Note lesson content and order has been altered from the textbook to better match specification
Learning question: How does the emission of infrared vary between different objects ?
Retrieval starter.
Which objects are better absorbers/emitters of infrared with demo.
Questions and answers
Emission of light and infrared from objects of different temperatures
Questions and answers
Linking infrared to global warming
Opinion continuum
Note lesson content and order has been altered from the textbook to better match specification
Learning question: How fast is the speed of light ?
Retrieval starter.
Introduction to speed of light
Wave speed equation in the context of EM waves
Practice questions with answers
Radio waves and AC currents.
Whiteboard AFL activity
Note lesson content and order has been altered from the textbook to better match specification
Learning question: What is the risk associated with different doses of radiation?
Retrieval starter.
Introduction to radiation dose in Sieverts and background radiation
Radiation dose in context
Exam style question worked example
Calculate your own annual radiation dose.
Note lesson content and order has been altered from the textbook to better match specification
Learning question: Can electromagnetic waves be dangerous ?
Retrieval starter.
Dangers an uses of UV
Dangers and uses of X-rays and Gamma rays
Venn diagram activity
Guess the X-ray quiz
Note lesson content and order has been altered from the textbook to better match specification
Learning question: How useful is the electromagnetic spectrum ?
Retrieval starter.
Card sort activity with feedback to discuss uses of the EM spectrum
Questions and answers (One set for Higher and one for Foundation)
Mobile phone radiation dangers activity
Note lesson content and order has been altered from the textbook to better match specification
Learning question: Are all electromagnetic waves the same?
Retrieval starter.
P12 Wave recap
Introduction to EM spectrum
Questions and answers
Whiteboard AFL questions
Lesson powerpoint with activities to support the lesson.
Lesson content:
Starter quiz
Research activity (with criteria) to create presentations on nuclear issues
Lesson powerpoint with activities to support the lesson.
Lesson content:
Starter quiz
Describing nuclear fusion
Exam question practice
Class discussion of the usefulness of fusion to humanity.
Lesson powerpoint with activities to support the lesson.
Lesson content:
Starter quiz
Discussion of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Describing nuclear fission
Looking at uncontrolled chain reactions in the context of nuclear weapons and how much energy is released
Describing how nuclear power stations work and control fission reactions.
Class discussion of the ethics of nuclear weapons in the modern world
Lesson powerpoint with activities to support the lesson.
Lesson content:
Starter quiz
Thinking about half life.
Describing radiation in medicine including tracers, gamma cameras and gamma beam therapy.
Student written activity with questions and answers
Introduction to background radiation and activity where students calculate their annual dose
Lesson powerpoint with activities and worksheet to support the lesson.
Lesson content:
Starter quiz
Introduction to activity with student practical to model it.
Introduction to half-life with worked examples.
Student activity with worksheet
Whiteboard activity
Lesson powerpoint with activities and worksheet to support the lesson.
Lesson content:
Starter quiz
How to write nuclear decay equations for alpha, beta , gamma and neutron emission.
Student activity with worksheet and extra questions
Whiteboard activity and quiz
Lesson powerpoint with activities to support the lesson. Note the lesson order has been altered slightly compared to the textbook.
The lesson order for 7.2 and 7.3 has been altered
Lesson content:
Introduction to radioactivity
Introduction to alpha , beta and gamma
Demo of radiation properties
Whiteboard activity and student questions
Lesson powerpoint with activities to support the lesson.
LEsson content:
Philosophy of science discussion.
Description of history of the atom including Rutherford experiment and its observations.
Student activity, two types depending on level of class.
Lesson powerpoint with activities to support the lesson.
Learning question: What is inside an atom
Atomic structure discussion including whiteboard activities
Introducing isotopes
Introduction to ions
Questions and answers
Exit pass.
Powerpoint with activities and resources to support the lesson.
Learning question: Who is the most powerful person in this room ?
Lesson content:
Retrieval starter questions
Discussion of what power means to students and introduce the concept of power in physics
Student written activity
Power equation, worked examples student calculation activity and extension questions.
Plenary whiteboard questions