Most resources come with colour coded differentiation activities ready to print.
Beginning = Below Age Related Expectations (ARE)
Developing = Working towards ARE
Mastery = Working at ARE
Deepening = Greater Depth ARE
All lesson presentations are Promethean with a flip chart supported by a lesson plan.
Most resources come with colour coded differentiation activities ready to print.
Beginning = Below Age Related Expectations (ARE)
Developing = Working towards ARE
Mastery = Working at ARE
Deepening = Greater Depth ARE
All lesson presentations are Promethean with a flip chart supported by a lesson plan.
3 lessons on Area for Year 5. This could also be used for Year 4 & 6 also.
Selection of differentiated questions for each lesson suitable for Year 4 up to 6.
Activity documents come ready to print and cut. Includes Promethean flip chart and lesson plan (complete with Mental Maths Starter).
Links to the following objectives:
I can calculate and compare the area of rectangles (including squares
I can measure and calculate the perimeter of composite rectilinear shapes in centimetres and metres.
I can use all four operations to solve problems involving measure using decimal notation, including scaling.
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2 lessons on recognising and understanding percentage for Year 5. This could also be used for Year 6 also.
Selection of differentiated questions for each lesson. Working towards ARE, At ARE and greater depth.
Activity documents come ready to print and cut. Includes Promethean flip chart and lesson plan (complete with Mental Maths Starter).
Relates to the following Year 5 objectives.
- Recognise the % symbol and understand what it means.
- I can write % as a fraction
Relates to the following Year 6 objectives.
- Use equivalences between simple fractions, decimals and percentages in different contexts.
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A lesson pack on square numbers suitable for Years 5 or 6. Selection of differentiated resources (4 way) on square numbers. Activity documents come ready to print and cut. Includes Promethean flip chart and lesson plan too.
Links to the following objectives:
• Recognise and use square numbers and cube numbers, and the notation for squared (2) and cubed (3)
• Solve problems involving multiplication and division including using their knowledge of factors and multiples, squares and cubes.
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A lesson pack on place value, read, write, order and sequence numbers suitable for Years 5 or 6. Selection of differentiated resources (4 way) on place value, read, write, order and sequence numbers. Activity documents come ready to print and cut. Includes Promethean flip chart and lesson plan too.
Links to the following objectives
• Read, write, order and compare numbers to at least 1,000,000 and determine the value of each digit.
• Count forwards and backwards in steps of powers of 10 for any given number up to 1,000,000.
• Interpret negative numbers in context, count forwards and backwards with positive and negative whole numbers including through zero.
• Round any number up to 1,000,000 to the nearest 10, 100, 1000, 10000 and 100000.
• Solve number problems and practical problems that involve all of the above.
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2 lessons on finding percentages of Year 5. This could also be used for Year 6 also.
Includes fluency, problem solving and REASONING percentage tasks.
Selection of differentiated questions for each lesson. Working towards ARE, At ARE and greater depth.
Activity documents come ready to print and cut. Includes Promethean flip chart and lesson plan (complete with Mental Maths Starter).
Relates to the following Year 5 objectives.
- Recognise the % symbol and understand what it means.
- I can write % as a fraction
Relates to the following Year 6 objectives.
- Use equivalences between simple fractions, decimals and percentages in different contexts.
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