18 years teaching Design and Technology-including Product Design, Engineering, Graphics, Resistant Materials, Systems, Electronics and Textiles.
DATA Award winner, TEEP trained and PGDIP Design Education.
CAD Engineer- Solidworks trained and current user of Fusion 360 and Onshape.
18 years teaching Design and Technology-including Product Design, Engineering, Graphics, Resistant Materials, Systems, Electronics and Textiles.
DATA Award winner, TEEP trained and PGDIP Design Education.
CAD Engineer- Solidworks trained and current user of Fusion 360 and Onshape.
Used with KS 3, Level 1+2 Engineering and GCSE students to develop practical skills.
X1 Work booklet (editable)- students complete to consolidate their learning.
X6 Lesson Powerpoints- each lesson contains a starter, learning objective, differentiated success criteria, example work, templates/drawings when required and review opportunities.
Topics coverd- 3D Printing, Vac Forming, Injection Moulding, Laser Cutting, Press Forming, Line Bending and Resin Casting.
CAD model of skillstick example.
X10 Lesson Powerpoints (can be edited)- each lesson contains a starter, learning objective, differentiated success criteria, background/theory info, example work, templates, video links, review opportunities.
AFL- Final making/manufcaturing- all graded/summative assessment- structure template provided. All other lessons/activites- formative assessment- criteria provided on the worksheets and powerpoints.
x1 (10 page) project booklet- designed to be printed A3, however it has been used/printed A4 previously. The booklet relfects/matches the powerpoints. Contains- front cover- track progress, starter images, learning objective, differentiated success criteria, templates and review opportunities.
Booklet provided as a PDF and Coreldraw file- PDF can be printed and edited in any 2D CAD program e.g. Coreldraw, Illustrator, Serif etc.
Topics coverd- Metal extraction, Metal types/properties, Biomimicry, Design Ideas, Cutting timber+metal, Modelling and manufacturing reflection.
Resources based around the manufacture of a desk lamp.
X16 Lesson Powerpoints covering all assessment areas- AC1.1 to AC4.2- also includes step by step storyboard of how to solder the PCB.
Each powerpoint can be edited and contains- starter activity, Learning Objective, Success/Assessment criteria, task info (resources/tools+ process description), example outcome, SPAG/ACCESS FM (where appropriate) and opportunities for review/reflect via self/peer assessment.
X1 completed teacher/distinction standard example booklet.
X1 blank student booklet.
X1 Drawing set for all required parts
X1 Starter images doc- containing the starter images from each lesson- for printing.
STEP CAD files for the lamp design- can be imported into Fusion 360, Onshape, Inventor, Creo or Solidworks.
Assessment sheet- for teacher and student use.
X11 Lesson Powerpoints covering all assessment areas- AC1.1 to AC3.2
Each powerpoint can be edited and contains- starter activity, Learning Objective, Success/Assessment criteria, task info, example outcome, SPAG/ACCESS FM (where appropriate) and opportunities for review/reflect via self/peer assessment.
X1 completed teacher/distinction standard example booklet.
X1 blank student booklet.
Assessment sheets- for teacher and student use.
Used with GCSE students for both AQA and WJEC. x27 hour project.
X21 Lesson Powerpoints- each lesson contains a starter, learning objective, differentiated success criteria, background/theory info, example work, templates, video links, review opportunities.
AFL- Design Ideas and Modelling- all graded/summative assessments- structure/success criteria templates provided.
All other lessons/activites- formative assessment (peer/self)- criteria provided.
x1 (16 page) project booklet- designed to be printed A3, however it has been used/printed A4 previously. The booklet relfects/matches the powerpoints. Contains- front cover- track progress, starter images, learning objective, differentiated success criteria, templates and review opportunities.
Video tutorials and example CAD files provided to support teaching.
Topics coverd- Isometric (Isosketch), Marker Rendering, Design Ieas/Strategies, Annotation, Modelling, Electronics, PCB manufacture, Soldering (making the PCB), CAD/Fusion, Concrete theory, Banksy Research and Making/Assembly e.g. casting the concrete.
Used with KS 3, Level 1+2 Engineering and GCSE students to develop practical skills.
X1 Work booklet (editable)- students complete to consolidate their learning.
X12 Lesson Powerpoints- each lesson contains a starter, learning objective, differentiated success criteria, example work, templates/drawings when required and review opportunities.
Topics coverd- Sheet Bending/Folding, Riveting, Tap/Die, Drilling, Welding, Metal Lathe, Soft Soldering, Brazing, Pewter Casting and Fly Press.
Also includes two design challenges- students apply the techniques developed (focus on Soft Soldering and Sheet metal skills).
