Resources aimed at high school teachers for English language and literature, with a heavy focus on skills development and consolidation tasks. GCSE assessment outcomes catered for and skills are embedded and taught to the top.
Resources aimed at high school teachers for English language and literature, with a heavy focus on skills development and consolidation tasks. GCSE assessment outcomes catered for and skills are embedded and taught to the top.
Ks4 GCSE focused powerpoint with recall quotations, extract from stave 4, quotation selections and modelling of language and structural analysis, model response, further guidance on other possible areas of the novella that show poverty and further quotations for analysis, question for exam styled task. Can cover two or three lessons dependant on group ability and class times.
An exploration of victims in J & H; science, violence, truth, secrets. Looking at a range of characters; Poole, Jekyll, Sir Danvers Carew and Lanyon. Defining the term victim, exploring quotations with modelled analysis and interpretations, contextual factors and Stevenson’ influence. Mini response opportunities throughout, as well as larger opportunities to respond in writing. Peer marking criteria offered.
HIgh end terminology included for high ability pupil responses. Created for top sets but has been taught to set three successfully.
This resource will give the teacher full coverage to teach key themes with extracts, model responses and full language and contextual analysis in line with the new AO’s 1-3. The scheme covers the Gothic genre, morality, prejudice, monstrosity, responsibility, quotation memory and much more.
All lessons have a clear overall learning outcome, and differentiated outcomes on all slides. This can be used to teach from the start of KS4 onwards and offers a solid introduction to the novel.