Thank you for visiting! Here you will find a selection of printable, interactive worksheets for your classroom: Basic Geography worksheets with simple maps, ESL, Spanish, Bible, Reading Comprehension and more. I hope you find the resources useful! Reviews are welcome and very much appreciated. Thank you so much.
Thank you for visiting! Here you will find a selection of printable, interactive worksheets for your classroom: Basic Geography worksheets with simple maps, ESL, Spanish, Bible, Reading Comprehension and more. I hope you find the resources useful! Reviews are welcome and very much appreciated. Thank you so much.
Introduce your learners to the country of Turkmenistan with this printable handout of two worksheets (plus answer key). Your students will read a brief introduction to Turkmenistan (location, capital, language, flag), write ‘Ashgabat’ next to the star on the map to show the location of the capital, color the small map, and use the map and compass to answer 8 questions on page 2. Colored pencils and a pen or pencil are needed for this activity. No other prep needed. Basic Geography worksheet with a simple map to introduce Turkmenistan and practice cardinal/ordinal directions.
For use with Interactive Notebooks: After the worksheets are completed, students can cut out the map and flag and paste into the notebook under the topic of Asia / Sub-topic: Turkmenistan. Under the map, students can write a summary in their own words of what they now know about this country. Collect worksheets for other countries of Asia to add to the notebook! All available in this store. Please browse this store for a selection of printable worksheets for other countries of Asia (and beyond!).
Thank you so much for using my Geography worksheets in your classroom! I hope you find them useful. Reviews are welcome and very much appreciated!
Included: Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Caspian Sea. 5 provinces: ahal, Balkan, Dashhowuz, Lebap, and Mary.
Using the map of Malaysia, find and circle the 13 states and 3 territories in the Word Search Puzzle below. States: Perils, Kedah, Kelantan, Penang, Terengganu, Perak, Pahang, Selangor, Negari Sambilan, Malacca, Johor, Sarawak, Sabah. Territories: Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya, Labuan.
1 printable Word Search Puzzle with map (plus answer key).
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Introduce your learners to the state of Maryland in the USA with this printable handout of two worksheets (plus answer key). Your students will read a brief overview of Maryland (location, capital, flag, state bird, state flower), write ‘Annapolis’ next to the star on the map to show the location of the capital, color the small map, and use the map and compass to answer 8 true/false questions on page 2. Colored pencils and a pen or pencil are needed for this activity. No other prep needed. Basic Geography worksheet with a simple map to introduce the state of Maryland and practice cardinal and ordinal directions.
For use with Interactive Notebooks: After the worksheets are completed, students can cut out the map and flag of Maryland and paste into the notebook under the topic of United States/Sub-Topic: Maryland. Under the map, students can write a summary in their own words of what they now know about this state. Collect worksheets for other states of the US and more to add to the notebook! Please browse this store for a selection of worksheets for other states of the USA (and beyond!)
Thank you so much for using my worksheets in your classroom. Reviews are welcome and very much appreciated!
Included: Virginia, West Virginia, Washington DC, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Atlantic Ocean, Baltimore, Potomac River, Delaware Bay, Chesapeake Bay, Black-eyed Susan, Baltimore Oriole, Queen Henrietta Maria.
Introduce your learners to the country of CAMBODIA in Southeast Asia with this printable or digital handout of two worksheets (plus answer key). Your students will read a brief overview of Cambodia (location, capital, language, flag), write ‘Phnom Penh’ next to the star on the map to show the capital, trace the lines of the Tonle Sap and Mekong River, color the small map, and use the map and compass to answer 8 true/false questions on page 2. Colored pencils and a pen or pencil are needed for this activity. No other prep needed. Basic Geography worksheet with a simple map to introduce Cambodia and practice cardinal and ordinal directions.
For use with Interactive Notebooks: After your students complete the worksheets, they can cut out the map and flag of Cambodia and paste into the notebook under the topic of Asia / Sub-topic: Cambodia. Under the map, students can write a summary in their own words of what they now know about this country. Collect worksheets for other countries of Asia to add to the notebook! Please browse this store for a selection of printable worksheets for other countries of Asia (and beyond!)
Thank you so much for using my Geography worksheets in your classroom! Reviews are welcome and very much appreciated.
