysyllabic word reading (syllables underlined for you)
word building
phonic dictation
editing (sentence level)
word sorting
checking for understanding
230 slides (includes cover pages)
aligns to the evolving science of reading
Use this same lesson every day for 1-2 weeks (you do not have to cover all slides in every lesson as there is a lot of content in there) and then use again for revision 1x a week!
A-Z alphabet posters Australian Rainforest theme - Looking for something a bit different? This is a rainforest poster set that includes the letter, picture (animal or insect) and word. You will find two font options; NSW or VIC Modern font. 109 pages pdf. A-Z posters ready to print and go!
Rainforest Australian alphabet posters includes;
NSW font poster set - Australian animals or insects - capital letter, lower case letter, animal/insect, word
VIC modern font poster set - Australian animals or insects - capital letter, lower case letter, animal/insect, word
BONUS - NSW & VIC font capital and lower case letter posters with rainforest background (no illustration or word)
Please check your printer settings prior to printing (e.g. fit to page, print in printable area).
This product is set to A4 letter size.
Non-editable pdf product
A-Z letters
I made this up for my own class when we had a rainforest theme and wanted to have Australian animals on there. I hope you find this useful!
3d shape attributes worksheets - Want a differentiated worksheet pack that covers three-dimensional shape names, descriptions and includes a variety of activities? This 95 page printable product requires zero prep. Teacher checklists are included and an answer key!
3d shape pdf includes;
cut and paste shape names
sorting shapes by stack or roll and curved and flat properties
shape drawing pages (trace and draw)
shape draw compilation
tick the correct shape description (e.g. curved vs flat and vertices)
write your own shape descriptions (includes useful words)
draw a line to match shapes
shape hunts
cube or cylinder?
cuboid or sphere?
shape patterns (drawn and real) continue them
write the name of the shape under real objects
tick the correct shape name
shape colour and count
venn diagrams
same and different
How many vertices, edges & faces (2x worksheets)
answer key
teacher checklists x4
questions numbered
95 pages includes cover page and answer key. Please check your printer settings prior to printing (e.g. fit to page or print in printable area). I have a 3d shape powerpoint lesson that goes well with this resource!
Updated *23/10/24 (Includes one additional teacher checklist and all questions for students are numbered).
3d shape powerpoint - Using the correct 3D shape names, vocabulary and describing them can be tricky for students (and even adults who have forgotten such things!). This lesson explains all concepts for you in an easy step-by-step manner. PowerPoint lesson with 134 slides. Edited (7/3/24).
3d shape powerpoint includes;
Shapes included - sphere, cube, cylinder, cone, rectangular prism, square-based pyramid, triangular pyramid, triangular prism, hemisphere, hexagonal prism, hexagonal pyramid, octagonal prism, octagonal pyramid, pentagonal prism
Vocabulary explained - vertex, vertices, edge, face, prism
Activities - guessing game, drawing shapes and shape hunts
Partner discussion slides
Checking for understanding slides
Extension idea slides 3x
Success criteria and learning outcomes provided
When you use the lesson in slide show mode and press the space key or mouse button, some answers (words or pictures) will appear. You may wish to go through this first but it is very easy to just use!
Suitable for grades one and two but could be used for pre-primary if they are ready for extension and learning 3d shape names, or grade three students as a revision and daily warm-up to more complex geometrical lessons!
A great lesson to use for your own class (in school), as a homeschooler or leave for a relief teacher.
fun facts about possums - PowerPoint lesson with 76 slides. Photographs and clipart used. A great lesson to engage student learning about Australian possums.
fun facts about possums includes;
79 slides (includes cover pages)
learning intentions & success criteria
threatened by…
fun facts
how they are different to opossums
Aboriginal symbol for possum tracks
check for understanding
Enjoy this lesson.
Noongar colours - Flashcards to display, use for games or colour sorting! Using colour words may be the easiest way to begin incorporating Aboriginal culture and language into your classroom. These cards are multipurpose and there are four versions. See the details below.
