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AQA GCSE Sociology: Crime - Merton's strain theory

AQA GCSE Sociology: Crime - Merton's strain theory

Detailed lesson with lots of scaffolding based on adaptive teaching that help students understand how the strain of anomie might lead to criminal and deviant behaviour. Describe the strain theory of crime and identify Merton’s four adaptations of the strain of anomie.   Cover the following key terms: Strain theory of crime and deviance Anomie strain of Anomie Definitions that might help we will cover: The American Dream Means Legitimate Strain Social structure (extension) Key terms you SHOULD know that link: Functionalism value consensus social order Consensus theory structuralism vs interactionism Determinism Meritocracy   Covers the following sociologists: Merton ****Answers for ALL activities included ****Includes a key term and definition sheet needed for the lesson ****Covers how to answer 4 marker ‘perspective’ exam question with a success criteria and scaffolding to help students answer it. ****RESOURCES CAN BE FOUND AT THE END OF PPT ****Starter activity gives the option of two 3 markers student can choose to answer and includes a student-friendly mark-scheme for each
AQA GCSE Sociology: Crime - Sources of statistical data on crime

AQA GCSE Sociology: Crime - Sources of statistical data on crime

Detailed lesson with lots of scaffolding based on adaptive teaching that help students understand the three main sources of statistical data on crime, how they collect data on crime and the strength and weaknesses of them. Examines the following key terms: Source of statistical data on crime ​ Official (government) crime statistics ​ Reported crime ​ Recorded crime ​ Dark figure of crime ​ The Social Construction of Official Crime statistics​ Victim survey ​ Self-report study Makes links with the following key terms that students should know (mainly if they studied the research methods unit before starting crime: Social construct ​​ Standardise ​​ Quantitative Data​​ Qualitative Data ​​ Validity ​​ Reliability​​ Representative (sample)​​ Generalise ANSWERS TO MAIN ACTIVITIES INCLUDED Includes key term and definitions sheet for the lesson included The Owens and Woodfield GCSE Sociology textbook is needed for the main activities
AQA GCSE Sociology - Research Methods: How do sociologists begin their research?

AQA GCSE Sociology - Research Methods: How do sociologists begin their research?

Detailed lesson with lots of scaffolding based on adaptive teaching that help students understand how sociologists begin their research (e.g. what is meant by research design, hypothesis, research questions, aims , pilot study, the first two stages of research process and assessing its usefulness. Covers the following key terms: Research design, Hypothesis, Research questions, Research aims and Pilot study Makes links to key terms that students should have already covered the following key terms: Respondent, Response rate, Participants, Sociological research, Research process and Data Answers to all activities included resources can be found at the end of the PPT
AQA GCSE Sociology: Education - Ethnic differences in achievement (cultural factors)

AQA GCSE Sociology: Education - Ethnic differences in achievement (cultural factors)

****Detailed lesson with lots of scaffolding based on adaptive teaching that help students understand the patterns of ethnic differences in educational achievement and the role of cultural factors in causing ethnic differences in achievement. Lastly, to analyse and evaluate the role of different cultural factors in causing ethnic differences in achievement. ****Cover the following sociologists: Lupton, Sewell, Clarke, Bhatti, Sugarman, Bernstein   ****Covers the following key terms: Ethnic differences in educational achievement, ethnicity ****Answers to all main activities included ****Key terms students should know Race, Ethnic groups ****Introduces students to the patterns of ethnic differences in educational achievement. ****Main activity is planned as a carousel activity that allows students to collect information on the cultural factors that might affect different ethnic groups and capture this on a sheet that I printed in A3. ****RESOURCES CAN BE FOUND AT THE END
AQA GCSE Sociology - Research Methods: How might sociologist select their sample?

AQA GCSE Sociology - Research Methods: How might sociologist select their sample?

Detailed lesson with lots of scaffolding based on adaptive teaching that help students understand how might sociologist select their sample for sociological research (e.g. the sampling method, consequences sampling methods may have on social research, the different types of sampling methods and how they are used. Covers the following key terms: Target population, Sample, Sampling frame, Probability (or random sampling) vs Non-probability sampling, Simple random sampling, Systematic random sampling, Stratified random sampling, Snowball sampling, Quota sampling, Representative sample vs unrepresentative sample, Generalise; Generalisability; To make generalisations, Opportunity sampling extension), Cluster sampling (extension) and Positivists vs interpretvivists (extension) Answers to most activities are included
GCSE Sociology - How might sociologists explain behavior?

