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This is Geography

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Our aim is simple, to save you time with quality, well planned resources that are ready to teach. We offer Geography schemes of work for KS2-5 including full resources for the new GCSE specifications (AQA, OCR, Edexcel, CIE IGCSE, Edexcel IGCSE and Eduqas). We also offer a range of individually packaged lessons to help you in specific areas of the curriculum.




Our aim is simple, to save you time with quality, well planned resources that are ready to teach. We offer Geography schemes of work for KS2-5 including full resources for the new GCSE specifications (AQA, OCR, Edexcel, CIE IGCSE, Edexcel IGCSE and Eduqas). We also offer a range of individually packaged lessons to help you in specific areas of the curriculum.
IGCSE Theme 3 Economic Development

IGCSE Theme 3 Economic Development

Full unit of work for Economic Development. Specifically designed for the new IGCSE. All lesson are for 50 minutes to 1 hour of teaching time. Includes supporting worksheets for lessons - no additional resources are required. All lessons have a starter and lesson aim. Extension tasks and homework also included. All PowerPoints in the same signature style. Lesson sequence: Development: 1 - Development indicators 2 - Industry 3 - Globalisation 4 - TNCs 5 - TNC case study 6 - Trade game Food production: 7 - Introduction to agriculture 8 - Food shortages 9 - Food supply and shortages (1) 10 - Food supply and shortages (2) 11 -Food production (Indus Valley) 12 - Famine (Horn of Africa) Industry: 13 - Industrial systems 14 - Types of industry 15 - Industrial zones case study Tourism: 16 - Growth of tourism 17 - Pros and cons of tourism growth 18 - Eco tourism 19 - Tourism case study (Jamaica) Energy: 20 - Growing consumption 21 - Non-renewable energy 22 - Renewable energy 23 - Fuelwood and other energy 24 - Nuclear energy 25 - Hydro-electric power case study 26 - Increasing energy Water: 27 - Water supply and use 28 - Water stress 29 - Water management 30 - Lesotho Highland project Environmental Risks of Development: 31 - Soil fertility and threats 32 - Deferestification 33 - Climate change and the enhanced greenhouse effect 34 - Managing the environment 35 - Conserving the environment Theme 1 and 2 also available. For more resources visit This is Geography. Full SoW for all new GCSE specifications - AQA, Edexcel, OCR, CIE IGCSE, Edexcel IGCSE and Eduqas. As well as over 200 lessons for KS3 and KS2. Want something bespoke designing? Email us for further details info@thisisgeography.co.uk
Y7 Geography 1 Year of Teaching

Y7 Geography 1 Year of Teaching

6 Resources
5 modules to cover teaching a full year of Y7 Geography. Total of 62 lessons For more resources visit This is Geography. Full SoW for all new GCSE specifications - AQA, Edexcel, OCR, CIE IGCSE, Edexcel IGCSE and Eduqas. As well as over 200 lessons for KS3 and KS2. Want something bespoke designing? Email us for further details info@thisisgeography.co.uk
GCSE Geography Edexcel - Unit 1

GCSE Geography Edexcel - Unit 1

6 Resources
45 lessons. This is the complete lesson series for unit 1 of the Edexcel Geography specification. Includes all the lessons for Hazardous Earth, Development Dynamics and Challenges of an Urbanising World. For more resources visit This is Geography. Full SoW for all new GCSE specifications - AQA, Edexcel, OCR, CIE IGCSE, Edexcel IGCSE and Eduqas. As well as over 200 lessons for KS3 and KS2. Want something bespoke designing? Email us for further details info@thisisgeography.co.uk
Section A and B - AQA A Level Geography