Noongar Colour includes;
28 page pdf printable product
4 different versions for you to choose from
display the flashcards onto a board alongside your students art work
use the flashcards in vocabulary lessons and for quick recall
use the flashcards with no image for colour sorting activities
also contains the word for ‘rainbow’
Enjoy! Please check your printer settings prior to printing (e.g. fit to page or print in printable area).
ch and tch activities PowerPoint lesson - This lesson covers the alternative graphemes for the /ch/ sound and uses /ch/, /tch/ and /t/. A wonderful 179 direct instruction lesson that includes interactive slides.
Teacher slide - how to use this powerpoint
Tuning in - phonological awareness (hearing the /ch/ sound in words)
Learning Outcomes & success criteria
Reminder for mouth articulation
Word level reading (ch, tch and t words)
Sentence level reading
Phonic Dictation
Polysyllabic words - line under each syllable for you!
Word building (click out of slide show mode to enable moveable features)
Word sorting
Reminder of all graphemes making /ch/ sound with examples
Check for understanding: questions and write the correctly spelt word onto your whiteboard or booklet
Aligns to the science of reading
Well done!
You can use the entire lesson or just focus on the graphemes you wish to cover (e.g. ch, tch or t)
179 slides (includes cover pages)
Please note: this lesson has been updated (31/7/23) and now includes grapheme alternatives not just the /ch/ digraph.
phonics words with v powerpoint lesson - A high quality 166 slides direct instruction lesson for the v grapheme alternatives. A great lesson if you are unsure how to teach the grapheme alternatives or just need an engaging lesson that is completely done for you!
phonics words with v powerpoint lesson includes -
166 slides (includes cover pages)
grapheme alternatives include v and ve
word reading
sentence level reading
polysyllabic word reading (words underlined in syllables for you)
phonic sentence level dictation
word building
check for understanding
3 d shape names - Do your class need to learn the 3d shape names and describe the properties of shapes? It’s a lot to learn. Grab these posters to display and refer to.
27 pages - includes cover pages
shapes included: cube, hexagonal pyramid, cuboid & rectagonal cuboid = same, cylinder, sphere, square based pyramid, cone, triangular pyramid & tetrahedron = same, pentagonal pyramid, hexagonal prism, pentagonal prism, hemisphere, octagonal pyramid, triangular prism, octagonal prism
shape property posters include: 3d shape, face, vertex, vertices, edges (A4 page per property)
one compilation poster with all shapes on the one page and the description of shape property vocabulary
gentle boho colours
Please check your printer settings prior to printing (e.g. fit to page, print in printable area).
zh word list - PowerPoint lesson - Are you unsure how to teach the zh sound? Grab this direct instruction lesson that does all the hard work for you! Use the lesson every day for a week and then use it as revision!
zh word list includes;
learning intentions & success criteria
tune in
spelling patterns explained
word level reading
sentence level reading
alternative graphemes for the /zh/ phoneme include; s, z, si, ge, j
word building
word sorting
yes or no?
multi-syllable words (lines indicate where the syllables are so it is all done for you)
phonic dictation (sentence level)
check for understanding
click out of slide show mode to enable the word sorting and any editable functions
use this lesson to teach the concept of alternative graphemes for the /zh/ sound or use it as a warm-up when you have taught this concept as many other sounds will be revised within words!
use this same lesson for one week and build on the content - you do not have to use every slide within the first lesson!
aligns to the science of reading
alternative graphemes lesson c k ck ch x q - There are so many grapheme alternatives for the /k/ sound. Not sure how to teach them all in one lesson? Grab this lesson. 193 slides PowerPoint lesson.
learning intentions & success criteria
spelling patterns explained
word level reading
sentence level reading
alternative graphemes for the /k/ phoneme include; c, k, -ck, ch, x and q (as q, qu and que)
word building
word sorting
yes or no?
multi-syllable words (lines indicate where the syllables are so it is all done for you)
phonic dictation (sentence level)
check for understanding
click out of slide show mode to enable the word sorting and any editable functions
use this lesson to teach the concept of alternative graphemes for the /k/ sound or use it as a warm-up when you have taught this concept as many other sounds will be revised within words!
use this same lesson for one week and build on the content - you do not have to use every slide within the first lesson!
aligns to the science of reading
193 slides (includes cover pages)
story map elements - This 62 page poster pack is a great display for your classroom to prompt students in writing tasks. You can also print and bind the posters for a flip book for students to use in your writing centre.
story charts includes;
62 pages - includes cover pages
colour product
story element description posters - whole page
blank story element posters for you to write your own story element brainstorms onto with your students
story element words - two differentiated versions - each element has heaps of words for your students to select from!
