18 slides, each with a script plus a 3 minute video.
Suitable for a full school assembly.
Covers - Why we need a woman’s day
Gender inequality around the world
Gender inequality in the UK in the past
Progress made in the UK
Gender inequality in the UK 2022
Steps that can reduce gender inequality for boys and girls
A 20 minutes assembly with notes, looking into why we have a LGBTQ+ History month, and a look at how art, movies and music have hinted at acceptance of sexuality, even when laws and society did not approve.
A 11 slide presentation with notes/script (Aprrox 15-20 mins). Covers some of the main health risks to men and top tips on self diagnosis/actions to take
13 slides with script in the notes section
The psychology of empathy
Consequences of sending nasty messages
10 tips when you receive a nasty message
The popular selling quiz is back.
Every Thursday evening, I will post a weekly quiz.
10 topical questions
10 answers with 2 or 3 discussion points
Excellent for encouraging pupils to watch the news
Great for demonstrating active citizenship/pshe discussion
Week 1 is free - Week 2 onwards just £2 a week