Included: Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Buddhism, Angkor Wat, Khmer, Mekong River
Introduce your learners to the country of Malaysia in Southeast Asia with this printable handout of two worksheets (plus answer key). Your students will read a brief overview of Malaysia (location, capital, language, flag), write ‘Kuala Lumpur’ next to the star on the map to show the location of the capital, color the small map, and use the map and compass to answer 8 questions on page 2. Colored pencils and a pen or pencil are needed for this activity. No other prep needed. Basic Geography worksheet with a simple map to introduce Malaysia.
For use with Interactive Notebooks: After your students complete the worksheets, they can cut out the map and flag of Malaysia and paste into the notebook under the topic of Asia / Sub-topic: Malaysia. Under the map, students can write a summary in their own words of what they now know about this country. Collect worksheets for other countries of Asia to add to the notebook! Please browse this store for a selection of printable worksheets for other countries of Asia (and beyond!).
Thank you so much for using my Geography worksheets in your classroom! Reviews are welcome and very much appreciated.
Included: China Sea, Malay, Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo’s East Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam, Indonesia, Brunei, Philippines, Vietnam. Stripes of Glory. Jalur Gemilang.
Introduce your learners to the country of Sri Lanka in South Asia with two worksheets (plus answer key). Your students will read a brief introduction to Sri Lanka (location, capital, language, flag), write ‘Kotte’ and ‘Colombia’ next to the star on the map to show the location of the capitals, color the small map, and use the map and compass to answer 7 true/false questions on page 2. Colored pencils and a pen or pencil are needed for this activity. No other prep needed. Basic Geography worksheet with a simple map to introduce Sri Lanka and practice cardinal and ordinal directions.
For use with Interactive Notebooks: After the worksheets are completed, students can cut out the map and flag and paste into the notebook under the topic of Asia / Sub-topic: Sri Lanka. Under the map, students can write a summary in their own words of what they now know about this country. Collect worksheets for other countries of Asia to add to the notebook! All available in this store!
Thank you so much for using my Geography worksheets in your classroom! I hope you find them useful. Reviews are welcome and very much appreciated! Please browse this store for worksheets to introduce your students to the countries of Asia and around the world!
Included: Lion Flag, Sinha, Sri Jayewardenepura Kotte, Pearl of the Indian Ocean, India, Ceylon, Pearl of the Indian Ocean, Bay of Bengal
Introduce your learners to Uzbekistan in Central Asia with this printable handout of two worksheets (plus answer key). Your students will read a brief introduction to Uzbekistan (location, capital, language, flag), write ‘Tashkent’ next to the star on the map to show the capital, color the small map, and use the map and compass to answer 9 true/false questions on page 2. Colored pencils and a pen or pencil are needed for this activity. No other prep needed. Basic Geography worksheet with a simple map to introduce the country of Uzbekistan and practice cardinal and ordinal directions.
For use with Interactive Notebooks: After your students complete the worksheets, they can cut out the map and flag of Uzbekistan and paste into the notebook under the topic of Asia / Sub-topic: Uzbekistan. Under the map, students can write a summary in their own words of what they now know about this country. Collect worksheets for other countries of Asia to add to the notebook! All available in this store! Please browse this store for a selection of worksheets for other countries of Asia (and beyond!).
Thank you so much for using my Geography worksheets in your classroom! I hope you find them useful. Reviews are welcome and very much appreciated!
Included: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbek. Landlocked country.
Introduce your learners to Tajikistan in Central Asia with this printable handout of two worksheets (plus answer key). Your students will read a brief overview of Tajikistan (location, capital, language, flag), write ‘Dushanbe’ next to the star on the map to show the capital, color the small map, and use the map and compass to answer 8 true/false questions on page 2. Colored pencils and a pen or pencil are needed for this activity. No other prep needed. Basic Geography worksheet with a simple map to introduce the country of Tajikistan and practice cardinal and ordinal directions.
For use with Interactive Notebooks: After the worksheets are completed, students can cut out the map and flag and paste into the notebook under the topic of Asia / Sub-topic: Tajikistan. Under the map, students can write a summary in their own words of what they now know about this country. Collect worksheets for other countries of Asia to add to the notebook! All available in this store! Please browse this store for a selection of worksheets for other countries of Asia (and beyond!).