GCSE Sociology - How might sociologists explain behavior?

Explores, norms, values, culture, socialisation (primary/secondary) and social control, agencies and agents of socialisation and social control as an introduction to Sociology. Also looks at the importance of primary socialisation and the consequences of it inadequately performed. 3 marker with a success criteria and student friendly mark-scheme Resources can be found at the end of the PPT. Answers included for main activities Made to meet the AQA spec but can be used (and edited if needed for other spec)


7 Resources
Detailed and differentiated (up and down) student-led lessons that help students to develop their knowledge and understanding from previous lesson(s). Includes 6 lessons (the last being a quiz lesson) and a key term sheet that covers the key terms in these lessons: **L1 – Intro to GCSE AQA Sociology: ** an overview of the course, exam and curriculum An activity on how to create and maintain a safe space for discussions suggested revision websites and youtube channels that students can use to develop their knowledge and understanding of key ideas and concepts. activities to introduce students to Sociology and sociological thinking/ inquiry. Expectations L2 – How might sociologists explain behavior? Explores, norms, values, socialisation (primary/secondary) and social control, agencies and agents of socialisation and social control as an introduction to Sociology. Also looks at the importance of primary socialisation and the consequences of it inadequately performed. 3 marker with a success criteria and student friendly mark-scheme L3 – Intro to functionalism Explores value consensus, social order, biological/ organic analogy, structuralism, consensus theories and social cohesion as way of introducing students to the key main functionalist views and ideas. 3 marker with a success criteria and student friendly mark-scheme L4 – Intro to Marxism explores capitalism, profit, social class, ownership, interests, structuralism, conflict theories, exploitation, false consciousness and social relations of production as a way to introduce students to the main Marxist views and ideas. **L5 – Intro to feminism ** explores sex, gender, gender roles, patriarchy, gender inequality as a way to introduce students to the main feminist views of society and ideas. 3 marker with a success criteria and student friendly mark-scheme **L6 – Quiz lesson ** small revision activity –that looks at the similarities and differences between functionalism, Marxism and feminism 25 min quiz (on basic sociological concepts, key functionalist, Marxist, feminist’s ideas and terminology) answers/ mark-scheme for quiz scaffolding for students to peer assess (but quiz can also be marked by teacher) SAME as A-level intro quiz but excludes questions on the nature – nurture debate. Can be edited to meet the needs of any spec – key terms in L2-5 meet the AQA spec Answers included for main activities and quiz L2,3 & 5 include 3 marker, success criteria to answer this and student-friendly mark-scheme for self and/ or peer-assessment.
AQA GCSE Sociology: Education - Ethnic diff in achievement (material deprivation)

AQA GCSE Sociology: Education - Ethnic diff in achievement (material deprivation)

****Detailed lesson with lots of scaffolding based on adaptive teaching that help students understand the relationship between poverty and ethnicities. To understand the role of material deprivation in causing ethnic differences in achievement. Lastly, to analyse and evaluate the role of material deprivation in causing ethnic differences in achievement. ****Cover the following key terms: Racism, Racial discrimination **Key terms students should know: Ethnic differences in achievement, External factors vs Internal factors, Cultural vs Material factors, Cultural deprivation, Culture, Norms, Values, Speech codes, Restricted code vs Elaborate code, Social inequality, Primary socialisation ****RESOURCES CAN BE FOUND AT THE END OF PPT ****Answers to MAIN activity included ****Includes a discussion activity with prompts and sentence starts to promote oracy. ****Includes a 4 marker with detailed scaffolding to help students with answering it.
AQA GCSE Sociology - year 11 introduction lesson

AQA GCSE Sociology - year 11 introduction lesson

Introduction to detailed lesson with lots of scaffolding based on adaptive teaching that help students understand (e.g. the domestic division of labour, the future of childhood, different views of family diversity, revise the educational policy in the uk’ Go through expectations Includes a unit concept map for education and family that includes the key terms and key studies for these units Goes through the success criteria for each type of exam question (EXCLUDING RESEARCH METHODS ONES) Includes a model answer for each type of exam question (EXCLUDING RESEARCH METHODS ONES) Includes annotate student-friendly mark-scheme for each type of question (EXCLUDING RESEARCH METHODS ONES) YOU WILL NEED TO GIVE STUDENTS A COPY OF A PAPER 1 EXAM
KEY SOCIOLOGIST SHEET - AQA A-level Sociology Education: Topic 3 Ethnic differences in achievement

