I'm an Religious Education Teacher based in Cheshire creating resources which are very comprehensive to follow.
I've been re-designing my curriculum to make it easy to follow for a team of non specialists; this planning has taken a lot of time and care.
With more non specialists teaching Religious Education I thought to upload the units I've made in the hope that when people purchase them it's all the work done for at least a half term!
Leave a review if you purchase, thanks!
I'm an Religious Education Teacher based in Cheshire creating resources which are very comprehensive to follow.
I've been re-designing my curriculum to make it easy to follow for a team of non specialists; this planning has taken a lot of time and care.
With more non specialists teaching Religious Education I thought to upload the units I've made in the hope that when people purchase them it's all the work done for at least a half term!
Leave a review if you purchase, thanks!
Attached is a series of 8 lessons centered around the question
���Is it logical to believe in God?’.
Lesson 1 - Introduction
Lesson 2 - The Problem of Evil
Lesson 3 - The Free Will Defense
Lesson 4 - Determinism and Free will
Lesson 5 - Mid Unit Assessment
Lesson 6 - The Teleological Argument
Lesson 7 - The Cosmological Argument
Lesson 8 - End of Unit Assessment
This unit complements the GCSE AQA Thamatic Unit; God’s Existence and Revelations.
This pack also includes;
3 homework activities
an out of classroom booklet which follows the power-points lesson-by-lesson and includes information sheets which are very useful for non-specialist teachers.
two assessed pieces within the unit.
Feedback sheet template to help ease marking.
It has a key knowledge list and learning journey for students to stick in before the topic.
Everything is included, this took a very long time to plan and everything has been thought of to make it comprehensive for non specialist teachers, you will not have to plan a thing.
Suitable for curriculums including;
Religious Studies
Religious Education
Philosophy and Ethics
Ethics and Morals
RS/Philosophy Lesson centered around the first cause argument, including examples of cause and effect. Part of a series of lessons centered around the question ‘Is it logical to believe in God?’
Philosophy Unit aimed at Yr 9s to investigate whether certain case studies are right or wrong. This is a series of 6 core lessons which could very easily be extended into 10-12.
It includes a curriculum map, core knowledge questions and answers, homeworks and an out of class work booklet which goes side to side with the lessons (to support students working outside of the lesson.)
Sequence of lessons include;
L1: Introduction to Ethics; Answering the Big Questions.
L2: The Ethics of Cloning; Using Dolly the Sheep as a case study. Is cloning ethical?
L3: Do we need machines?; Looking at the evolution of machines into robots and into A.I. Discussion over whether technology helps or hinders us and how ethical A.I is. (for my students, this is often a double lesson).
L4: Law and Activism; Is the law always ethical? Is the law always moral? How do las change?
L5: Climate Activism; Exploring current climate activists and discussing whether their actions have been ethical.
L6: End of Unit Assessment (Markscheme included).
L7-L8: I always teach this unit before Christmas, and if students have finished the unit we watch I.Robot. A worksheet is attached which students complete during the movie - this gives some visual stimuli to enhance learning (and it’s a nice lesson to have before the Christmas break.)
RS/Philosophy Lesson centered around William Paley and the Watch Analogy. Part of a series of lessons centered around the question ‘Is it logical to believe in God?’
A unit of work focused on answering the question ‘What values do i share with Hindus?’.
Included in the pack;
Learning Journey
8 Lessons
Mid topic assessment
End of topic assessment
Mark schemes
Homework tasks
Work Booklet (for out of class work)
Anything missing or any questions, please get in contact.
Verity Gray
This unit is centered around the question ‘Is violence ever necessary?’. It’s a topical unit whereby we explore different wars and look into how people become terrorists and how to PREVENT this.
Included is; 8 lessons, core knowledge questions, learning journey, a mid-topic assessment and an out of class work booklet.
Sequence of lessons is as follows;
Is violence necessary? (Scenarios and initial thoughts.)