Thank you so much for using my Geography worksheets in your classroom. I hope you find them useful. Reviews are welcome and very much appreciated!
Included: Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, China, Tajiks, Tajiki, Crown, Islam
Introduce your learners to the state of RHODE ISLAND in the USA with this printable handout of two worksheets (plus answer key). Your students will read an introduction to Rhode Island (location, capital, flag, state bird, state flower), write ‘Providence’ next to the star on the map to show the location of the capital, color the small map, and use the map and compass to answer 9 true/false questions on page 2. Colored pencils and a pen or pencil are needed for this activity. No other prep needed. Basic Geography worksheet with a simple map to introduce Rhode Island and practice cardinal and ordinal directions.
For use with Interactive Notebooks: After the worksheets are completed, students can cut out the map and flag of Rhode Island and paste into the notebook under the topic of United States/Sub-Topic: Rhode Island. Under the map, students can write a summary in their own words of what they now know about this state. Collect worksheets for other states of the US to add to the notebook! Please browse this store for a selection of worksheets for other states of the USA and countries of the world!
Thank you so much for using my worksheets in your classroom. Reviews are welcome and very much appreciated!
Included: New England, Common Blue Violet, Rhode Island Red, 13 colonies, 13th state, Block Island, Aquidneck Island, Conanicut Island, Prudence Island, state motto Hope, Block Island Sound, Rhode Island Sound, Providence River, Narragansett Bay, Connecticut, Massachusetts
Introduce your learners to Singapore in Southeast Asia with this printable handout of two worksheets (plus answer key). Your students will read a brief overview of Singapore (location, capital, language, flag), write ‘Singapore’ next to the star on the map on the main island to show the location of the capital, color the small map, and use the map and compass to answer 7 true/false questions on page 2. Colored pencils and a pen or pencil are needed for this activity. No other prep needed. Basic Geography worksheet with a simple map to introduce Singapore and practice cardinal and ordinal directions.
For use with Interactive Notebooks: After your students complete the worksheets, they can cut out the map and flag of Singapore and paste into the notebook under the topic of Asia / Sub-topic: Singapore. Under the map, students can write a summary in their own words of what they now know about this country. Collect worksheets for other countries of Asia to add to the notebook! Please browse this store for a selection of worksheets for other countries of Asia (and beyond!).
Thank you so much for using my Geography worksheets in your classroom! Reviews are welcome and very much appreciated.
Included: Malaysia, Johor Strait, Singapore Strait, Jurong, Busing, Sentosa, Bakum, Sudong, Sabarok, Pawai, Semakau, Ubin and Tekong
Introduce your learners to the country of Myanmar (formerly Burma) in Southeast Asia with this printable handout of two worksheets (plus answer key). Your students will read a brief overview of Myanmar (location, capital, language, flag), write ‘Nay Pyi Taw’ next to the star on the map to show the location of the capital, color the small map, and use the map and compass to answer 10 questions on page 2. Colored pencils and a pen or pencil are needed for this activity. No other prep needed. Basic Geography worksheet with a simple map to introduce Myanmar and practice cardinal/ordinal directions.
For use with Interactive Notebooks: After your students complete the worksheets, they can cut out the map and flag of Myanmar and paste into the notebook under the topic of Asia / Sub-topic: Myanmar. Under the map, students can write a summary in their own words of what they now know about this country. Collect worksheets for other countries of Asia to add to the notebook! Please browse this store for a selection of worksheets for other countries of Asia (and beyond!)
Thank you so much for using my Geography worksheets in your classroom! Reviews are welcome and very much appreciated.
Included: China, Laos, Thailand, Bangladesh, India, Andaman Sea, Bay of Bengal.
Introduce your learners to the country of Timor-Leste, also known as East Timor, in Southeast Asia with this printable handout of two worksheets (plus answer key). Your students will read a brief introduction to Timor-Leste (location, capital, language, flag), write ‘Dili’ next to the star on the map to show the capital, color the small map, and use the map and compass to answer 8 true/false questions on page 2. Colored pencils and a pen or pencil are needed for this activity. No other prep needed. Basic Geography worksheet with a simple map to introduce the island country of Timor-Leste and practice cardinal and ordinal directions.
