Featured resources

Solar System - planets, day/night, Moon phases, seasons interactive full lesson PPT
This is a full lesson PPT and has interactive elements/questioning to check understanding and increase engagement.
It covers:
Solar systems, galaxies and the Universe
Planet Mnemonics
Earth and the Sun
Day and night
Moon phases
An Eclipse
Everything you need all in one PPT!

The Black Death - Plague Doctors
The Black Death was a devastating global epidemic of bubonic plague that struck Europe and Asia in the mid-1300s and is always a fascinating history lesson that children love.
This lesson is a focus on the Plague Doctor. Most plague doctors wore a costume, invented in Paris, to protect them during their work. The costume consisted of a heavy fabric overcoat that was waxed, a mask with glass eye openings and a cone nose shaped like a beak.
The PPT has lots of information and illustrations so that your class can sketch a plague doctor and label it with facts. There are keywords and examples for inspiration.
Everything you need is here!

Abomination by R Swindells - lesson ideas
This is a powerful book that I have used many times in Year 6. It’s about bullying, fitting in and relationships within families.
There are lots of prepared ideas to get children thinking and writing!

Sentence Starter Clipboards - 12 Writing Genres
Here is everything you need for those lessons when you get those ‘I don’t know what to write!’ moments!
Presented in an attractive, clipboard format, here are 12 different sheets filled with sentence starters to get children thinking about what to write.
Each one is split into sections so that writers are encouraged to use a range of starter types and know what they are too.
These are invaluable and would make a great addition to an English working wall too. Included are the following genres:
Discursive Writing
Non-Chronological Reports
Newspaper Reports

Classroom jobs / monitors display
These are editable so you can change the wording. I used to have the names on pencils and slide them into the pockets. This way they can be changed periodically.

18 KS2 New Class Ice Breaker Tasks 2022- first week back
Here are 18 easy ice-breaker tasks for you to choose from to get to know your new class!
Start building those effective relationships immediately!

Medieval Music
Complete lesson which introduces the history of Medieval music and instruments used.
Sections include:
music and money
There were three categories of instruments : wind, string, and percussion.
Many instrument slides with pictures, information and video clip.

Show Don't Tell - Complete Lesson for Improving KS2 Writing
An editable PPT which is a complete lesson include the task sheet and everything you need to teach children the skill of showing not telling in their writing. Their are lots of examples and vocabulary lists which can be printed off and used for display too or as aids in the lesson.

James Bond Car Top Trump Cards
There are 26 cards - one for each of the Bond films. I used these for maths starters as well as having them for wet play too. They were very popular!
Each card has the following:
Car name
Movie title
Cost new
Top speed
Engine capacity
0–60 speed in mph
Film Revenue

Back to School 2022 - First Day All About Me activity (2 pages)
Created for a Year 5/6 class but easily adapted to suit any year group.
Available as an editable PPT and PDF worksheets to be carried out independently while encouraging conversations about the year ahead.
Useful for gathering information about your new class, giving the opportunity to get to know each other again and settle in; the presentation can be adapted to include information about yourself to share with the class.
There are fun elements and well as encouraging self-reflection. Many of the illustrations can be coloured in to make this a lovely resource to be proud of and used for display purposes.

Back To School - Don't Worry!
This is a Toy Story -themed PPT and worksheets that you can use to ease your class back into school after summer. Focus on the positive, get them chatting and pick up any worries about missing school in the holidays.

Back To School - Don't Worry!
This is a Toy Story -themed PPT and worksheets that you can use to ease your class back into school after summer. Focus on the positive, get them chatting and pick up any worries about missing school in the holidays.

Heraldry: Coat of Arms lesson - Medieval History
Complete lesson PPT with templates, which explain the history of Coats of Arms dating back to the early medieval period.
Background and Historical Information
Who Had a Coat Of Arms?
Sections explained
Famous Coats of Arms
Colours and their meanings
Heraldic Symbols
Animals and their meanings
A range of templates for children to design their own.

The Solar System - animated PPT covering everything Space!
This animated and editable PPT has everything you need to teach about The Solar System, Earth and Beyond.
It covers:
The Sun
The Moon and its phases

10 pack of Writing Desks (Knowledge Organisers) - for all genres!
These Writing Desks are beautifully presented knowledge organisers to help children with all types of writing. They can be used as writing aids or on a working wall as displays and are invaluable to help children to structure their writing and provide ideas and inspiration in a fun and engaging way.
They include:
word banks
sentence starters
other grammar required
Included in the zip file are the following genres:
formal letters
informal letters
non-chronological reports
traditional stories
If there is another genre you would like me to provide, please drop me a message on a review. Thank you for your purchase :)

Guy Fawkes & The Gunpowder Plot Factsheet
Colourful factsheet with lots of facts about Guy Fawkes and The Gunpowder Plot. All designed to look attractive for children to use or a display.

Formal Letter Writing Desk (Knowledge Organiser)
This Writing Desk is a beautifully presented knowledge organiser to help children with writing. It can be used as writing aid or on a working wall as a display and is invaluable to help children to structure their formal letter writing and provide ideas and inspiration in a fun and engaging way.
I am offering it as a **FREE resource but please consider purchasing the other 9 that I have for sale.
They include:
word banks
sentence starters
other grammar required
Included in the zip file are the following genres:
formal letters
informal letters
non-chronological reports
traditional stories
If there is another genre you would like me to provide, please drop me a message on a review. Thank you for your purchase :)