Schools pay online tutors to help pupils

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TSL Education’s one-to-one online math tutoring service, TES BrightSpark, is today highlighted in the Times as ‘extra capacity’ tuition, which not only supports students struggling to keep up with their classmates, but leaves them asking for more.

The Times cites Somers Heath Primary School in Thurrock, Essex, as being among those providing online support for pupils struggling with maths.

Headmaster Kevin Imbush, it says, ‘...arranged one-to-one tuition by TES BrightSpark for nine pupils before their national curriculum tests, selecting children working at one or two steps below their expected level.'

“It allows pupils to ask questions they might not ask in class because they are not going to look silly; it is not better teaching, it is extra capacity. I am very pleased with the way it works. Pupils are keen to do it — they really enjoy it,” Mr Imbush said. “They always ask if they can do more.”’

Tom Hooper, Managing Director of TSL’s TES BrightSpark, believes that TSL’s service, which is used by 150 primary and secondary schools, is popular with schools, pupils and parents because it offers both good value for money and convenient access at a time that suits them.

All online tuition is recorded, which allows Tom to monitor standards and develop training. Sessions are £13 an hour and about 90 per cent of pupils have never had one-to-one tuition before, Mr Hooper said. “Students, and the teachers and parents who support them, are able to access this specialist tuition anywhere, any time, via our online platform at a fraction of the cost of traditional tuition, meaning that our student base is moving far beyond the traditional middle-class audience and reaching many students who have rarely had access to this form of learning,” he said.

For more information please contact: Tom Hooper Managing Director, BrightSpark.

020 3194 3224.