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I have created many GCSE resources in French German and Spanish specifically designed for the AQA exam. I am a current examiner for GCSE and Alevel for AQA. Some A level and KS3 resources - I am working on building these up. Resources tried and tested on pupils! Please contact me through TES to ask for a resource you want.




I have created many GCSE resources in French German and Spanish specifically designed for the AQA exam. I am a current examiner for GCSE and Alevel for AQA. Some A level and KS3 resources - I am working on building these up. Resources tried and tested on pupils! Please contact me through TES to ask for a resource you want.
GERMAN AQA GCSE foundation writing paper 4 - a real time saver!!!!

GERMAN AQA GCSE foundation writing paper 4 - a real time saver!!!!

This is the fourth of 4 full original papers which can be downloaded separately or together as a bundle. A real time saver, can be used for GCSE revision, intervention, consolidation, cover This is a full paper with a photo question, 40 words, translation and 2x 90 words. There is not a markscheme because the photocard, 40 and 90 words all have markschemes on the AQA website.
GCSE AQA German foundation writing paper 3

GCSE AQA German foundation writing paper 3

This is the third of 4 writing papers which can be downloaded separately or as a bundle. It is a full paper - not a theme based paper., all themes are used, photo question 40 words translation and 2x 90 word questions This is a real time saver - can be set for homework., cover, consolidation intervention etc.
GCSE AQA German Foundation writing practice paper 2 - A REAL TIME SAVER!!!!

GCSE AQA German Foundation writing practice paper 2 - A REAL TIME SAVER!!!!

tHIS IS THE SECOND DIFFERENT PAPER OF 4 WHICH CAN BE BOUGHT AS A BUNDLE . THIS IS A REAL TIME SAVER FOR REVISION PRACTICE!!! 50 mins useful for - cover, intervention/extra practice, , revision booklet, holiday homework, consolidation of 90 word questions. This is a full GCSE practice writing paper using the AQA model. There is a mark scheme There is a photo, a 40 word question, translation sentences and 2x 90 word questions. There is no mark scheme, but the photo question, 40 word and 90 word questions have their own markschemes in the AQA 2018 or specimen papers. The level of difficulty has been carefully monitored for the translations - no subordinating clauses at Foundation level.
GCSE AQA German foundation writing practice paper 1 - TIME SAVER!

GCSE AQA German foundation writing practice paper 1 - TIME SAVER!

THIS IS A REAL TIME SAVER FOR REVISION PRACTICE!!! 50 mins useful for - cover, intervention/extra practice, , revision booklet, holiday homework, consolidation of 90 word questions. This is a full GCSE practice writing paper using the AQA model. There is a mark scheme There is a photo, a 40 word question, translation sentences and 2x 90 word questions. There is no mark scheme, but the photo question, 40 word and 90 word questions have their own markschemes in the AQA 2018 or specimen papers. The level of difficulty has been carefully monitored for the translations - no subordinating clauses at Foundation level.
GCSE German  - Translation Foundation practice

GCSE German - Translation Foundation practice

This is a set of translation sentences for each Theme and subsection for foundation level. They are modelled on the Sample and 2018 papers translation sentence. This resource can be used for revision, homework, intervention, support or consolidation There are 10 sentences per sub-theme, and there are answers for self checking at the end. The focus is on tenses and simple structures. - because is translated using “denn” Theme 1 - Free time, music, sport, family/friends/relations, festivals, technology Theme 2 - holidays, global problems (environment), social problems (poverty, charity work etc), healthy living, home, town/region Theme 3 - Career and future plans , school life, my studies and post 16 education
GCSE French - Higher - imperfect, modals, passive, pluperfect, depuis, have just, "this/that"

GCSE French - Higher - imperfect, modals, passive, pluperfect, depuis, have just, "this/that"

This resource is for higher GCSE Students - for intervention for top grade students, self study, class work, cover work or homework. The exercises can also be split and used separately or as part of a revision “pack” it is a series of translation exercises practising key grammar points in sentences which - This is really useful as the exercises drill key structures and practise them changing context and some key words. Some sentences have vocabulary for support, and extension sections to put the example in a context. Passive - variations on " I have been/was shocked when …" Tenses - Imperfect, with separate exercises on modal verbs - wanted to, could and should also comparing I am going to / I was going to Vouloir in perfect and imperfect - I have / had always wanted to … I have/ we have just … Pluperfect, with and without negatives for each theme Depuis + present Adverbs - from feminine adjectives, exceptions and some extension adverbial phrases e.g. avec soin For accuracy - this / these, that / those etc with a range of useful vocabulary from the spec. which will familiarise students with feminine noun endings and the masculine “cet” before a vowel. This resource does not teach the structures- students will need to research examples in the text book.
GCSE French social problems  grade 8/9- writing model and speaking questions

GCSE French social problems grade 8/9- writing model and speaking questions

Topic social problems - unemployment, homelessness, charity work = grade 8/9 work There are 2 Higher Writing *150 word questions with model answers These answers are packed with a wide variety of structures, suitable for grade 8/9 - including subjunctive, pluperfect, relative clauses, ce qui, après ètre , infinitive constructions, and a passive . They can be broken down with highilighters to answer the speaking questions on the same topics on the sheet. Students can note the structures to help prepare for the speaking and try to construct their own answers orally as pair work perhaps using cards with the questions and 1/2 key structures
GCSE French - environment - higher writing model & speaking questions

