Welcome to Resourceful Mind! Through my extensive experience in teaching design, engineering, graphics, food and textiles, I've developed resources that make topics easy to understand. My materials include clear visuals, simple explanations, and engaging tasks to reinforce learning and support learners.
Welcome to Resourceful Mind! Through my extensive experience in teaching design, engineering, graphics, food and textiles, I've developed resources that make topics easy to understand. My materials include clear visuals, simple explanations, and engaging tasks to reinforce learning and support learners.
Introduction to plastics
What are they why we use them
What are their properties
Design a reuseable plastic product
kept it simple for year 7’s being taught by a non specialist. Avoided all the plastic term names like polyethylene etc and tried to make it engaging.
You could add plastic names to stretch higher ability pupils
Useful for that quick lesson you just don’t have the time to create
A revision sheet that covers unit 2 of the WJEC food and nutrition Specification for the principles of nutrition
Macro and Micronutrients
Amino Acids
Good Fat V Bad Fat
Nutrition Labeling
Design and Technology or Business Studies
Covering the new WJEC spec for Technology Push, Market Pull, Consumer Choice and life cycle of a product.
Group activity (hot seating) present findings to class
60 second summary task
Group discussion
Life cyle of product graph
Reverse test
Exit card
All you need for a great lessons
A 4 hour learning activity/project that encourages independent learning to meet set outcomes.
This activity was developed as a short project based learning activity to compliment the work that the pupils do in school.
There are 3 milestones for the pupils to complete using the resources provided to answer a driving question.
Driving Question
How can we convince people to use eco-friendly products and reduce the impact they have on the planet?
As a consumer you buy and throw away lots of products such as phones, pens, packaging. These products not only use lots of our resources but end up in landfills and cause pollution. We should all look to reduce our impact on the environment but as designers we should also consider how products impact the environment and look for ways to reduce that impact. Complete the milestones above to investigate the impact and how it can be reduced.
In the resource you will find an overview sheet and 4 suitable resource sheets to help pupils complete the desired outcomes.
This is a 10 hour project I created for pupils who are isolating or working from home during the Covid pandemic.
The premis of the project is to consider how design can have a positive impact on others. Pupils are expected to complete the project through independent learning were teacher support is not available.
In this project pupils will consider how they can design a product for someone with arthritis. They will look at existing products, carry out some research, create designs on paper and through tinkercad. They will model their designs using home made playdough and create a final pitch.
The project is designed so that their is some guidance on what the pupils need to learn or be able to achieve, links to internet resources to help them complete tasks and upload or provide evidance.
I use Google classroom to provide pupils with their own copy but you may want to adapt if pupils require paper copies.
A 4 hour learning activity/project that encourages independent learning to meet set outcomes.
This activity was developed as a short project based learning activity to compliment the work that the pupils do in school.
There are 5 milestones for the pupils to complete using the resources provided to answer a driving question.
Driving Question
When making a product for someone how do you know which materials are the most suitable, which size of material to order and what the cost will be? How can you ensure you are not left out of pocket after charging the customer?
In the resource you will find an overview sheet and 5 suitable resource sheets to help pupils complete the desired outcomes.
Description of Project
Whether you are a builder, carpenter, roofer, painter you will always need to buy the materials you need to make a product. Sometimes you are making a product to sell or providing a service and you will not want to be out of pocket.
Whenever you plan to make a product at home or in work you will need to know how much material you will need to make the product. If you order too little or the wrong size you will not be able to make the product. If you order too much you will be left with waste and will end up costing you more.
Before you start to make, you should plan out the exact size and quantity of a material you need and which stock form you need to order to get the shapes you need. You should then budget your product to make sure you can afford to make it or too calculate the cost of the product to enable you to make a profit
Wooden Table
You have been approached by a customer to make this simple coffee table and has given you a budget of £100. Before you make it you will need to work out which material would be the most suitable, how much material you need, what stock form you need to order.
Then you will have to calculate how much it will cost to make to make sure it is profitable for you to make it within the budget. Man does not work for free!
In this lesson you will focus on the 4 main effects of an unhealthy diet.
Heart Disease
Tooth Decay and Obesity
This lesson follows on from the healthy eating guide, vitamins and minerals
This help sheet promotes independent learning for the the topic of woods and covers a majority of the criteria from the WJEC resistant materials specification on woods.
Pupils will require the following on their mobile / smart devices
QR code reader
the 'Aurasma' app
Then revision sheet also covers common misconceptions and advice on answering exam questions that require knowledge of wood.
Btec Engineering Learning Aim B Smart Materials
A powerpoint presentation that includes a starter, introduction, main activity, video links, task and plenary for this learning aim
Revision resource or cover lesson for the 5 stages of risk assessments and why they are needed.
Example of risk assessment and activities to revise learning
Had to do a quick revision lesson for the btec engineering unit 1 exam focusing on the 8 mark questions; blended wing bodies and automated manufacturing. The slides outline what is needed to answer the questions and how to access the higher marks.
Pre completed
Revision cards for Lean Manufacturing
Powdered metallurgy
Blank revision cads for pupils to complete
Feel free to adapt
Stater answers
Blended wing bodies = Less Drag, More lift, quieter, more fuel efficient, harder to control, less safe (with regards to being able to evacuate)
Hope it helps! Please leave feedback.
Revision lesson resources focusing on the designers Phillipe Stark and Bethan Gray
Video Links
Description of designers
Questions about Designers
Catchphrase style mini reviews
Extended writing task
Exit Card
Food lessons
1 - 3 food lessons planning evaluating and demonstrating a flapjack
Mini review on demonstration
sensory evaluation using star profile
Mini review
Planning activity
Differentiated support sheets
Exit card
One of lesson explaining the effects of emerging technology.
The lesson helps students identify the positive and negative effects and the prepares them for GCSE exam questions.
The lesson contains exam style questions and explains how to access the low and high marks.
Main lesson
2 Tasks
Exam question mark breakdown
6 exam questions from 1 - 6 marks
Exit card
Follows on from emerging technology lesson on technology push, market pull and consumer choice.
I needed a cover Design and Technology lesson that was going to be taught by a Maths teacher so I created this. Hope its useful to someone else as well.
A lesson to guide students on how to answer the exam question on processes and the suitabililty of material used in the process to manufacture the product.
Example questions
Lesson to meet requirements for teaching limitations and defects in wood to help pupils make informed choices when selecting timber.
Common defects of wood. (5min) Class
Teaching method: Introduce, pupils investigate, mini whiteboard to recall facts.
Rational: Introducing new vocabulary.
Line of questioning: When selecting wood, why is important to look for defects?
mini whiteboard: Progress check
Grading wood (5 min) Pair
Teaching method: Demonstration, Questioning,
mini whiteboard: Progress check
Rational: Make informed decisions, check progress
Selecting Wood (15 min) Pair
Teaching method: Facilitate pupils investigation, provide factsheets, pupils to record information found through scanning, circulate to guide pupils. Model scanning method.
Rational: literacy focus to develop pupils lit skills, pupils need the information to make informed choices, working in pairs to support each other.
Consolidating Information (10 min) Silence
Teaching method: Open question – ‘When selecting a wood species for a product what do pupils have to consider before committing to the material?’
Rational: Pupils to answer an assessment of learning question using as much detail as possible. Consolidating learning from this and previous lesson.
Learning Leading to
Pupils will have to select and justify materials for their products, they have to state what needs to be considered and how the materials they select can be quality checked and finished to achieve a good result.
Extension activity and Stretch it (10 minutes) Individual
How wood is graded. Pupils to investigate how wood is graded and what information they would find from a piece of wood graded wood.