A4 product - please check your printer settings prior to printing (e.g. fit to page, print in printable area - depending on your country and printer settings)
Kind regards,
whole-body-listening-visuals Visual posters to remind students of the skills of listening. A set of posters and prompt cards to remind students on listening manners encouraged in the classroom. Inclusive posters for students who require fidget toys and sensory breaks. Positively worded. 19 page printable pdf.
whole-body-listening-posters set includes;
A4 posters with a statement and image to display and refer to in your classroom
Small prompt cards to show your students when they require listening reminders
2 compilation posters with 7 body reminders (e.g. eyes, mouth, brain, hands, feet, heart, ears)
Colour product
Cute images and nicely bordered
19 pages (includes cover pages)
2 bonus posters!
Please check your printer settings prior to printing (e.g. fit to page or print in printable area).
Christmas-activities-printable-worksheets - A 115 page printable pdf pack - print as a whole booklet for each child to work through over several weeks or print individually, as required. Appropriate for Kindergarten, Pre-Primary and Year One students (can be used by slightly older students). Contains english, math, behaviour, art and social sciences activities.
Christmas-activities-printable-worksheets - includes the following;
math activities - differentiated and up to number 100 - patterns, skip counting, writing numbers, addition, subtraction, odd and even numbers
english activities - handwriting, list writing, persuasive writing prompts, sentence stems (but, so, because, and), read and draw sentences (decodable),
behaviour - good/bad choices to get on Santa’s ‘nice’ list, I am grateful for, ways I can help others,
social sciences - how my family celebrate Christmas, what I would rather do
art - draw this and that, decorate, design a sleigh
cute clip art to keep your students engaged
includes a cover page for your students to colour in
includes American and Australian spelling of ‘colour/color’
includes 3 editable pages to write your own topics for writing
Please check your printer settings prior to printing. I hope you enjoy this product. My students have been loving it.
family powerpoint presentation - 110 slide lesson on FAMILY STRUCTURES!
How to use this PowerPoint lesson (teacher tips)
Learning intentions
Success criteria
Multicultural representations
Different relationship types
Think, pair, share (what is a family?)
Family definition
6 types of families (with multiple family relationship structures)
What is the same or different about family structures?
Conversation starters
Aboriginal family roles (1x slide)
Family roles
Families change over time
Check for understanding slides
110 slides - includes cover pages
Updated: 27/5/23
worksheet-about-friendship A 39 page product including worksheets, posters, self-evaluations and teacher checklists on friendship skills.
worksheet-about-friendship includes;
two colour posters on friendship
colour the pictures that show good friendship
say why the picture shown is demonstrating good or bad friendship skills
sentence completion pages
write a letter to your friend
self-evaluation (your friendship skills and your friends)
teacher checklists
write in the speech bubble
39 pages includes cover pages
Please check your printer settings prior to printing (e.g. fit to page, print in printable area, etc.).
I would love you to provide a quick review. Thanks so much.
birthday charts for classroom Need a birthday display but don’t have time to cut complicated pieces? Grab this really easy birthday display to print and go pack. There is no complicated cutting here, just print as whole pages, laminate, grab a whiteboard marker and go. Includes what age the student is and the twelve months of the year to write the birthdays onto.
This is a great math activity to discuss who is which age, what age they will turn next year, the months of the year and the most popular age. 33 page printable product.
birthday charts printable includes;
11 age posters on cakes with the correct age candles (e.g. We are 1, We are 2, We are 3) - write the students names on to show who is that age
12 balloons to represent the months of the year (just grab a whiteboard marker to write the names of the student born in each month)
BONUS: Happy Birthday posters
Age discussion prompt poster!
33 pages includes cover pages
Instructions included
poster-harmony-day 38 page pdf printable product.
29 posters
8 word cards
lots of variety
some with harmony quotes
others with harmony day or harmony week
colour product
A4 but you can enlarge to A3
for school, business and clubs (spread the word of harmony)
Thank you.
Kind regards, Jennifer