For use with Interactive Notebooks: After the worksheets are completed, students can cut out the map and flag and paste into the notebook under the topic of Asia / Sub-topic: Timor-Leste. Under the map, students can write a summary in their own words of what they now know about this country. Collect worksheets for other countries of Asia to add to the notebook! All available in this store! Please browse this store for a selection of worksheets for other countries of Asia (and beyond!).
Thank you so much for using my Geography worksheets in your classroom! I hope you find them useful. Reviews are welcome and very much appreciated!
Included: Timor Sea, Portuguese, Tetum
Introduce your students to CHAD with two worksheets (plus answer key). Your students will read a brief introduction to Chad (location, capital, flag, language), write ‘N’Djamena’ next to the star on the map to show the location of the capital, color the small map, and use the map and compass to answer 9 questions on page 2. Colored pencils and a pen or pencil are needed for this activity. No other prep needed. Basic Geography worksheet with a simple map to introduce the country of Chad and practice cardinal/ordinal directions.
For use with Interactive Notebooks: After the worksheets are completed, students can cut out the map and flag and paste into the notebook under the topic of Africa/Sub-topic: Chad. Under the map and flag, your students can write a summary in their own words of what they now know about this country. Collect worksheets for other countries of Africa to add to the notebook! Please browse this store for a selection of worksheets for all other countries of Africa (and beyond!).
Thank you so much for using my Geography worksheets in your classroom! I hope you find them useful. Reviews are welcome and very much appreciated.
Introduce your students to the country of RWANDA with this printable handout of two worksheets (plus answer key). Your students will read a brief introduction to Rwanda (location, capital, flag, language), write ‘Kigali’ next to the star on the map to show the capital, color the small map, and use the map and compass to answer 7 questions on page 2. Colored pencils and a pen or pencil are needed for this activity. No other prep needed. Basic Geography worksheet includes a simple map to introduce the country of Rwanda and practice cardinal/ordinal directions.
For use with Interactive Notebooks: After the worksheets are completed, students can cut out the map and flag and paste into the notebook under the topic of Africa/Sub-topic: Rwanda. Under the map and flag, your students can write a summary in their own words of what they now know about this country. Collect worksheets for other countries of Africa to add to the notebook! Please browse this store for a selection of printable Geography worksheets for other countries of Africa (and beyond!).
Thank you so much for using my Geography worksheets in your classroom!
Introduce your students to MALAWI in Africa with this printable handout of two worksheets (plus answer key). Your students will read a brief introduction to Malawi (location, capital, flag, language), write ‘Lilongwe’ next to the star on the map to show the capital, color the small map, and use the map and compass to answer 7 questions on page 2. Colored pencils and a pen or pencil are needed for this activity. No other prep needed. Basic Geography worksheet includes a simple map to introduce the country of Malawi and practice cardinal/ordinal directions.
For use with Interactive Notebooks: After the worksheets are completed, students can cut out the map and flag and paste into the notebook under the topic of Africa/Sub-topic: Malawi. Under the map and flag, your students can write a summary in their own words of what they now know about this country. Collect worksheets for other countries of Africa to add to the notebook! Please browse this store for a selection of printable worksheets for other countries of Africa (and beyond!).
Thank you so much for using my Geography worksheets in your classroom! I hope you find them useful. Reviews are welcome and very much appreciated!
Find the 21 Spanish-Speaking Countries in the Word Search Puzzle! One printable Word Search Puzzle (plus answer key).
Countries to find in the Word Search Puzzle: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Spain Uruguay, Venezuela.
Flags for each country included!
Please browse this store for other worksheets to introduce your learners to the Spanish-Speaking Countries! SPANISH-SPEAKING COUNTRIES FILL IN THE BLANKS, SPANISH-SPEAKING COUNTRIES SCRAMBLE, and more! Worksheets also available to introduce your learners to each Spanish-Speaking country!
Thank you so much for using my worksheets in your classroom! I hope you find them useful and fun. Reviews are welcome and very much appreciated. Please FOLLOW THIS STORE!!