Section A and B - AQA A Level Geography

17 Resources
18 part lesson series for section A and B of AQA A Level Geography. All lessons are designed in the same signature style and come with worksheets and exam questions to match the specification. No other resources are needed. Lesson sequence: Section A 1- Natural Systems 2 - The Water Cycle 3 - Drainage Basins 4 - Variations in run off and the water cycle 5 - The Carbon Cycle (1) 6 - The Carbon Cycle (2) 7 - Water, Carbon and Climate 8 - The Amazon Rainforest - Case Study 9 - The Eden Basin - Case Study Section B 1- The Coastal System 2 - Coastal Processes 3 - Coastal Erosional Landforms 4 - Coastal Depositional Landforms 5 - Sea Level Change (1) 6 - Sea Level Change (2) 7 - Coastal Management 8 - Coastal Environment - Case Study 9 - Human at the Coast - Case Study For more resources visit This is Geography. Full SoW for all new GCSE specifications - AQA, Edexcel, OCR, CIE IGCSE, Edexcel IGCSE and Eduqas. As well as over 200 lessons for KS3 and KS2. Want something bespoke designing? Email us for further details info@thisisgeography.co.uk
OCR GCSE - Component 1

OCR GCSE - Component 1

2 Resources
56 x lessons covering the first component of the new OCR GCSE. For more resources visit This is Geography. Full SoW for all new GCSE specifications - AQA, Edexcel, OCR, CIE IGCSE, Edexcel IGCSE and Eduqas. As well as over 200 lessons for KS3 and KS2. Want something bespoke designing? Email us for further details info@thisisgeography.co.uk
AQA Human Geography Bundle

AQA Human Geography Bundle

11 Resources
64 human geography lessons for the new AQA GCSE. Physical geography modules also available. For more resources visit This is Geography. Full SoW for all new GCSE specifications - AQA, Edexcel, OCR, CIE IGCSE, Edexcel IGCSE and Eduqas. As well as over 200 lessons for KS3 and KS2. Want something bespoke designing? Email us for further details info@thisisgeography.co.uk
IGCSE Theme 2 The Natural Environment

IGCSE Theme 2 The Natural Environment

5 Resources
43 lessons for IGCSE geography module theme 2 The Natural Environment. All lesson are suitable for 50 minutes to 1 hour of teaching time. Includes supporting worksheets for lessons - no additional resources are required. For more resources visit This is Geography. Full SoW for all new GCSE specifications - AQA, Edexcel, OCR, CIE IGCSE, Edexcel IGCSE and Eduqas. As well as over 200 lessons for KS3 and KS2. Want something bespoke designing? Email us for further details info@thisisgeography.co.uk
GCSE Geography - The Challenge of Natural Hazards, Physical Landscapes in the UK & The Living World

GCSE Geography - The Challenge of Natural Hazards, Physical Landscapes in the UK & The Living World

5 Resources
58 lessons for AQA GCSE geography topics. All lesson are suitable for 50 minutes to 1 hour of teaching time. Includes supporting worksheets for lessons - no additional resources are required. For more resources visit This is Geography. Full SoW for all new GCSE specifications - AQA, Edexcel, OCR, CIE IGCSE, Edexcel IGCSE and Eduqas. As well as over 200 lessons for KS3 and KS2. Want something bespoke designing? Email us for further details info@thisisgeography.co.uk
Edexcel Physical Geography

Edexcel Physical Geography

10 Resources
Physical geography lessons for the new Edexcel GCSE. Human geography modules also available. For more resources visit This is Geography. Full SoW for all new GCSE specifications - AQA, Edexcel, OCR, CIE IGCSE, Edexcel IGCSE and Eduqas. As well as over 200 lessons for KS3 and KS2. Want something bespoke designing? Email us for further details info@thisisgeography.co.uk
AQA GCSE Physical Geography

AQA GCSE Physical Geography

11 Resources
62 physical geography lessons for the new AQA GCSE. Human geography modules also available. For more resources visit This is Geography. Full SoW for all new GCSE specifications - AQA, Edexcel, OCR, CIE IGCSE, Edexcel IGCSE and Eduqas. As well as over 200 lessons for KS3 and KS2. Want something bespoke designing? Email us for further details info@thisisgeography.co.uk
AQA A Level Geography - Physical Geography