KEY SOCIOLOGIST SHEET - AQA A-level Sociology Education: Topic 3 Ethnic differences in achievement

Alphabetical list of sociologists who attempt to explain ethnic differences in achievement. SOME scaffolding with some sentence starters, prompts to help students with what some sociologists might says and put into external vs internal factors categories . Requires students to write done what key sociologists from the topic ethnic differences in achievement (external and internal factors). Good form of revision and revision resource for the students. **BASED ON CONTENT in textbook - AQA A Level Sociology Book One Including AS Level: Book one 3rd Revised edition by Rob Webb, Hal Westergaard, Keith Trobe, Annie Townend ’ textbook
AQA A-level Sociology: Education Topic3 Ethnic differences -Material factors and racism

AQA A-level Sociology: Education Topic3 Ethnic differences -Material factors and racism

Detailed and differentiated (up and down) student led lesson on how a. material deprivation and b. racism in wider society might cause ethnic differences in achievement. Makes reference to key terms material vs cultural factors, external vs internal factors, the meaning/ patterns of ethnic differences in achievement. Uses and refers to ’ AQA A Level Sociology Book One Including AS Level: Book one 3rd Revised edition by Rob Webb, Hal Westergaard, Keith Trobe, Annie Townend ’ textbook RESOURCES CAN BE FOUND AT THE END OF THE PPT. **Teaching to all actu ANSWERS FOR MAIN ACTIVITIES CAN BE FOUND ON NEXT SLIDE AFTER ACTIVITY SLIDE INCLUDES ORACY ACTIVITY
AQA A-level Sociology: Education – Ethnic diff in achievement (Cultural factors)

AQA A-level Sociology: Education – Ethnic diff in achievement (Cultural factors)

**Detailed student led lesson that introduces students to ethnic differences in achievement and explores how different cultural factors (language, attitudes and values, and parental structure) might cause ethnic differences in achievement. To do this, the lesson explores the following key terms: ethnic group, ethnic differences in achievement, cultural deprivation, compensatory education and makes reference to other key terms students should have previously learnt (restricted code, working-class subculture, meritocracy, internal vs external factors, cultural vs material factors) **Uses and refers to’ AQA A Level Sociology Book One Including AS Level: Book one 3rd Revised edition by Rob Webb, Hal Westergaard, Keith Trobe, Annie Townend’ textbook RESOURCES CAN BE FOUND AT THE END OF THE PPT. ANSWERS FOR MAIN ACTIVITY CAN BE FOUND ON NEXT SLIDE AFTER ACTIVITY SLIDE STUDENT FRIENDLY MARK-SCHEME FOR 4 MARKER INCLUDE
AQA A-level Sociology: Media Topic 1 Ownership and control Revision lesson

AQA A-level Sociology: Media Topic 1 Ownership and control Revision lesson

Detailed and diiferentiated (up and down), student led lesson that recaps: patterns of ownership the mainpulative, hegemonic and plurlaist approach to media ownerhsip and control formal and informal controls of media output or content. References the following concepts: Agenda-setting  Gate-keeping   News values  Marxism    Structuralism vs Interactionism     Ownership  Ideology  Capitalism   False consciousness   Neo-Marxism Lords of the Global Village  Formal and informal methods of control. ANSWERS INCLUDED FOR SOME MAIN ACTIVITIES INCLUDED** RESOURCES FOR LESSON CAN BE FOUND AT THE END OF PTT Made for AQA A-level but can be easily used for other specs (just need a different source of information/ textbook) **Based on the content in 'SOCIOLOGY For AQA Volume 2 by Browne, Blundell & Law **
AQA A-level Sociology: Media - Media representations of sexuality

AQA A-level Sociology: Media - Media representations of sexuality

Detailed lesson with lots of scaffolding based on adaptive teaching that help students understand ‘Media - Media representations of sexuality’ Cover the following key terms :Sexuality, Sexual orientation, Lesbians, Gays, ‘Pink pound’, Sanitisation of gay sexuality , Over-sexualisation of lesbian sexuality (optional) , Heterosexuality , Homosexuality , Heterosexual gaze Cover the following sociologist:McRobbie (1994), Gill (2007), Gross (1991), Stonewall (2010), Cowan (2007), Cowan and Valentine (2005) Lesson is made up of comprehension questions that students need to answer using the information in textbook - 'SOCIOLOGY For AQA Volume 2 by Browne, Blundell & Law on this. INCLUDES DETAILED ANSWERS TO ALL ACTIVITIES
How to answer 10 markers for Sociology Education Class differences in achievement (external factors)