GCSE French - environment - higher writing model & speaking questions

This is a model higher level writing answer which can be linked to speaking questions - the aim is to show students that they can reuse language They are NOT meant to learn the entire answer - rather make their own answers to the questions using the writing model - either simplifying it or adding other language. They can use the writing to answer orally the questions at the top in pairs - it is to highlight the higher level structures.
GCSE French higher - subjunctive worksheet

GCSE French higher - subjunctive worksheet

Simple explanation with key phrases and examples for use at GCSE and to stretch higher students. limited number of verbs and also triggers. ideal intro to subjunctive grey area… Can be used as a group or individual task or for intervention. could also introduce subjunctive simply at AS level.
GCSE French - written answer for correction (healthy life) and adjective exercise

GCSE French - written answer for correction (healthy life) and adjective exercise

This is a tailor made work sheet which concentrated on 2 skills for GCSE French intermediate writing correcting errors in written work improving work to a higher standard - looking at a better 90 word answer There are 2 answers - the first one has errors and needs improving with more complexity and less repetition. The second one is a better version (though not perfect!!!) students can use the mark scheme to workout what to award each version then improve the first version - or even the second! There are also some translation exercises on adjectives and key structures at the end whcih can be done as extension. consolidation or separated off and used at a different time. written for AQA curriculum but can be used for others
French GCSE negatives revision

French GCSE negatives revision

Worksheet which starts with a short exercise correcting common errors, Second exercises are translation sentences on negatives in main tenses. - common negatives (e.g. pas, jamais) and less common (e.g. guère)
GCSE German revision pack Writing

GCSE German revision pack Writing

11 Resources
Bundle is a complete set of resources for GCSE German revision - working on key issues such as tenses and cases, comparative/superlative. There are key verb practice sheets and example questions for the overlap (90 words) and higher (150 words) questions
GCSE German - verbs Theme 2 with tense exercise

GCSE German - verbs Theme 2 with tense exercise

This worksheet contains a list of all the verbs from the AQA specification for the different topics for theme 2. there is then a series of exercises to practise these verbs in tenses. it is excellent for reinforcement and revision
German GCSE revision perfect/past tense -  key Themes 2 and 3 examples

German GCSE revision perfect/past tense - key Themes 2 and 3 examples

This is a worksheet for students at foundation or higher level to help students focus on some key verbs. There are very common verbs - e.g. spielen, and also less common (beschlossen) included - we, he /she, they, regular, irregular, ver/be/zer starters, and -ieren verbs some key foundation and higher verbs **There is repetition across the topics to reinforce some key phrases. e…g es hat Spaß gemacht ** Each theme has examples divided up into sub themes, Students fill in and can peer assess or check with teacher version. This can then be used to target revision for the writing as students can use these verbs to construct their answers to past tense bullet points on each theme. can be used as a series of starters when revising topics or as a revision of the past tense . **Theme 2 - social problems, environment, healthy living, holidays, region Theme 3 - school life, work, careers, work experience/ p-time jobs. ** included - answers for self-checking ** Good as intervention or cover lesson, homework, or as part of a revision pack - self study materials. These can be stuck into exercise book and used as a reference guide when checked - can be highlighted into regular and irregular. .
KS3 KS4 KS5 German superlative & comparative - regulars, irregulars

KS3 KS4 KS5 German superlative & comparative - regulars, irregulars

a practice exercise sheet for the comparative and superlative - includes regulars and irregulars for KS3 4 5 - as practice and revision. can be used for intervention, extra practice, revision in class, part of a grammar pack for higher students. some of the vocabulary is higher level, some foundation GCSE. aim - to enable students to become confident in using this structure - examples such as besser höher etc as well as applying the rule to e.g. anstrengend also adding extra -e- when adjective ends in ‘t’ use as adjective only with feminine to focus on the comparative not the adj. ending . Examples mainly from topics school and environment.
Writing revision GCSE German 2016+ 90 words questions for all themes  with support

Writing revision GCSE German 2016+ 90 words questions for all themes with support

This resource contains 6 examples of 90 word questions, 2 per theme. The bullet points on each question require past, present, future and opinions. The topics are - social media and family/friends (1) , social problems and healthy lifestyle (2), school life and career/part time jobs (3) Each bullet point is expanded for support with sample structures, sentence starters, examples of verbs which can be used. The focus is on verbs and tenses. and giving reasons for opinions (justification) Useful for class practice, cover, intervention or homework - or together as a revision pack to be set when students go on study leave. Some higher structures are also included to stretch higher pupils. Suggested grammar also includes examples of Um …zu and a pluperfect.
Cases GCSE F/H overview, chart & useful examples

Cases GCSE F/H overview, chart & useful examples

This resource is a very practical one-page review for KS4 and above of cases - can be printed and stuck in book or expanded for wall poster. it can be used for intervention, homework or classwork - partially or as a complete overview the table can be split and each case treated separately - adjective endings can also be added as it is a word document . Nominative, Accusative, Dative, Genitive. Includes when to use them and the key prepositions (e.g. Dogewuf - does not include bis). Also includes dual case prepositions Includes the changes to the definite and indefinite articles with kein, and the possessives (mein, dein etc) does not include ihr/euer Page 2 is a worksheet with useful examples for GCSE foundation / higher, or as a revision for KS5 transition.
Revision sheet perfect tense

Revision sheet perfect tense

Very clearly laid out sheet on perfect tense in French with avoir regulars, avoir irregulars and tre verbs , also reflexives exercises at the bottom of the sheet.