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Play Dough Fine Motor Mats
Use play dough and these mats to help with fine motor skills.
Included Shapes and Faces
Print and laminate

Number Lines 10 and 20
Black and white number lines to 10 and to 20,
Ideal to be printed in colour and then laminated

Roll and Build
Fun game to help with counting and fine motor skills.
Roll a die, count the cubes and place it on the correct number.

Maths Sentence Stems
The quality of children’s mathematical reasoning and conceptual understanding is significantly enhanced if they are consistently expected to use correct mathematical terminology (e.g. saying ‘digit’ rather than ‘number’) and to explain their mathematical thinking in complete sentences.
Use this resource to help children with their maths oracy

Reading Race
Simple words and sentences reading tasks.
Helps with reading fluency.
2 sheets with words.
2 sheets with sentences

Five and Ten Frame, Part whole
Print and laminate. Use as part of provision or during guided teaching

Number of the day
This is a differentiated activity to represent number.
10 and below
20 and below
suggested 100 and below

Favourite Scene Book Review
Simple book review suitable for KS1 children.
Space for:
Name, date
Author, book title
Favourite scene writing and drawing

Name 3 Things Game
Perfect game to use with KS1- Ideal for use while teaching about senses.
Pick a card, answer as quickly as you can. Optional Idea: Set a time limit with egg timers.