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I'm a French, German and English teacher and love creating useful resources for my students to use in the classroom, as well as for homework tasks, to help them love languages and develop their language skills at the same time. I enjoy sharing these resources with other teachers. Some of my language resources are free, but as they take me a long time to make, I do charge a small fee for my some of them. I hope you enjoy using my MFL resources in your language classroom!




I'm a French, German and English teacher and love creating useful resources for my students to use in the classroom, as well as for homework tasks, to help them love languages and develop their language skills at the same time. I enjoy sharing these resources with other teachers. Some of my language resources are free, but as they take me a long time to make, I do charge a small fee for my some of them. I hope you enjoy using my MFL resources in your language classroom!
Family Relationships French GCSE Listening Lesson

Family Relationships French GCSE Listening Lesson

Family / Modern Families / Family Relationships in 21st Century - French Listening Activities with Audio File, Transcript and 6 Activities GET THIS LISTENING LESSON AT A DISCOUNTED PRICE HERE AS PART OF MY FRENCH GCSE LISTENING PRACTICE BUNDLE - LIMITED TIME ONLY: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/bundler/12244296 What’s this French Listening Activity and Who’s It For? An intermediate no-prep listening lesson on the topic of modern families and les relations familiales for CEF A2 or B1 level, intermediate or GCSE level French learners (both year 10 and year 11). Ideal as an introduction. This listening lesson could be used as consolidation or revision of family relationships in France at GCSE level. What’s included? It contains an MP3 audio file, a transcript, as well as six activities to exploit the audio, including listening comprehension questions, vocabulary activities, speaking and writing tasks. The MP3 audio file (1 minute16 seconds) contains information about: modern families in the 21st Century relationships that young people have with their parents the role of families within society Why should you purchase this French listening resource? The audio is read by a native male French speaker, at a medium speed and includes the main elements to cover this French GCSE family relationships in modern society topic. It includes a fantastic range of vocabulary, as well as key French phrases for the theme of ‘les relations familiales’. The transcript and questions could also be used as a reading lesson for cover lessons. Thanks very much for your interest in this listening practice lesson and I hope you and your students find the lesson that I’ve put together helpful.
Le système éducatif français - Listening and Transcript

Le système éducatif français - Listening and Transcript

French Education System GET THIS LISTENING LESSON AT A DISCOUNTED PRICE HERE AS PART OF MY FRENCH GCSE LISTENING PRACTICE BUNDLE - LIMITED TIME ONLY: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/bundler/12244296 I put this audio MP3 file together for a private student as revision for the topic of ‘School’ and the French school system. It contains the basic elements with an excellent range of higher level and foundation level vocabulary, as well as key phrases generally for the topic that iis suitable for KS4. Le système éducatif français - (1 minute 49 seconds) audio with a native female speaker and transcript available, along with six activities to exploit the text and practise spontaneous speaking/writing thereafter! It could be used as a revision lesson, but also as an introduction into the French schooling system.
Umweltschutz in Deutschland - German Listening and Transcript Environment

Umweltschutz in Deutschland - German Listening and Transcript Environment

Environment GCSE German Listening / German A Level Listening Audio File, Activities and Transcript GET THIS LISTENING LESSON AS PART OF A DISCOUNTED GCSE GERMAN LISTENING PRACTICE BUNDLE AND SAVE MONEY - LIMITED TIME ONLY: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/gcse-german-listening-practice-lessons-bundle-12244303 I’ve put together a listening activity for German students studying the topic of ‘die Umwelt’ or the environment. I feel that this listening based lessons is perfect for B1/B2 learners in the Common European Framework of levels, as well as Higher German GCSE students and German A Level students too, depending on which activities you choose to do with them from the selection of eight activities (which can, of course, be modified for your groups!) This environment listening lesson includes: MP3 audio file from a native male German speaker which lasts just over 2 minutes and 40 seconds A 2-page A4 word document, containing the transcript for the audio file, as well as eight activities to help exploit the listening activity. It covers: different types of recycling Pfand Electic cars different energy options
Meine Stadt - Listening MP3, Activities and Transcript

Meine Stadt - Listening MP3, Activities and Transcript

GET THIS LISTENING LESSON AS PART OF A DISCOUNTED GCSE GERMAN LISTENING BUNDLE - LIMITED TIME ONLY: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/gcse-german-listening-practice-lessons-bundle-12244303 Meine Stadt und Ich - GCSE German listening activity with MP3 audio file, transcript, as well as listening comprehension activities, extension tasks, vocabulary activities, writing and speak activities to complete after to exploit the listening activity. I have used this with my German GCSE students who are studying the AQA Specification, but it is suitable for all exam boards and any students looking to improve their listening skills around the topic of ‘Home and Neighbourhood’. It includes: MP3 Audio file read by a native male German speaker - 2 minutes and 30 seconds long 2 page word document with transcript and seven activities including: listening comprehension questions, vocabulary activities, reading and writing tasks on the topic of ‘meine Stadt und ich’ It mentions: a German town and federal state specific examples of why the person likes living in that town positives and negatives of living in a big town / city and in a town
GCSE German Speaking and Writing Accessing Higher Grades