How to answer 10 markers for Sociology Education Class differences in achievement (external factors)

Detailed and differentiated (up and down), student led lesson that explores how to answer 10 markers, in particular for education topic 1 - class differences in achievement (external factors). Can also be used as a revision lesson for topic 1 (class diff in achievement -external factors) Includes student friendly success criteria PERD (Point+Explanation+Research+Develop) success criteria and student-friendly mark-scheme. ANSWERS TO MAIN ACTIVITIES AND EXAM QUESTIONS ARE INCLUDED **Made for AQA A-level but can be easily used for other specs (just need a different source of information/ textbook) differentiated down for GCSE) lesson **
Sociology Education Class diff in achievement (external & internal) Folder organisation lesson

Sociology Education Class diff in achievement (external & internal) Folder organisation lesson

Explores the importance of organisation and guides and supports students in organising their classwork for class differences in achievement external and internal factors (Topic 1& 2 AQA A/ AS-level spec) Includes: Assessment tracker Example of how folder might be organised Reflection activity Education folder dividers - to help students separate and organise their class and home learning. Made for AQA A/AS-level Sociology but can be used for ANY SPEC
AQA A-level Sociology: Education – Social class diff Assessment and feedback lesson

AQA A-level Sociology: Education – Social class diff Assessment and feedback lesson

**Assessment questions for A-level Sociology (4, 6, 10, 30 markers) AND detailed and heavily scaffolded student-led feedback lesson. Feedback lessons enable pupils to recap the success criteria for 4, 6, 10 & 30 markers and includes student friendly mark-scheme to help students improve their answers. ANSWERS TO MAIN ACTIVITIES AND EXAM QUESTIONS ARE INCLUDED **Made for AQA A-level Sociology **
AQA A-level Sociology: Education Class - Material deprivation

AQA A-level Sociology: Education Class - Material deprivation

Detailed and diiferentiated (up and down), student led lesson that explores class differences in achievement the role of material deprivation in causing or contributing to it. Introduces students to material vs cultural factors and external vs internal factors. Also introduces students to how to answer 4 and 6 markers using a success criteria and student-friendly mark-schemes. ANSWERS TO MAIN ACTIVITIES AND EXAM QUESTIONS ARE INCLUDED **Made for AQA A-level but can be easily used for other specs (just need a different source of information/ textbook) differentiated down for GCSE) lesson ** Uses and refers to ’ AQA A Level Sociology Book One Including AS Level: Book one 3rd Revised edition by Rob Webb, Hal Westergaard, Keith Trobe, Annie Townend ’ textbook
AQA A-level Sociology: Education Class differences in achievement - Streaming and pupil subcultures

AQA A-level Sociology: Education Class differences in achievement - Streaming and pupil subcultures

Detailed lesson with lots of scaffolding based on adaptive teaching that help students understand streaming and pupil subcultures. To explain how streaming and pupil subcultures might cause class differences in achievement. To analyse and evaluate streaming and pupil subcultures as explanations of class differences in achievement. Cover the following key terms: Streaming  Stream Educational triage  A-C economy  Pupil subculture  differentiation  polarisation  pro-school subcultures  anti-school subcultures    ****Key terms students should already know: Labelling, self-fulfilling prophecy, subculture, Becker, Interactionism ****Covers the following sociologists: Douglas, Gillborn and Youdell Lacy ****RESOURCES CAN BE FOUND AT THE END OF PPT ****Activities require pages from the AQA A Level Sociology Book One Including AS Level: Book one 3rd Revised edition by Rob Webb, Hal Westergaard, Keith Trobe, Annie Townend  ****ALL ANSWERS INCLUDED
AQA A-level Sociology Education Class differences (internal factors)- Class identities

AQA A-level Sociology Education Class differences (internal factors)- Class identities

Detailed lesson with lots of scaffolding based on adaptive teaching that help students understand class identities. Cover the following key terms: Identity, Class identities, Habitus, Symboliccapital, Symbolic violence, Nike identities, Style performances Covers the following sociologists:Archer, Bourdieu, Ingram ANSWERS TO ALL ACTIVITIES INCLUDED Teaching to all pedagogical technique included Activities require pages from the AQA A Level Sociology Book One Including AS Level: Book one 3rd Revised edition by Rob Webb, Hal Westergaard, Keith Trobe, Annie Townend. Makes references to key terms students should know- Promotes a spiral curriculum by making links to key terms that students might have previously been taught that link to this lesson.