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Edexcel Politics - Paper 2 - 1: Constitution Exemplar Essay and Writing Guide

Edexcel Politics - Paper 2 - 1: Constitution Exemplar Essay and Writing Guide

A writing guide to help with Edexcel Paper 1 and Paper 2 essay questions. An exemplar essay, for the question ‘Evaluate the view that reforms to the UK’s constitution since 1997 have not gone far enough. (30)’ with colour code to help with structure. As well as a bad essay for students to improve on. Can be used in line with my 1997 - 2010 & 2010-2022 reform lessons. Makes a good resource for setting up, writing and feeding back to students once marked.
A Level Politics - Comparative Powers Commons and Lords

A Level Politics - Comparative Powers Commons and Lords

Lesson beginning to look at the comparative powers of Commons and Lords. Will require discussion and prior knowledge or legislative process for students to begin to develop arguments regarding which house is more powerful. Can be used as part of my series of lessons on Edexcel paper 2 topic 2 Parliament.
Parliament Week 2024

Parliament Week 2024

UPDATED FOR 2024 - A series of resources designed for Parliament Week to be used in lesson or as part of form time activities. It includes a competition for KS3, a quiz about current political issues and a discussion activity on PRotesting and Just Stop Oil designed for KS4 and KS5. Could also be adapted to be used for an assembly.
Edexcel Government UK Parliamentary Sovereignty

Edexcel Government UK Parliamentary Sovereignty

Fully resourced lesson for Edexcel Government UK topic one on constitution covering Parliamentary Sovereignty. It has a worksheet to cover how sovereignty works with other aspects of the constitution, such as devolved bodies. Also includes two really useful articles to ensure students gain real political examples of how sovereignty works in practice. Homework written in to bridge to my devolution lessons. Works well with rest of my series of lessons on the constitution topic.
Edexcel Politics Writing Guides

Edexcel Politics Writing Guides

‘How to’ guides for Paper 1 and Paper 2. Includes three writing guides for 30 marker source and none source essay questions, as well as 24 mark ideology questions.
Edexcel Politics Christmas Quiz

Edexcel Politics Christmas Quiz

Quiz covering Component one and two as well as some more fun politics/current affairs round. There are six rounds: 1. Componenet 1; 2. Component 2; 3: What are they up to picture round; 4. This week in the news; 5. Higher or lower ages of MPs; 6. Obervation round (vid of Boris Johnson on top gear). This can be used for Y12 or Y13. Some rounds could also be taken to be used for other year groups. Can be used year on year if ‘this week in the news’ round is changed. ANSWERS INCLUDED
A Level Politics - Role of the Opposition

A Level Politics - Role of the Opposition

Fully resourced lesson on the role of the Opposition in parliament. Includes articles on Corbyn and Starmer as well as videos on PMQs to work towards a sheet on how well they help parliament fulfil their roles. Can be used as part of my series of lessons on Edexcel Paper 2 Topic 2 Parliament.
A Level Politics - Role of Select Committees

A Level Politics - Role of Select Committees

Complete lesson on the role of Select Committees and how well these help to fulfill the roles of Parliament. Includes sheet to fill on what committees do and the powers they have. As well as spider diagram to annotate on how they help parliament to fulfill its main functions. Broken up with videos. Can be used as part of my series of lessons on Edexcel Paper 2 Topic 2 Parliament.
A Level Politics - Nature of  UK Constitution

A Level Politics - Nature of UK Constitution

An introductory lesson on Constitution topic for Edexcel A Level Government and Politics. Introductory quiz, nature of the constitution (unentrenched, uncodified, etc). Also includes a homework written in and resourced on the development of our constitution from Magna Carta to BREXIT.
A Level Politics - The Role of Parliament

A Level Politics - The Role of Parliament

Introductory lesson on the makeup and roles of the different branches of Parliament. Can be used as part of my series of lessons on paper 2, component 2 lessons. This covers the makeup of parliament, how it overlaps with the executive and then an overview of the different people within parliament and their roles. All which can be filled in with info from the slides. There are videos mixed in to break up teacher talk, plus an article on the people’s peers.
A Level Politics - Legislative Process

A Level Politics - Legislative Process

A complete lesson on how a bill becomes law. Covers the process from bill to royal assent. Covers the different types of bills, the debate and scrutiny process this must go through and different pieces of legislation that have been introduced, such as Salisbury Conventions and English Votes for English Laws. All info needed is on slides and there are videos to break it up. Can be used as part of my series of lessons for Edexcel paper 2 topic 2 Parliament.
Should the UK have a codified constitution?

