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Six weeks Medium Term Plan on the Farm - Reception

Six weeks Medium Term Plan on the Farm - Reception

This is a six weeks medium term plan for the topic of The Farm, which covers all the areas of the EYFS. This can be edited and will help many teachers out with what activities / teaching / assessment bands to focus upon this term (this was written in April so the children are achieving ELG's by this point). I wrote it all myself and was specific for my school and the books we were covering were also specifically chosen for this topic. The book covered are; Chicken Liken, Pig in the Pond and Farmer Duck. RE is also on here all planned - the church as a special place I hope this helps!
Differentiated worksheet on writing a List Poem using the 5 senses

Differentiated worksheet on writing a List Poem using the 5 senses

This is a worksheet (differentiated) where the children have to write a list poem using their five senses. On one worksheet the children have to read the words 'I can see_______ I can hear______' and complete the sentence. The other worksheet is for the visual learners who look at the image and write what they can smell, hear, see, etc. Can be edited so that the HA have to write the five senses words and their full sentence.
Ordering 2-digit / 1-digit numbers smallest to largest, differentiated worksheet Rec / Year 1

Ordering 2-digit / 1-digit numbers smallest to largest, differentiated worksheet Rec / Year 1

This is a differentiated worksheet where the children have to order 2-digit numbers from smallest to largest. There is also a LA worksheet where the children have to order 1-digit numbers from smallest to largest. This work sheet has the LO AND SUCCESS CRITERIA on them. You can also change the Success criteria or and more, e.g 'Can I form my numbers correctly?' It can easily be edited and printed out to suit the abilities in your class. The worksheet looks great in their books!
Identifying the subject and the verb in a given sentence KS1 / LKS2

Identifying the subject and the verb in a given sentence KS1 / LKS2

This worksheet will support a lesson on identifying the subject and the verb in a given sentence. The children have to circle the subject and underline the verb in each sentence. There is then an extension question where the children have to think of their own sentence and highlight the subject and the verb. There is also the LO & Success Criteria at the top for the adult to highlight as appropriate. Can be edited and will save time!
Independent reading worksheet Year 3

Independent reading worksheet Year 3

This is such a useful worksheet to give to the children when they are free reading. Once they have read for a certain amount of time they can write about what they have read. This encourages the children to summarise and conclude what they have read. It also helps the teacher to see if they have actually been reading! There are two spaces on the worksheet where the children can note down any new words they like or any words they don't know the meaning of; and can they use a dictionary to find out the meaning! If I don't put these worksheets on the tables during guided reading, the children start asking for them! Can be edited and will save time!
Identifying the Adverb in a simple Christmas Sentence. Year 3

Identifying the Adverb in a simple Christmas Sentence. Year 3

This is a simple worksheet which asks the children to identify and underline the adverb in a given sentence. The sentences are christmas themed. There is an extension question at the end for the children to think of their own sentence and underline the adverb they wrote in it! Will save time!
Differentiated Timeline Template (blank)

Differentiated Timeline Template (blank)

This is a simple timeline for children to complete. The first timeline has 5 boxes to complete and the second has six boes to complete. It can be sued for history, maths, ordering routines, stories etc! I have used it for PSHE to order the changes of the children (photos) over the last 5 years! Looks great in their books. This can be easily edited and will save time!
Identify the key features of an informal letter - Year 3

Identify the key features of an informal letter - Year 3

This is a short informal letter for you to get the chn to either independently or in groups (blown up to A3) to highlight and annotate the key features. Can easily be edited :) LO & Success Criteria included at top of worksheet for chn to read and refer to.
Smart notebook Slide on Introduction to Perimeter Year 3

Smart notebook Slide on Introduction to Perimeter Year 3

This is a smart notebook slide that introduces Perimeter. I was research perimeter for an observation but i couldn't find what I was looking for exactly and so I made this. First the LO is introduced, then the chn have to say what they already know about Perimeter. Next we talk about the definition and what it means to them. Finally we work through examples and how we work / set it out in preparation for the activity. We then look at the Success criteria and then there are a few end slides which challenge the chn (plenary).
Differentiated Worksheets on PLANNING an informal letter - Year 3

Differentiated Worksheets on PLANNING an informal letter - Year 3

After hours of searching for differentiated worksheets for children in Year 3 to plan an informal letter in role of a character, I ended up making my own. The worksheets are all differentiated for HA, MA, LA and SEN and have differentiated Success Criteria at the top of the worksheet. HA have to include; Feelings, questions, contractions as well as plan all the key features, including the three main paragraphs. MA have to include; Feelings and questions as well as plan all the key features, including the three main paragraphs. LA have to include; Feelings and questions as well as plan all the key features, including the three main paragraphs. For this group the Address was already written. SEN have to include; Feelings as well as plan some the key features, including a main paragraph. I hope this saves you lots of time!
Information Sheets on Crocodiles Year 3 (Differentiated worksheets)

Information Sheets on Crocodiles Year 3 (Differentiated worksheets)

These are worksheets that I have made for the chn in Year 3 to write an information sheet about crocodiles. They are differentiated by; HA - To write a title, think of and write three sub-headings & text, a caption to go with the photograph and a did you know fact box. MA Higher - To write a title, to write facts for the given sub-headings, to think of and write a sub-heading & text of their choice, a caption to go with the photograph and a did you know fact box. MA - To write a title, to write facts for the given sub-headings, a caption to go with the photograph and to label parts of a crocodile SEN / LA - To write a title, to write facts for the given sub-headings and to label parts of a crocodile. ENJOY! This will save you loads of time :) - you can also buy the LO & SC to go with it
Science - identifying, naming and grouping animals

Science - identifying, naming and grouping animals

This is a science worksheet for Year 1. First they have to stick a picture in a box and then name the animals. Next they have to decide which group the animal belongs to (bird, fish, reptile, mammal, amphibian etc). Once they have done that they have to write a feature of that animal group to say why they think it is a bird, reptile, amphibian, mammal etc. LO and success criteria are in a box at the top of the page ready for the teacher to mark. This will save loads of time! Enjoy.
Medium Term Plan on Animals Early Years Foundation Stage

Medium Term Plan on Animals Early Years Foundation Stage

This is a medium term plan on Animals that outlines what will be taught over six weeks. It has been made in word so that it can be edited to suit your school. The three main stories we covered for this topic was; Six dinner Sid Rumble in the jungle Hooray for fish / Emperor Penguin