GCSE German Speaking and Writing Accessing Higher Grades

A 3-page, ready to use PDF handout for GCSE German students with 36 different elements to include when speaking and writing to access higher grades. Help students improve their writing and spontaneous speaking with these 36 ingredients, as well as examples and translations that they can use in both GCSE German writing and GCSE German speaking. I recommend using this in combination with your exam board’s mark scheme for speaking and writing, as well the MFL progress ladder writing and speaking feedback grid. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/mfl-writing-and-speaking-feedback-grid-11856656
Das deutsche Schulsystem - Listening, Transcript & Activities

Das deutsche Schulsystem - Listening, Transcript & Activities

German School System Listening and Reading Lesson GET THIS LISTENING LESSON AS PART OF A DISCOUNTED GCSE GERMAN LISTENING PRACTICE BUNDLE - LIMITED TIME ONLY: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/gcse-german-listening-practice-lessons-bundle-12244303 I put this audio together for a private student as revision for the topic of ‘School’ and the German school system. It contains the basic elements with an excellent range of higher level vocabulary, as well as key vocabulary and is suitable for KS4 and KS5. Das deutsche Schulsystem - (2 minute 20 seconds) Audio with a native male speaker and transcript available.
German Find Someone Who - First Lesson After Christmas Holidays

German Find Someone Who - First Lesson After Christmas Holidays

Get students straight into learning mode in your German lessons (Year 7, 8, 9, 10, Year 11 or Year 12 and 13!) after the Christmas holidays in the first lesson back with this DIFFERENTIATED, Find Someone Who Activity in German. It can easily be adapted in to any other language for Spanish, French or Italian) and is perfect to revise and practise the past tense, questioning and spontaneous speaking. It contains 18 activities students could do / not do at Christmas and students must put the phrases into questions to ask all members of the class. They must add one student’s name to each box. Contains a ‘Silver’ version which is missing the auxiliary and question word, and a ‘Gold’ version where the infinitive phrase must be changed into the past tense. Easy to edit and add to!
Quiz Bundle for Tutor Time

Quiz Bundle for Tutor Time

2 Resources
Two fantastic resources to keep students entertained during tutor times, or when they need to be occupied for a set period of time. 79 General Knowledge Quiz Questions for Tutor Time A collection of 79 General Knowledge Questions spread across nine themes, including: TV & Film, Sports, Food & Drink, History, World, Languages, Bollywood, Religion and Music on a 4-page handout. It is the perfect activity to keep students busy for 30 minutes to an hour. Answers provided to this general knowledge quiz to give your your students at tutor time. Anagrams Quiz for Form Time or English Lessons A fun anagrams quiz with four sections including food & drink, cities, actors and actresses and desserts. A great cross-curricular activity for form time (food tech, drama, geography and English), or to play closer to Christmas or Easter to keep students entertained in English lessons or at tutor time for 15 minutes to 30 minutes. Attractively presented quiz and answers included.
Guess The Logos and Alphabet Brands Worksheet for Tutor Time

Guess The Logos and Alphabet Brands Worksheet for Tutor Time

A 2-sided, attractively presented, fun worksheet for tutor time students to guess the logos and brands. Part 1 has 45 fairly well-known logos that the students have to guess and Part 2 has the alphabet created with the first letter from famous UK, American and international brands for the students to guess. I gave a time limit of 20 minutes for this activity with my form group and it worked quite well. Answers for both sides included!
79 General Knowledge Quiz Questions for Tutor Time

79 General Knowledge Quiz Questions for Tutor Time

A collection of 79 General Knowledge Questions spread across nine themes, including: TV & Film, Sports, Food & Drink, History, World, Languages, Bollywood, Religion and Music on a 4-page handout. It is the perfect activity to keep students busy for 30 minutes to an hour. Answers provided to this general knowledge quiz to give your your students at tutor time.
Anagrams Quiz for Tutor Time or English Lessons

Anagrams Quiz for Tutor Time or English Lessons

A fun anagrams quiz with four sections including food & drink, cities, actors and actresses and desserts. A great cross-curricular activity for form time (food tech, drama, geography and English), or to play closer to Christmas or Easter to keep students entertained in English lessons or at tutor time for 15 minutes to 30 minutes. Attractively presented quiz and answers included.
Spontaneous Speaking Speech Bubbles for French, German and Spanish Lessons