Should the UK have a codified constitution?

Edexcel Politics lesson for topic 1 - Constitution covering the issue of whether we should have a codified constitution. This lesson preps students to for the past paper source question on this debate and includes an article to set them for homework in preparation; a ‘how to’ writing guide for source questions and an exemplar written answer to use for feedback with colour code to talk students through top level answers.
Edexcel Government UK - topic 1: Constitution lesson bundle

Edexcel Government UK - topic 1: Constitution lesson bundle

8 Resources
This includes 7 lessons, 2 of which prepare them for assessments (one essay & one source) which include a writing guide on each question and an exemplar answer. Lessons cover: Nature of UK Constitution Sources of UK Constitution Reforms 1997-2010 Reforms 2010-Present Should we have a codified constitution? Rule of Law Parliamentary Sovereignty Assessments covered are: Essay Q - ‘Evaluate the view that Constitutional reform since 1997 has not gone far enough’. Source Q - ‘Using the source, evaluate the view that the UK Constitution requires reform’ Saves 40% on buying lessons separate and writing guides can be used for any essay and source Q for paper 1 and 2.
A Level Politics - Sources/Principles UK Constitution

A Level Politics - Sources/Principles UK Constitution

A lesson on the sources and principles of the UK Constitution, madea as part of a series of lessons on the Constution topic for Edexcel A Level Government and Politics. Also includes a homework written in to research 1997-2010 Constitutional reform. NOTE - Will require a textbook if you want students to work independently OR can print slides for them to work from.
A Level Politics - The Role of Back Benchers

A Level Politics - The Role of Back Benchers

Fully resourced lesson on the role and power of Back Benchers. Including recent examples of how Back Benchers have outed two PMs. Includes sheet to fill as an overview, sheet to annotate on how well they help parliament fulfill its roles, such as in legislation and scrutiny. Can be used as part of my series of lessons for Edexcel Paper 2 Topic 2 Parliament.
A Level Politics - Conservative Reforms 2010 - 2022

A Level Politics - Conservative Reforms 2010 - 2022

A lesson on Constitutional reform under the Coalition, May and Johnson, made as part of a series of lessons on the Constution topic for Edexcel A Level Government and Politics. Requires students to do some independent research, but what they should have found is written into the slides. Provides opportunity for lots of disussion on how far these reforms have been a success. Also includes a homework to prepare for an essay question on constitutional reform. Fits well with my previous lesson on my TES on Labout reform from 1997.
Edexcel Politics Topic 2 Parliament whole unit lesson bundle with assessment

Edexcel Politics Topic 2 Parliament whole unit lesson bundle with assessment

8 Resources
Series of lessons to cover, plan and assess students on Topic 2 of Paper 2 - Parliament. It covers: Makeup of Parliament Legislative Process Back Benchers Committees Opposition Recruiting and maintaining ministers Comparative Powers of Commons and Lords Assessment on Comparative Powers (with planning sheet). Save 25% on buying lessons separate!
Edexcel Politics - Ideologies: Key Thinkers Bundle

Edexcel Politics - Ideologies: Key Thinkers Bundle

2 Resources
Detailed, chunked, bolded, dual coded sheets covering the key ideas, works and quotes of Edexcel Key Thinkers for Socialism and Conservatism. Students find these very accessible and it covers interpretations of core values and ideas on Human Nature, Society, State and Economy, to keep it all in one place and to prep them for use in assessments and exams.