AQA A Level Geography - Physical Geography

This is section A, B and C of the AQA A Level Physical Geography section to be taught alongside 3 core Human Geography modules. All lessons are designed in the same signature style and come with worksheets and exam questions to match the specification. No other resources are needed. Section A Water and Carbon Cycles This unit covers the Amazon and Eden Basin case studies, natural systems, drainage basins, variations in the cycles and the human impact on the cycles. 1- Natural Systems 2 - The Water Cycle 3 - Drainage Basins 4 - Variations in run off and the water cycle 5 - The Carbon Cycle (1) 6 - The Carbon Cycle (2) 7 - Water, Carbon and Climate 8 - The Amazon Rainforest - Case Study 9 - The Eden Basin - Case Study Section B Coastal Systems and Landscapes This unit covers the features of the coast, sea level rise, human interaction with the coast, processes and future developments. 1- The Coastal System 2 - Coastal Processes 3 - Coastal Erosional Landforms 4 - Coastal Depositional Landforms 5 - Sea Level Change (1) 6 - Sea Level Change (2) 7 - Coastal Management 8 - Coastal Environment - Case Study 9 - Human at the Coast - Case Study Section C Hazards This unit covers plate tectonics, seismic hazards, volcanoes, storm hazards and various hazardous envrionments. 1 - Natural Hazards 2 - Plate Tectonics 3 - Types of Plate Margin 4 - Volcanic Hazards 5 - Volcanic Hazards - Impacts and Responses 6 - Seismic Hazards 7 - Seismic Hazards - Impacts and Responses 8 - Storm Hazards 9 - Storm Hazards - Case Study 10 - Wildfries 11 - Multi-Hazard Environment 12 - HIC Case Study For more resources visit This is Geography. Full SoW for all new GCSE specifications - AQA, Edexcel, OCR, CIE IGCSE, Edexcel IGCSE and Eduqas. As well as over 200 lessons for KS3 and KS2. Want something bespoke designing? Email us for further details info@thisisgeography.co.uk
IGCSE Geography

IGCSE Geography

13 Resources
105 lessons for IGCSE geography themes 1, 2 and 3. All lesson are suitable for 50 minutes to 1 hour of teaching time. Includes supporting worksheets for lessons - no additional resources are required. Population: 1 - Introduction to population 2 - Malthus vs Boserup 3 - Migration 4 - The demographic transition model 5 - Anti-natalist policy, the one-child policy 6 - Over vs underpopulation 7 - Cause of migration 8 - Voluntary vs forced migration - refugees 9 - Ageing population 10 - Population structure 11 - Youthful population 12 - Dense vs sparse population 13 - Jelly baby population Settlement: 1 - Settlement provision 2 - Settlement structure 3 - Settlement services 4 - Rural settlement service provision 5 - Urban settlement service provision 6 - Burgess model and the CBD 7 - Green and brownfield sites 8 - Problems in urban areas 9 - Manchester 10 - Urban regeneration 11 -Urbanisation 12 - Impacts of urbanisation 13 - Squatter settlements 14 - Squatter settlement case study - Dharavi Earthquakes and Volcanoes 1 - What are hazards? 2 - Structure of the earth 3 - Types of volcano 4 - Why live in hazardous areas? 5 - Volcano case study 6 - Earthquakes 7 - Disaster response in Haiti 8 - Disaster response in New Zealand Rivers: 1 - Hydrological cycle and drainage basins 2 - Erosion and deposition 3 - Landforms in the upper course 4 - Landforms in the middle course 5 - Landforms in the lower course 6 - Flooding 7 - Hard and soft engineering 8 - Rivers case study - Somerset 9 - Rivers GIS Coasts: 1 - Waves 2 - Coastal processes 3 - Landforms processes 4 - Erosional landforms 5 - Depositional landforms 6 - Coral reefs 7 - Threats to coral reefs 8 - Mangroves 9 - Hard and soft engineering 10 - Coastal case study 11 - Assessment Weather: 1 - Atmospheric circulation 2 - Measuring the weather 3 - Clouds Climate and Natural Vegetation 1 - Climate zones 2 - Hot deserts 3 - Climate graphs and deserts 4 - Ecosystems 5 - Rainforests 6 - Soil and biodiversity 7 - Opportunities in hot deserts 8 - Causes of deforestation 9 - Impacts of deforestation 10 - Managing the rainforest 11 - Desertification 12 - Sustainable management of the world Development 1 - Development indicators 2 - Industry 3 - Globalisation 4 - TNCs 5 - TNC case study 6 - Trade game Food production 1 - Introduction to agriculture 2 - Food shortages 3 - Food supply and shortages (1) 4 - Food supply and shortages (2) 5 -Food production (Indus Valley) 6 - Famine (Horn of Africa) Industry 1 - Industrial systems 2 - Types of industry 3 - Industrial zones case study Tourism 1 - Growth of tourism 2 - Pros and cons of tourism growth 3 - Eco tourism 4 - Tourism case study (Jamaica) Energy 1 - Growing consumption 2 - Non-renewable energy 3 - Renewable energy 4 - Fuelwood and other energy 5 - Nuclear energy 6 - Hydro-electric power case study 7 - Increasing energy Water 1 - Water supply and use 2 - Water stress 3 - Water management 4 - Lesotho Highland project Environmental Risk of Development 1 - Soil fertility and threats 2 - Deferestification 3 - Climate change and the enhanced greenhouse effect 4 - Managing the environment 5 - Conserving the environment For more resources visit This is Geography. Full SoW for all new GCSE specifications - AQA, Edexcel, OCR, CIE IGCSE, Edexcel IGCSE and Eduqas. As well as over 200 lessons for KS3 and KS2. Want something bespoke designing? Email us for further details info@thisisgeography.co.uk
AQA GCSE Geography

