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AQA GCSE Spanish Qué hiciste y te gustaría hacer durante las vacaciones?
Holiday Activities Kerboodle
AQA GCSE Spanish Reutilizar Reducir Reciclar
A lesson on recycling which follows Kerboodle AQA GCSE resources
GCSE Spanish AQA Qué se puede hacer donde vives
A lesson on describing activities where you live which follows Kerboodle AQA GCSE resources
GCSE Spanish AQA La Ciudad y El Campo
A lesson on describing your comparing city and countryside which follows Kerboodle AQA GCSE resources
GCSE Spanish AQA Mi Ciudad
A lesson on describing your city which follows Kerboodle AQA GCSE resources
GCSE Spanish AQA El deporte en el mundo
A lesson on sport in the world which follows Kerboodle AQA GCSE resources
GCSE Spanish AQA Planes para el futuro
GCSE Spanish resource which follows the activity from Kerboodle and Oxford Text Book. The lesson is teaching about future plans and the immediate future tense.
AQA GCSE Spanish Dónde Te Alojas?
Accommodation lesson following Kerboodle AQA Resources
GCSE Spanish AQA Qué haces en tu tiempo libre?
A lesson on Free Time which follows Kerboodle AQA GCSE resources.
GCSE AQA Spanish Qué deporte harás?
A lesson on sport and the future tense which follows Kerboodle AQA GCSE resources
GCSE Spanish AQA Cómo es tu casa?
A lesson on describing your house which follows Kerboodle AQA GCSE resources
GCSE Spanish AQA Comer y Beber
A lesson on food and drink which follows Kerboodle AQA GCSE resources.
GCSE Spanish AQA Hablando del tiempo libre y los planes
A lesson on free time and going out which follows Kerboodle AQA GCSE resources.
GCSE Spanish AQA Mi Casa
A lesson on describing your house which follows Kerboodle AQA GCSE resources
GCSE Spanish AQA Qué te gusta hacer?
A lesson on free time and gustar which follows Kerboodle AQA GCSE resources.
GCSE Spanish AQA Las Fiestas de Espana La Tomatina
A lesson on La Tomatina which follows Kerboodle AQA GCSE resources
GCSE Spanish AQA Cambian Las Costumbres?
A lesson on Spanish customs which follows Kerboodle AQA GCSE resources
A Level Spanish AQA Los Cambios en la Familia 1.1B
Presentation and links to activities for new spec GCE AQA Spanish A Level. Follows AQA Kerboodle book.
AQA A Level Spanish. Tradiciones y Costumbres. 5.1B
Resources for AQA new specification Spanish A Level 2016 on the topic of traditional festivals in Spain. Resources accompany the Kerboodle text book.
A Level Spanish AQA Matrimonio Divorcio 1
To accompany new GCE AQA Kerboodle textbook. Covers all exercises, translations, speaking, grammar points.