Most resources come with colour coded differentiation activities ready to print.
Beginning = Below Age Related Expectations (ARE)
Developing = Working towards ARE
Mastery = Working at ARE
Deepening = Greater Depth ARE
All lesson presentations are Promethean with a flip chart supported by a lesson plan.
Most resources come with colour coded differentiation activities ready to print.
Beginning = Below Age Related Expectations (ARE)
Developing = Working towards ARE
Mastery = Working at ARE
Deepening = Greater Depth ARE
All lesson presentations are Promethean with a flip chart supported by a lesson plan.
This writing pack is primarily aimed at Year 6 children as a stimulus for independent writing (fiction).
Included within is a written plan, flipchart, video link (on plan) and writing template as well as individual writing checklists for ‘working towards expected’; ‘working at expected’ and ‘working at a greater depth’.
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This writing pack is primarily aimed at Year 6 children as a stimulus for independent writing (non-fiction).
Included within is a written plan, flipchart, eight example texts and writing template as well as individual writing checklists for ‘working towards expected’; ‘working at expected’ and ‘working at a greater depth’.
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This writing pack is primarily aimed at Year 6 children as a stimulus for independent writing (fiction).
Included within is a written plan, flipchart, video clip and writing template as well as individual writing checklists for ‘working towards expected’; ‘working at expected’ and ‘working at a greater depth’.
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A fully resourced Literacy Unit (14 lessons) with detailed plan, daily Promethean flip charts and resources. The unit focuses on developing writing through use of figurative language, cohesion, varied sentence structure and dialogue.
Links to Literacy novels: Treasure Island and Kensuke’s Kingdom
Lessons planned to meet the following Year 6 curriculum objectives:
ARE (Reading)
To identify and comment on writers choice of vocabulary.
To find information using skimming and scanning.
To refer to the text to support opinion.
ARE (Writing)
To suggest vocabulary to enhance effects and clarify meaning.
To write in paragraphs which clearly signal a change in subject, time, place or event.
To use cohesive devices (connecting adverbs and adverbials) to link ideas within paragraphs.
To vary sentence structure.
To use dialogue to advance events in narrative writing.
To sustain and develop ideas logically in narrative and non-narrative writing.
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A fully resourced Literacy Unit (19 lessons) with detailed plan, daily Promethean flip charts and resources. (make sure your PC can open .FLIPCHART files) The unit focuses on developing writing through use of varied punctuation, accurate use of dialogue and the passive voice.
Cross-curricular links to topic based on ‘Frozen Kingdoms’.
Lessons planned to meet the following Year 6 curriculum objectives:
ARE (Reading)
To understand how texts are structured in different ways.
ARE (Writing)
To use the semi-colon, colon and dash.
To use semi-colons and colons in lists.
To use semi-colons to separate closely linked clauses.
To understand the use of dashes to mark out extra information.
To use dialogue to advance events in narrative writing.
To sustain and develop ideas logically in narrative and non-narrative writing.
To use the passive voice to present information with a different emphasis.
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A fully resourced Literacy Unit (17 lessons) with detailed plan, daily Promethean flip charts (make sure your PC can open .FLIPCHART files) and resources. The first half of the unit (Lessons 1-6) focuses on developing reading skills and the second half (Lessons 7-17) develops use of varied punctuation.
Cross-curricular links to World War 2 with a focus on the novel ‘Carrie’s War’.
Lessons planned to meet the following Year 6 curriculum objectives:
ARE (Reading)
To provide reasoned justifications for my views.
To use scanning to find specific information.
To refer to the text to support opinion.
To identify and discuss themes in a text.
ARE (Writing)
To use a range of sentence starters to create specific effects.
To use commas to mark clauses and phrases.
To use the colon to introduce a list and the semicolon within lists.
To use the semi-colon, colon and dash.
To use the hyphen to avoid ambiguity.
To sustain and develop ideas logically in narrative and non-narrative writing.
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A fully resourced Literacy Unit (13 lessons) with detailed plan, daily Promethean flip charts and resources. The unit focuses on developing setting and character descriptions through developing expanded noun phrases, varied sentence starts and commas to mark clauses.
Lessons planned to meet the following Year 6 curriculum objectives:
ARE (Reading)
I can identify and comment on the writer’s choice of vocabulary, giving examples and explanation
ARE (Writing)
To use developed noun phrases to add detail to sentences.
To use commas to mark phrases and clauses.
To use a range of sentence starters to create specific effects.
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