I am a fully qualified primary teacher who has experience of teaching in both the private and state sectors in Scotland, London and Tokyo.
All of my resources have been tried and tested in classrooms, and I am passionate about making learning as enjoyable and engaging as possible for children.
I am a fully qualified primary teacher who has experience of teaching in both the private and state sectors in Scotland, London and Tokyo.
All of my resources have been tried and tested in classrooms, and I am passionate about making learning as enjoyable and engaging as possible for children.
A Maths assessment focusing on addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
Encourages children to highlight key information and show their working
Involves numbers to 100 as well as addition with carrying and subtraction with decomposition
Mr Men themed!
The perfect introduction into speech marks, this Powerpoint presentation includes:
a definition of speech marks
rules that apply when using speech marks
opportunities for children to practice writing using speech marks
challenge slides encouraging children to look for common mistakes that are made when speech marks are being used.
Maths vocabulary cards that can be separated into four categories: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
Ideal for children who are confident in simple ‘question and answer’ situations, but struggle with questions in a word problem format.
These flashcards allow for sorting activities to take place, offering a more hands on approach than a poster on the wall.
Once flashcards have been sorted into piles, children could create their own word problems.
These flashcards can also be used as a quick warm up activity, where children need to call out which operation each flashcard matches to.
This game has been differentiated three ways, making it ideal for all children in your class!
Level 1 - halves and quarters
Level 2 - halves, thirds, quarters, sixths
Level 3 - halves, thirds, quarters, sixths and eighths
Rules of the game:
Take it in turns to roll the fraction dice (also included in the pack, but feel free to save the trees and use your own dice!) then use the tasting toppings to cover the correct fraction of pizza.
The winner is the person who manages to ‘top’ all of their pizzas first.
This phonics board game can be used alongside any set of words or images - included in this resource are a pack of images relating to phase 5.
How to play the game:
Players roll the dice and move along the board. If they land on an action counter, they must pick a card from the pile and complete the following:
Robot talk = spell out the word in a robot voice
Write it = write the word on a whiteboard
Whisper it = spell out the word by whispering it to a friend
Make it = use magnetic letters to make the word
Magic wand = use their ‘magic finger’ to air write the word
Ideal use for KS1 and group work.
These ‘chatterboxes’ provide a quick and handy way to encourage discussion before and after reading.
Ideal for speedy assessment of comprehension skills
Resource includes two dice; one for use before reading a book or chapter, and one for when the book or chapter has been read.
The children take it in turns to roll the dice, read the question and answer - other children are free to chip in with their own opinions and ideas, too!
Great for when you have a mind blank, these ready prepared questions will hopefully help reduce the literacy madness!
This greater than less than poster and game is ideal for KS1 SATS revision!
A handy rhyming poster to help children get to grips with the < > symbols
How to play the game:
Cut the numbers and symbols into flashcards and ask the children to make their own number sentences.
Children can then read aloud their sentence to see if it makes sense.
If correct, ‘feed’ them to the crocodile (normally the teacher!) and try a new number sentence
The 7x table can be a real ‘tricky’ for children, so these rhyming flashcards were made to try and help the number facts to stick!
These cards can be used as a visual aid or they could be cut into flashcards to create an ordering activity.
A simple fractions and decimals dominoes game, where children take it in turns to connect the equivalent cards.
Other ideas include cutting the sheet into individual cards, where children can play a matching game.
To challenge children, the flashcards could also be used to explain other possible equivalent fractions or decimals.
To help children to solidify their number facts, this homework pack was sent home for children to work on, and when they felt confident enough they would come into school and try and earn one of their stars. The scheme worked like this:
Bronze star = “I can say the story of X”
Silver star = “I can say the story of X backwards”
Gold star = “I can answer questions on the story of X in any order”
Once all stars were earned, the children could then move on to the next number story!
These reading challenges can be printed and cut into flashcards. They focus on:
Ideal for use after each chapter of a book!
Specifically designed to challenge more able children in the role play area, these shop resources are ideal for encouraging real, practical and purposeful maths skills during play.
The bundle includes:
10 price cards, challenging children to pay using only a specific number of coins
‘Special offer’ cards for each day of the week. A great way to introduce a fresh challenge each day.
A loyalty card that introduces the concept of division
Shopping list templates with ‘items’ and ‘price’ headings to encourage mark making and writing
editable bar codes
A fantastic resource for children who need to brush up on their knowledge of the first 100 common words.
Rules of the game:
Cut the words into strips and place them in a box.
One at a time children need to select a strip, take a HUGE deep breath and see how quickly they can read all of the words on the strip
Why not link this game to Maths and ask children to work in pairs, one child reading while another another child times their partner using a stop watch.
Easily adaptable for spelling words of the week and a simple and easy assessment tool.
This pack contains three games that are focused around the Year 3 and 4 statutory spelling list. The list includes 107 words, but we recommend focusing on 20 at a time with your child before moving on to the next set.
Games included:
• ZAP! – Cut the spelling words into flashcards, including the ZAP! cards, and place them into a container. Take turns to select a word from the container and either spell it aloud or write it down on paper or a whiteboard. If, however you pull out a ZAP! card, all of your cards must go back into the container. Use a 10-minute timer and whoever has the most cards at the end is the winner!
• Race and write – Before playing this game, we re commend popping the race and write sheet into a poly pocket and your child can write their spelling words using a whiteboard pen. Fo r each round, they will then rub off the words to start wi th a clean sheet. Using the spelling flashcards, choose one word from the top of the pile, read it carefully then turn it over. The race is now on to spell the word correctly, writing it on the windshields of all the cars on the page. Whoever finishes first (and has accurately spelled the word!) is the winner. As a further incentive, the children can remove the poly pocket and colour in their cars as a reward for completing the game.
• Roll and write – using the spelling flashcards, choose a word then roll the dice. Each number corresponds to a different method of spelling the world. An exciting game with a multisensory approach.
5 complete, interactive lessons for Letters and sounds phase 3 set 6.
The animated Powerpoint includes lessons covering:
j , v, w, x and a revision of all phase 2 tricky words.
The lessons follow the Letters and sound structure:
Revisit and review
Segmenting and blending
A ‘grab and go’ resource, this resource covers all the sounds that children need to know in set 6. Perfect for EYFS stages and ideal for whole class use.
Based on the 7+ exam, this resource has been used to successfully prepare children for entry to the top prep schools in the UK.
This paper includes:
Comprehension exercise
Creative writing task
Written by experienced primary teachers and tutors
A detailed marking scheme allowing teachers and parents to see exactly what assessors are looking for
Tried and tested by 7 + candidates
Mimics real 7+ exam conditions
Carefully leveled to boost confidence and banish anxiety!
Based on the 7+ exam, this resource has been used to successfully prepare children for entry to the top prep schools in the UK.
This paper includes:
Comprehension exercise
Creative writing task
A detailed marking scheme allowing teachers and parents to see exactly what assessors are looking for
Tried and tested by 7 + candidates
Mimics real 7+ exam conditions
Written by experienced primary teachers and tutors
Carefully leveled to boost confidence and banish anxiety!