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Seasonal Changes: Autumn
Data collection for weather, rainfall and temperature and day length.
Key Vocabulary display poster and flash cards
Five and Ten Frame, Part whole
Print and laminate. Use as part of provision or during guided teaching
Zones of Regulation Body
Zones of regulation body outline 2 resources.
body outline with emotions 4 to a page
body outline with emotions A4
body outline with I am feeling colour and space for children to draw their own emotions
Zones of Regulation Breathing
Box breathing with zones of regulation
Red- Stop
Blue- Rest Area
Yellow- Slow
Green- Go
Reading Race
Simple words and sentences reading tasks.
Helps with reading fluency.
2 sheets with words.
2 sheets with sentences
Maths Sentence Stems
The quality of children’s mathematical reasoning and conceptual understanding is significantly enhanced if they are consistently expected to use correct mathematical terminology (e.g. saying ‘digit’ rather than ‘number’) and to explain their mathematical thinking in complete sentences.
Use this resource to help children with their maths oracy
We're Going on a Bear Hunt Story and Caption Writing
Story with widgit images
Colourful semantic caption writing sheets.
Handa's Surprise
Handa’s surprise story with widgit symbols.
Colourful semantics writing prompts with widgit symbols wordbank
Shopping List
Use this resource to help write shopping lists.
Trolley card
Fruits and vegetables with label
Fruits and vegetables without labels
Shopping list template with lines
Shopping list template without lines
Shopping lists x 8
Year 1 First Day Assessment
Year 1 first day assessment.
Can children write their name?
Write missing letters?
Write their numbers?
Draw a simple picture (my family)
Write about their family
Can children count images?
Use this first assessment to provide children with guided teaching as they settle into their new classroom.
Favourite Scene Book Review
Simple book review suitable for KS1 children.
Space for:
Name, date
Author, book title
Favourite scene writing and drawing
Number of the day
This is a differentiated activity to represent number.
10 and below
20 and below
suggested 100 and below
Phase 2 Reading
Read the phase 2 sentences and colour the picture that matches the sentences.
5 activity sheets in total with 5 sentences on each sheet.
Silly Sentences- Colourful Semantics
Cut out the colour cards and use the sentence writing sheet to help compose a SIMPLE sentence using colourful semantics.
Zones of Regulation: Reading Cards
This resource is a great addition to regulation areas.
“I am feeling…”
“I can…”
Laminate, hole punch and use a binder to hold resource together.