PDF with drawings and CAD model of skillstick example.
X29 Lesson Powerpoints covering all assessment areas- A, B, C
Each powerpoint can be edited and contains- starter activity, Learning Objective, Success/Assessment criteria, task info (resources/tools+ process description), SPAG/ACCESS FM (where appropriate) and opportunities for review/reflect via self/peer assessment.
Assessment sheet- for teacher and student use.
Product Focus- Phone Holder.
X15 Lesson Powerpoints covering all assessment areas- 1.1.1 to 1.4.4
Each powerpoint can be edited and contains- starter activity, Learning Objective, Success/Assessment criteria, task info, SPAG/ACCESS FM (where appropriate) and opportunities for review/reflect via self/peer assessment.
X1 blank student booklet.
Assessment sheets- for teacher and student use.
Developed over x15 years- used with students aged 11-18. x27 hour project.
X19 Lesson Powerpoints- each lesson contains a starter, learning objective, differentiated success criteria, background/theory info, example work, templates, video links, review opportunities.
AFL- Product Analysis, Development (SCAMPER) and Evaluation- all graded/summative assessments- structure templates provided. All other lessons/activites- formative assessment- criteria provided.
x1 (16 page) project booklet- designed to be printed A3, however it has been used/printed A4 previously. The booklet relfects/matches the powerpoints. Contains- front cover- track progress, starter images, learning objective, differentiated success criteria, templates and review opportunities.
Video tutorials- CAD provided. Also example CAD files provided to support teaching.
Topics coverd- Product Analysis, Design Ieas/Strategies, Annotation, SCAMPER, Modelling, CAD/Fusion, Further Development (sketch over models), Isometric, Orthographic, 3D Printing, Packaging (functions+symbols), Packaging 2D CAD, Vac Forming, Printing Finishes and Self Evaluation.
Product Focus- Camera Rig
X20 Lesson Powerpoints covering all assessment areas- 1.1.1 to 1.4.4
Each powerpoint can be edited and contains- starter activity, Learning Objective, Success/Assessment criteria, task info, SPAG/ACCESS FM (where appropriate) and opportunities for review/reflect via self/peer assessment.
X1 blank student booklet (54pages)- including drawings and templates. Can be edited.
Assessment sheets- for teacher and student use.
Note- As stated in the assessment material and specification- the resources will need to be adapted to suit your centre e.g. budget, materials and equipment.
Product Focus- Camera Rig
X15 Lesson Powerpoints covering all assessment areas- 2.1.1 to 2.4.2
Each powerpoint can be edited and contains- starter activity, Learning Objective, Success/Assessment criteria, task info, SPAG/ACCESS FM (where appropriate) and opportunities for review/reflect via self/peer assessment.
X1 blank student booklet. Can be edited.
Assessment sheets- for teacher and student use.
Product Focus- Maintenance Rig
X15 Lesson Powerpoints covering all assessment areas- 2.1.1 to 2.4.2
Each powerpoint can be edited and contains- starter activity, Learning Objective, Success/Assessment criteria, task info, SPAG/ACCESS FM (where appropriate) and opportunities for review/reflect via self/peer assessment.
X1 blank student booklet.
Assessment sheets- for teacher and student use.
Product Focus- Maintenance Rig
X15 Lesson Powerpoints covering all assessment areas- 1.1.1 to 1.4.4
Each powerpoint can be edited and contains- starter activity, Learning Objective, Success/Assessment criteria, task info, SPAG/ACCESS FM (where appropriate) and opportunities for review/reflect via self/peer assessment.
X1 blank student booklet.
Assessment sheets- for teacher and student use.
Note- As stated in the assessment material and specification- the resources will need to be adapted to suit your centre e.g. budget, materials and equipment.
AFL focussed on WJEC AS Level- can easily be removed/adapted to to meet the requirements for OCR, AQA, Edexcel etc.
X29 Lesson Powerpoints- developed and used over x16 years
X1 AFL doc (student and teacher use)- WJEC AS Level
Contains all sections - A, B, C, D and E.
Includes example work which achieved full marks.
All Powerpoints include: Starter activity, AFL, Learning Objectives, Success Criteria, Example work, Clear instructions, Example layouts, Literacy support (ACCESS FM).
Powerpoints included: Analysis, Product Analysis, Product Deconstruction, Target Market, Past Designers, Anthropometric/Ergonomics, Materials/components, Researcgh Summary, Brief, Specification, Design Ideas, Annotation, Design Evaluation, Development Team, Modelling, Modelling Reflection, ACCESS FM development, CAD, Further Development, Final CAD, Working Drawing, Final Solution, Testing, Target Market feedback, Specification Evaluation and mods/improvements.