Introduce your learners to the 7 countries ending in ‘stan’ in Asia with this bundle of printable worksheets! Countries included:
For each country, your students will read a brief introduction to that country (location, capital, flag, language), write the name of the capital next to the star on the map, color the small map, and use the map and compass to answer questions on page 2. Basic Geography worksheets with simple maps to introduce each country and practice cardinal and ordinal directions. 2 worksheets per country (plus answer key).
For use with Interactive Notebooks: After the worksheet for the country is completed, students can cut out the map and flag and paste into the notebook under the topic of The Stans (or Asia) / Sub-Topic: (country). Under the map, students can write a summary in their own words about what they now know about that country! Add each country until the stans are complete!
Also included: The Stans Countries Printable Map and Word Search Puzzle Activity
Thank you so much for using my Geography worksheets in your classroom! I hope you find them useful. Reviews are welcome and very much appreciated!
Introduce your learners to the US state of Wisconsin with this printable handout of two worksheets (plus answer key). Your students will read a brief overview of Wisconsin (location, capital, flag, state bird, state flower), write ‘Madison’ next to the star on the map to show the location of the capital, color the small map, state bird and state flower, and use the map and compass to answer 10 true/false questions on page 2. Colored pencils and a pen or pencil are needed for this activity. No other prep needed. Basic Geography worksheet with a simple map to introduce the state of Wisconsin and practice cardinal and ordinal directions.
For use with Interactive Notebooks: After the worksheets are completed, students can cut out the map, flag, state bird and state flower of Wisconsin and paste into the notebook under the topic of United States/Sub-Topic: Wisconsin. Under the map, students can write a summary in their own words of what they now know about this state. Collect worksheets for other states of the US to add to the notebook! Please browse this store for a selection of worksheets for other states of the USA (and beyond!).
Thank you so much for using my worksheets in your classroom! Reviews are welcome and very much appreciated!
Included: Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, Michigan, Lake Michigan, Lake Superior, Milwaukee, Robin, Wood Violet, 1848.
Introduce your learners to St. Patrick’s Day and the country of Ireland with this resource combo! Two resources included:
ST. PATRICK’S DAY PRINTABLE WORKSHEETS: Why is St. Patrick’s Day celebrated on March 17? Why do people wear green? What are shamrocks and why do we see them everywhere on St. Patrick’s Day? Your students will read a short passage about St. Patrick’s Day and answer the questions that follow. Includes multiple-choice questions, cloze activity/fill-in-the-blanks. 2 worksheets (plus answer key).
IRELAND - INTRODUCTORY GEOGRAPHY WORKSHEET: Introduce your learners to Ireland with this printable handout of two worksheets (plus answer key). Your students will read a brief overview of Ireland (location, capital, flag, language), write ‘Dublin’ next to the star on the map to show the location of the capital, color the small map and flag, and use the map and compass to answer 6 multiple-choice questions on page 2. Colored pencils or and a pen or pencil are needed for this activity. No other prep needed. Basic Geography worksheet with a simple map to introduce the country of Ireland. - 2 worksheets (plus answer key).
6 pages total.
Thank you so much for using my worksheets in your classroom! Reviews are welcome and very much appreciated.
Introduce your learners to the state of MAINE in the USA with this printable handout of two worksheets (plus answer key). Your students will read a brief overview of Maine (location, capital, flag, state bird, state flower), write ‘Augusta’ next to the star on the map to show the location of the capital, color the small map, and use the map and compass to answer 10 true/false questions on page 2. Colored pencils and a pen or pencil are needed for this activity. No other prep needed. Basic Geography worksheet with a simple map to introduce the state of Maine and practice cardinal and ordinal directions.
For use with Interactive Notebooks: After the worksheets are completed, students can cut out the map and flag of Maine and paste into the notebook under the topic of United States/Sub-Topic: Maine. Under the map, students can write a summary in their own words of what they now know about this state. Collect worksheets for other states of the United States to add to the notebook! Please browse this store for a selection of worksheets for other states of the USA (and beyond!)
Thank you so much for using my worksheets in your classroom! Reviews are welcome and very much appreciated.
Included: Canada, New Hampshire, Portland, Dirigo, state motto, Black-capped chickadee, White pine cone and tassel