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Lettura e musica - negatives
KS4 resources with negative structures: non leggo, non leggo mai, non leggo piu’ .

Italian KS3 Pasqua
Reading activity Pasqua and worksheet with solution
easter egg hunt with revision of directions worksheet not attached

French KS3 parts of the body
les monstres
drawing labelling
and describing a monster
with a related videoclip to play during the drawing time
for low ability groups

La tecnologia - technology and comparatives
Vocabulary presentation and sentence building with comparatives. KS3.

A trip to Florence
Power point with listening activities linked to amici.
To learn about landmarks in Florence.

Speaking assessment slip ITALIAN
Slip with main points for speaking assessments/mocks Italian Edexcel marking criteria.

if clause - present and future ITALIAN
Presentation to introduce if clause within the topic of weather and sports.

Speaking preparation Edexcel GCSE Italian
Presentation and activities for preparing speaking linked to the topic of festivals.