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AmyJaney's English and Literacy Resources

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A range of resources for English across Key Stages 3, 4 and 5, as well as Literacy resources. I create schemes of work, individual resources, revision games, and exam-style papers.




A range of resources for English across Key Stages 3, 4 and 5, as well as Literacy resources. I create schemes of work, individual resources, revision games, and exam-style papers.
New AQA Poetry Anthology - Power and Conflict

New AQA Poetry Anthology - Power and Conflict

15 lessons which cover all of the poems. They encourage the students to become more independent and I have included lots of videos to engage them. My classes seemed to enjoy them and got a lot out of the lessons. Includes challenge activities working through Bloom’s. Includes an exam style question/task for each poem with a focus on writer’s intention.
The Kraken Poem

The Kraken Poem

One off short lesson used for an interview with ideas for activities to be carried forward. The students loved this.
AQA Poetry Anthology, Power and Conflict Glossaries

AQA Poetry Anthology, Power and Conflict Glossaries

Mini glossaries of words that students may not understand from the AQA Power and Conflict section. I get my students to stick them in to help them understand words they are not sure of. These could be adapted so that students have to find some of the definitions for themselves.
Pride and Prejudice Film Question Booklet

Pride and Prejudice Film Question Booklet

This is a booklet which covers the 2005 film version of Pride and Prejudice by Joe Wright. It has rough timings as to when students should be able to answer the question from. Covers a range of Bloom’s skills. Can be used either as an activity during teaching or post-reading recap.
Poetry Anthology AQA - Power and Conflict, GCSE Revision Board Game

Poetry Anthology AQA - Power and Conflict, GCSE Revision Board Game

The board will need to be printed on A3 and could be laminated for reuse. This is a really good way of getting students to revisit their learning and knowledge of the structure/form, themes, context and messages of the poems in a fun and independent way. I have used this before and the students really enjoy it. All you will need is some dice to play. You could get students to think of their own questions and tasks too as an extension/challenge.
The Hunger Games Film Question Booklet

The Hunger Games Film Question Booklet

This is a booklet which covers the 2012 film version of The Hunger Games by Gary Ross. It has rough timings as to when students should be able to answer the question by. Covers a range of Bloom’s skills. Can be used either as an activity during teaching or post-reading recap.
Hound of the Baskervilles Film Question Booklet

Hound of the Baskervilles Film Question Booklet

This is a booklet which covers the 1988 film version of Hound of the Baskervilles by Peter Hammond. It has rough timings as to when students should be able to answer the question by. Covers a range of Bloom’s skills. Can be used either as an activity during teaching or post-reading recap.
James and the Giant Peach Film Question Booklet

James and the Giant Peach Film Question Booklet

This is a booklet which covers the 1996 film version of James and the Giant Peach by Henry Selick. It has rough timings as to when students should be able to answer the question from. Covers a range of Bloom’s skills. Can be used either as an activity during teaching or post-reading recap.
A-Level Othello Exam Question Pack 2 (AQA English Literature A, 7712)

A-Level Othello Exam Question Pack 2 (AQA English Literature A, 7712)

This is a new set of assessment tasks on Othello - please see my other resources for Pack 1. A set of 13 assessment tasks, following the same structure as the AQA A Level Paper 1 (Love Through the Ages), Section A, Q1 sample materials, all on Othello. This is for the new specification (7712). The assessments focus on the presentation of varying types of love across a range of key scenes in the play. This makes them useful as practice exam material, and/or for recapping key scenes in the play. Each task has a question based on the presentation of [aspect of love] in response to a statement, followed by an extract.
Pre-exam Revision Mats for AQA English Language Paper 1 and 2 (GCSE 8700)

Pre-exam Revision Mats for AQA English Language Paper 1 and 2 (GCSE 8700)

Two PowerPoint slides (one for Paper 1, one for Paper 2) which we printed as revision ‘mats’ in A3 and placed around rooms where students congregated before the exams. It gives them final reminders on how to approach each question, and can be easily tailored to suit your own teaching - e.g. changing timings or including your own approaches to certain questions. These could also be used as revision sheets, posters or reminders to be used with mock exams.
AQA Unseen Poetry Exam Papers - GCSE English Literature Paper 2 Section C

AQA Unseen Poetry Exam Papers - GCSE English Literature Paper 2 Section C

Six pairs of poems formatted to the AQA GCSE English Literature Paper 2 Section C exam paper. This pack includes six documents, each consisting of part i (a 24-mark analysis task of the first unseen poem) and part ii (an 8-mark task comparing how the poets use methods). Very useful if your students need to practise analysing unseen poems and comparing them.
AQA English Language Paper 2, Reading Section Overview

AQA English Language Paper 2, Reading Section Overview

This resource would be best enlarged onto A3 and could be used during teaching this paper, before an assessment or after a marked piece of work in order for students to make improvements. This focuses solely on the reading section of Language Paper 2 and uses ‘One’s Company’ and ‘Records of a Girlhood’ (2023 exam) as its focus. It is three pages in length. The sections could be potentially highlighted by students or folded to look less overwhelming and to seem more like a bookmark style tool. This is a grid which includes the key things to remember about the reading section emphasis on the importance of the context box at the top of the extract what each question looks like (based on ‘One’s Company’ and ‘Records of a Girlhood’ (2023 exam) questions they should ask themselves for each question to help reading for meaning how to plan (or what I tell mine to do) what should be included to gain specific levels with a short example sentence openers a rough breakdown of marks for grade boundaries the mark scheme with bracketed simplification of some words for students to understand
AQA English Language Paper 1, Reading Section Overview

AQA English Language Paper 1, Reading Section Overview

This resource would be best enlarged onto A3 and could be used during teaching this paper, before an assessment or after a marked piece of work in order for students to make improvements. This focuses solely on the reading section of Language Paper 1 and uses ‘The Life of Pi’ (2023 exam) as its focus. It is three pages in length. They sections could be potentially highlighted by students or folded to look less overwhelming and to seem more like a bookmark style tool. This is a grid which includes the key things to remember about the reading section emphasis on the importance of the context box at the top of the extract what each question looks like (based on ‘The Life of Pi’ 2023 paper) questions they should ask themselves for each question to help reading for meaning how to plan (or what I tell mine to do) what should be included to gain specific levels with a short example sentence openers a rough breakdown of marks for grade boundaries the mark scheme with bracketed simplification of some words for students to understand
Alice in Wonderland Film Question Booklet

Alice in Wonderland Film Question Booklet

This is a booklet which covers the 1951 Disney film version of Alice in Wonderland. It has rough timings as to when students should be able to answer the question from. Covers a range of Bloom’s skills. Can be used either as an activity during teaching or post-reading recap. You will need to delete the cross from the answer/question sheet which just needs selecting and then deleting.