Reasons for War (Including war case studies; can be extended into 2-3 lessons).
Just War Theory
Radicalisation, Extremism and Terrorism
Who are Islamic State?
The Manchester Bombing
Mid Topic Quiz and Question
What is Right Wing Extremism?
Reggie Yates - Extreme Russia Documentary
I wanted to include an Andrew Tate lesson within this scheme of work but ran out of curriculum time; You could take out the documentary and switch it with a case study into Andrew Tate and how it’s very easy to become influenced into right wing extremism (I will upload a stand alone Andrew Tate lesson next year when I get around to planning).
Part of Christian Beliefs AQA GCSE Spec.
This lesson investigates where Christian denominations came from and the differences between the major denominations.
An introduction lesson to GCSE Short Course RS, complete with a revision guide for students to stick into their books (with a sequence of lessons planned).
Part of Christian Beliefs AQA GCSE Spec.
This lesson introduces the idea of momotheistic, Abrahamic faiths to give students a picture of historically exactly where Christianity began and the main beliefs.
KS3 Judaism Unit focused on the question ‘How do my morals come with Jewish morals?’
10 Lessons
Homework Activities
Assessment with markscheme
Work booklet (based on lessons)
This unit is a real mash-up of RS and History, the main focus being on the impact unjust laws have on people. The history teachers as my school have loved teaching this due to feeling confident with the content!
The unit follows a rough historical time-line of the British Empire’s impact on India and then America. The unit begins with the East India Company and explores the impact British rule had in India, this leads onto Gandhi and his activism in South Africa and India. Students then look at the Slave Trade to understand the environment in which Americans are living in when Martin Luther King Jr is growing up; students compare their freedoms to the freedom of children during this time period ans explore key events in the Civil Rights Movement.
The sequence of lessons is as follows;
Violent and Non-violent protests; which is more effective?
British Rule in India
Prejudice and Discrimination in India
Gandhi’s Life and Actions
Slavery in America
Mid-topic test
Martin Luther King Jr’s Life
Boycotts and Sit-ins
Justice and ‘I have a Dream’
Optional film ‘Selma’ (Not included - it’s on BBC i-Player as I’m writing this.)
I teach this from January until Easter; the scheme of work will also include homework sheets, core knowledge questions, and two work booklets for students working outside of the classroom (one for Jan-Feb, the other for Feb-Apr).
A scheme of work following the RS AQA Short Course Specifications.
I’ve organised the course into three sections; God and Creation, Jesus’ Life and Life After Death.
This is a large unit which does cover 14 lessons of content with end of topic quizzes included.
Note: This could easily stretched out over a longer series of lessons with more depth, but those of you who teach Short Course may be in the same position as me (with limited curriculum time) rushing through the course.
God and Creation
Introduction to Christianity
Christian Denominations
The Nature of God
The Trinity and Nicene Creed
Christian Creation; Genesis
The Big Bang Theory
Jesus’ Life
7. Who was Jesus?
8. Parables and Teachings
9. Crucifixion
10. Forgiveness and Salvation
11. Resurrection and Ascension
Life After Death
12. Sin and Original Sin
13. Heaven and Hell
14. Atonement and Salvation
15. Revision Lesson
Exam Practice and Reviews (at the end of each section)
God and Creation - End of Topic Assessment
Jesus’ Life - End of Topic Quiz
Life After Death - Christianity Review
(In my school, I use these knowledge quizzes, paired with mock examinations to assess student progress).
A complete set of lessons on Muslim Beliefs. This is designed to follow the AQA Short Course Specification.
Lesson-by-lesson powerpoints (14 lessons)
End of topic quiz and question lessons.
Core Knowledge List (for revision purposes).
Homework booklet; filled of exam style questions.
Islam Revision Booklet.
This is designed with non-specialists in mind and therefore should be comprehensive for anybody to follow.