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OCR B Ocean Basin Relief - Exploring Oceans
A lesson to cover the relief of ocean basin for the new 2016 OCR B A level topic 'Exploring Oceans'.

OCR B Deepwater Horizon Case Study - Exploring Oceans
A case study lesson on the Deepwater Horizon oil spill disaster for the new 2016 OCR B A level debates topic 'Exploring Oceans'. Includes activities and links to relevant videos.

OCR B Antarctica Food Webs - Exploring Oceans
Lesson on Antarctica food webs for the new 2016 OCR B A level debates topic 'Exploring Oceans'.

OCR B - Ocean Nutrients and Productivity - Exploring Oceans
Lesson on ocean nutrients and productivity for the new 2016 OCR B A level debates topic 'Exploring Oceans'.

OCR B Ocean Ownership - Exploring Oceans
Lesson on how the oceans are governed including territorial seas and UNCLOS for the new 2016 OCR B debates topic 'Exploring Oceans'.

OCR B Ocean Characteristics - Exploring Oceans
Lesson on ocean characteristics including temperature and salinity for the new 2016 A level debates topic 'Exploring Oceans'.

OCR B Surface and Deep Ocean Currents - Exploring Oceans
Lesson for the new 2016 OCR B debates topic for A level 'Exploring Oceans' on surface and deep ocean currents. Includes a very detailed presentation, tasks and accompanying videos. Includes information on gyres, ekman transport, upwelling and downwelling, thermohaline circulation, coriolis deflection, el nino and north atlantic currents.

OCR B Flow Resources - Exploring Oceans
Two lesson on the uses and management of flow resources including wave and tidal energy for the new 2016 OCR B A level debates topic 'Exploring Oceans'.

OCR B 2016 Exploring Oceans SoW
A full scheme of learning/work for the new 2016 OCR B A level topic 'Exploring Oceans', including detailed lesson outlines and a list of resources (and links to videos) to cover the topic. Outlines for 30 lessons in total.

OCR B Types of Pollution - Exploring Oceans
Lesson on the types of pollution including industrial and domestic sources for the new 2016 OCR B A level debates topic 'Exploring Oceans'.

OCR B Sea Level Rise and the Kiribati IslandsPacifc Islands- Exploring Oceans
Lesson on the theory of sea level rise associated with climate change (thermal expansion and the transfer of water) and the case study of Kiribati islands. Including full lesson and associated resources (including OCR worksheet).

OCR B Ocean Acidification and Coral Bleaching - Exploring Oceans
Lesson on ocean acidification and rising temperatures leading to coral bleaching for the new 2016 OCR B A level debates topic 'Exploring Ocean'. Included information pack found on oceana.org and geofactsheet will be needed for one activity (not attached).

OCR B Climate Change at High Latitudes - Exploring Oceans
Lesson on climate change affecting high latitudes including why sea ice forms at high latitudes and a case study of the Arctic. For the new 2016 OCR B A level debates topic 'Exploring Oceans' - includes OCR card sort.

OCR B Globalisation and Oceans - Exploring Oceans
Lesson on globalisation and oceans, including containerisation and shipping routes based around the OCR worksheet. For the new 2016 OCR B A level debates topic 'Exploring Oceans'.

OCR B Countries Use of the Ocean - Exploring Oceans
Lesson on how countries use oceans to exert their power including a range of articles used to support a research task. For the new 2016 OCR B A level debates topic 'Exploring Ocean'

Why Do Glaciers Move?
AQA A 'Ice on the land'. Lesson exploring why glaciers move looking at temperature and gradient (including polar/temperate glaciers and extensional/compressional flow). Aimed at high ability GCSE students but easily adaptable for lower ability pupils. A tricky topic made simple!

Ice Formation
Lesson for AQA A course 'Ice on the Land' focusing on ice formation and the main types of ice masses ( e.g. valley glaciers, ice sheets etc...). Aimed at high ability GCSE students but easily adaptable for lower ability pupils.

Coasts Assessment
An essay style assessment based on coasts. Aimed at high ability year 8 students and therefore easily adaptable for year 9. Includes resources from previous lesson to support them in the assessment and the assessment sheet. Assessed using GCSE grades scaled down for year 8.

Storm Babet 2023
Lesson looking at low pressure and flooding for Storm Babet 2023. Covers the causes, impacts and responses of the storm. For KS3 Geography, Year 8 High ability. Could be adapted for Y9 low ability.

Cyclone Mocha Causes, Impacts and Responses
Case study on Cyclone Mocha in Myanmar 2023, covering causes, path of the storm, impacts and responses to the event. Designed for the OCR B specification, easily adapted to other exam boards. Video links in PPT / notes section. High ability.