Spontaneous Speaking Speech Bubbles for French, German and Spanish Lessons

Speaking Practice for Language Lessons A great alternative to lists of questions for spontaneous speaking in French, German and Spanish, ideal for all levels including KS3, GCSE and KS5. The nicely-presented A4 word document has been created with space for 10 editable questions (for higher level students you could always print two sheets with Student A questions and Student B questions). You can easily amend the text within the speech bubbles to suit any topic.
Synonyms & Antonyms Starter for Languages

Synonyms & Antonyms Starter for Languages

Synonym and Antonym Vocabulary Practice A really good vocabulary revision or vocabulary builder starter, which is adaptable to French, German and Spanish etc. The teaching activity got my students thinking as soon as they came in to the classroom. If you are looking for a low prep teaching activity, which can be adapted and used in all of your classes this week as a starter, then try this synonyms and antonyms vocab challenge out!
Emojis Vocabulary Builder for French, German and Spanish Lessons

Emojis Vocabulary Builder for French, German and Spanish Lessons

**Emojis Vocabulary Building Activity ** Use this Emojis vocabulary builder as a starter for any of the topic below, or use at the end of each topic as revision. You could also use the emoji vocabulary builder activity to spark speaking or writing activities. Emojis have been split up into the following themes, based loosely on the KS3 and 9-1 GCSE French, German and Spanish topics on an A4 word document: Food and Drink Animals and Nature Free time Transport and Holidays People, Clothes and ‘Smileys’ I created this adapatation of Miss Meyrick’s Emojis activity, which had over 500 emojis.
AQA French GCSE Sample Speaking Questions for General Conversation

AQA French GCSE Sample Speaking Questions for General Conversation

Sample French GCSE Speaking Questions for General Conversation In order to support the French Speaking of my students, I collated a number of foundation level and higher tier questions and put them into a handout. I have also highlighted keywords that sometimes students struggle to grasp, plus activity suggestions that can be used to support their revision for the general conversation exam. However, these questions might also be useful for the bullet points in the writing examinations, too. AQA French Speaking General Conversation Guidance for Students: FOUNDATION TIER: At foundation level your general french speaking conversation will last between 3 and 5 minutes HIGHER TIER: At higher level your conversation will last between 5 and 7 minutes. The total marks for the french speaking general conversation section of the French speaking examination are 30 marks (50% of the overall speaking exams) and is split as follows: Communication /10 Range and accuracy of language /10 Pronunciation and intonation /5 Spontaneity and fluency /5
Spontaneous Speaking Challenge for MFL Classrooms

Spontaneous Speaking Challenge for MFL Classrooms

When it comes to speaking in a different language, finding enough opportunity in the classroom can be quite tricky. This is a fun, low-prep and low-cost spontaneous speaking activity to use as revision, but also used within topics as speaking starters to practise speaking in the French, German, Spanish and Italian language classrooms, for example. It is an editable PowerPoint with instructions and slides containing a number of GCSE revision topics. However, the topics can easily be edited, depending on your requirements. It can be adapted for all levels, languages (I’ve used it with French, German and English) and groups. It has been tried and tested, but I have added my own spin to it.
45 Songs for GCSE German Classrooms (Modern and Traditional Songs)

45 Songs for GCSE German Classrooms (Modern and Traditional Songs)

Songs for German Lessons If you are looking for traditional and modern songs to get your students listening to German based around the AQA German GCSE specification, check out this list of 45 German songs with artist name, song title and a YouTube link. There are 45+ songs split up by theme (family/relationships/social problems/home/environment/verbs/tenses and grammar etc) which are perfect as a starting point to begin the topics with a discussion, or to exploit with gap fills and comprehension questions. Please review the resource if you download it!
45 French Songs For GCSE French (Modern and Traditional)

45 French Songs For GCSE French (Modern and Traditional)

If you are looking for traditional and modern songs to get your students listening to French based around the AQA GCSE specification, check out this fantastic list of 45 French songs with artist name, song time and a YouTube link. There are 45+ songs split up by theme (family/home/charity/poverty/relationships/school/work/university/environment etc) which are perfect as a starting point to begin the topics, to use as a discussion point, as well as to learn vocabulary, or to exploit with gap fills and comprehension questions.
MFL Writing and Speaking Feedback Grid

MFL Writing and Speaking Feedback Grid

Progress Ladder Feedback Grid for KS3 and GCSE Writing and Speaking for the 9-1 GCSE in French, German and Spanish I have created this Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 writing and speaking marking feedback grid for the new AQA 9-1 GCSE and use it with general or assessed pieces of French, German and Spanish work. The grid is linked to a progress ladder that we use in school, which shows the elements students are required to include to progress from grades 1-9 in the two skills in these subjects. My school has been using it since October and I have found that it has really sped up my marking time. I circle elements that students haven’t included and they must refer back to it before completing their next piece of written or spoken work. I also insist that my students learn these elements by heart in order and they have done this, which is definitely helping with an improvement in grades. Hopefully it’s useful to you all as well! PLEASE REVIEW IF IT’S HELPFUL TO YOU!