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Social Studies 4 Life!

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(based on 2 reviews)

I am a 7th and 8th grade middle school social studies teacher. My favorite subjects to study in history are World War 1, The Great Depression and World War 2.




I am a 7th and 8th grade middle school social studies teacher. My favorite subjects to study in history are World War 1, The Great Depression and World War 2.
Create your own Meme: History, English

Create your own Meme: History, English

Students will look up an adjective or verb that can be used to describe a positive characteristic that has been displayed in history. Students will be researching examples in history and will be drawing a poster to illustrate what this word means. There are also a series of questions students need to answer on the back of their paper. This is an excellent back to school project! Total Pages-2 Teaching Duration- 90 Minutes
Modern Day Muckraker-Investigative journalism

Modern Day Muckraker-Investigative journalism

For this project, Students team up individually or in pairs and become modern day “muckrakers”. Their mission will be to investigate a problem that currently exists and is causing damage or harm to some sector of our modern-day society. The problem must relate to something that is happening today. Students will learn what it is like to be an investigative journalist. I have brainstormed 20-25 topics for your students to the project on. There are 6 questions that will help scaffold your student's research. You can make this into a essay paper, brochure, Prezi or PowerPoint presentation. My students loved pretending to be journalist and investigating topics that were of fascinating to them. -Students will need access to internet to research for this project Total Pages 2 Teaching Duration 3 Days