AQA GCSE Geography

19 Resources
117 lessons for AQA GCSE geography topics unit 1 and 2. All lesson are suitable for 50 minutes to 1 hour of teaching time. Includes supporting worksheets for lessons - no additional resources are required. For more resources visit This is Geography. Full SoW for all new GCSE specifications - AQA, Edexcel, OCR, CIE IGCSE, Edexcel IGCSE and Eduqas. As well as over 200 lessons for KS3 and KS2. Want something bespoke designing? Email us for further details info@thisisgeography.co.uk
GCSE Geography - The Challenge of Natural Hazards, Physical Landscapes in the UK, The Living World, Urban Issues and Challenges & The Changing Economic World

GCSE Geography - The Challenge of Natural Hazards, Physical Landscapes in the UK, The Living World, Urban Issues and Challenges & The Changing Economic World

5 Resources
102 lessons for AQA GCSE geography topics. All lesson are suitable for 50 minutes to 1 hour of teaching time. Includes supporting worksheets for lessons - no additional resources are required. For more resources visit This is Geography. Full SoW for all new GCSE specifications - AQA, Edexcel, OCR, CIE IGCSE, Edexcel IGCSE and Eduqas. As well as over 200 lessons for KS3 and KS2. Want something bespoke designing? Email us for further details info@thisisgeography.co.uk
OCR GCSE Geography

OCR GCSE Geography

11 Resources
119 lessons for OCR GCSE geography components 1 and 2. All lesson are suitable for 50 minutes to 1 hour of teaching time. Includes supporting worksheets for lessons - no additional resources are required. For more resources visit This is Geography. Full SoW for all new GCSE specifications - AQA, Edexcel, OCR, CIE IGCSE, Edexcel IGCSE and Eduqas. As well as over 200 lessons for KS3 and KS2. Want something bespoke designing? Email us for further details info@thisisgeography.co.uk
Edexcel GCSE Geography

