Complete pack to teach Viva 1 - Módulo 4 (Mi familia y mis amigos). This pack includes.
All the resources students will need throughout the half term. They are all together as a booklet that you can print either in A4 or A5. The design has been made in B&W to cut down on costs. The booklet is included as PPT format and it is completely editable.
Vocabulary pages.
5 lessons (5 include a PPT file to show students) with answers to all activities. It goes along nicely with Viva 1 textbook. It includes lots of extra activities. All lessons completely editable too. It does not include listening files as this are provided by the exam boards and must be purchased separately. However, if you look on the notes section of each slide it tells you what page and exercise from the textbook we are using)
Includes a few pages with revision activities that students can complete before the assessment (Lesson 6 - no PPT).
*Please note that this Modules pack doesn’t include assessment.