Edexcel GCSE Geography

18 Resources
114 lessons for Edexcel GCSE geography topics unit 1 and 2. All lesson are suitable for 50 minutes to 1 hour of teaching time. Includes supporting worksheets for lessons - no additional resources are required. For more resources visit This is Geography. Full SoW for all new GCSE specifications - AQA, Edexcel, OCR, CIE IGCSE, Edexcel IGCSE and Eduqas. As well as over 200 lessons for KS3 and KS2. Want something bespoke designing? Email us for further details info@thisisgeography.co.uk
KS3 Geography - 3 years of teaching

KS3 Geography - 3 years of teaching

14 Resources
This bundle contains 205 lessons and is suitable for teaching the whole of KS3 Geography. If bought alongside the AQA GCSE bundle you can buy a whole 5 years of teaching resources. Recommended sequence: Year 7 Map Skills Rainforests Settlement Climate Change UK, Weather and Climate Year 8 Coasts Extreme Environments Tourism Natural Hazards Fragile Environments Year 9 Kenya: Learning Through Enquiry Development Gap Energy Population The Challenge of Natural Hazards For more resources visit This is Geography. Full SoW for all new GCSE specifications - AQA, Edexcel, OCR, CIE IGCSE, Edexcel IGCSE and Eduqas. As well as over 200 lessons for KS3 and KS2. Want something bespoke designing? Email us for further details info@thisisgeography.co.uk
Geography - 5 Years of Teaching (AQA)

Geography - 5 Years of Teaching (AQA)

18 Resources
This bundle contains 322 lessons and is suitable for teaching the whole of KS3 Geography and the AQA 1-9 GCSE. Recommended sequence: Year 7 Map Skills Rainforests Settlement UK, Weather and Climate Year 8 Coasts Extreme Environments Tourism Natural Hazards Fragile Environments Year 9 Kenya: Learning Through Enquiry Development Gap Energy Population The Challenge of Natural Hazards Year 10 The Living World Urban Issues and Challenges Physical Landscapes in the UK Year 11 The Challenge of Resource Management The Changing Economic World For more resources visit This is Geography. Full SoW for all new GCSE specifications - AQA, Edexcel, OCR, CIE IGCSE, Edexcel IGCSE and Eduqas. As well as over 200 lessons for KS3 and KS2. Want something bespoke designing? Email us for further details info@thisisgeography.co.uk
Geography - 5 Years of Teaching (Edexcel)

Geography - 5 Years of Teaching (Edexcel)

8 Resources
This bundle contains 319 lessons and is suitable for teaching the whole of KS3 Geography and the Edexcel 1-9 GCSE. Recommended sequence: Year 7 Map Skills Rainforests Settlement Rivers UK, Weather and Climate Year 8 Coasts Extreme Environments Tourism Fragile Environments Year 9 Development Gap Energy Population Hazardous Earth Year 10 Development Dynamics The UK’s Evolving Physical Landscape The UK’s Evolving Human Landscape Forests Under Threat Year 11 People and The Biosphere Consuming Energy Resources Challenges of an Urbanising World For more resources visit This is Geography. Full SoW for all new GCSE specifications - AQA, Edexcel, OCR, CIE IGCSE, Edexcel IGCSE and Eduqas. As well as over 200 lessons for KS3 and KS2. Want something bespoke designing? Email us for further details info@thisisgeography.co.uk
Middle School Geography - 5 Years of Teaching

Middle School Geography - 5 Years of Teaching

17 Resources
This bundle contains 304 lessons and is suitable for teaching the whole of KS2 and KS3 Geography at Middle School. Recommended sequence: Year 5 Bizarre Biomes Map Skills & The UK How We Live Where We Live Year 6 Crumbling Coasts The Problem with Resources Dangerous Earth Year 7 Rainforests UK, Weather and Climate Population Year 8 Coasts Extreme Environments Tourism Fragile Environments Year 9 Kenya: Learning Through Enquiry Development Gap Energy China For more resources visit This is Geography. Full SoW for all new GCSE specifications - AQA, Edexcel, OCR, CIE IGCSE, Edexcel IGCSE and Eduqas. As well as over 200 lessons for KS3 and KS2. Want something bespoke designing? Email us for further details info@thisisgeography.co.uk