Italian introduction to greetings, numbers and months which leads into first homework task. Learning objective : To know basic greetings. To practice a conversation. To compare two conversations. Recognise numbers 1-10 (more for MATs) and to play a game before creating an informative spider gram which serves as homewerk framework. (As such the spider gram could be done on paper if not wishing to send books away)
See my other resources for FREE provision of a range of mind maps which you can use for the spider gram activity here.
Based on already knowing or having access to numbers 1-31. This powerpoint revises the months and introduces Birthdays through conversation, writing tasks and peer assessment including slides for creating own success criteria and collaborating with others in pairs or groups. Includes starter and plenary and a puzzle and delivers a full lesson in Italian for the topic.
Vocabulary for Nationalities able to be used for languages as they are the same
This PowerPoint provides a full lesson.
Introduces Countries
Mini Italian messaging reading comprehension
True/False activity
Introduction to the verb essere and speaking opportunity with new vocabulary
Nationalities Vocabulary
Grammar summary for adjective endings
Mini writing activity - complete phrases
Writing task -Write a letter plenary activity / Homework
Printable vocabulary slides
Vistas licensed under cc
Introducing new verbs to go, to play, to watch and to do - andare, guardare, giocare and fare
Express opinions and preferences
Touch on vocabulary for frequency and negation briefly
Printable vocabulary lists include all
Speaking activity - Learners prepare a conversation then participate
Reading comprehension task with writing to complete a virtual conversation - whole class activity or printable individual task
Translation video slides - Play video - learners translate 10 phrases from Italian to English as a lesson plenary or mini-test
Possible homework -learn the verb conjugations-printable slides
Italian Beginners Speak More Italian PPT includes Days of the week, Cognates, Language Patterns
Language Ending Patterns
Printables for learners to keep and use
Introduce days of the week
Extra phrases for the classroom
Clutter free PPT - adaptable and professional
Suitable for University lecturing also
Suitable for adults also
Note all Images within PPT are licensed under creative commons
PPT to introduce Pets in Italian
Vocabulary for 10 popular domestic pets presented
Vocab list slide - printable
Revise the verb Avere - To have
Speaking activity - Do you have a pet? Basic Question and Answer
Script activity - Write a short script incorporating previous knowledge
success criteria provided for the script and printable slide displays some key vocabulary from this lesson’s earlier conversation. Reinforcing the question and answer yet expanding writing.
Practice the script or read aloud in pairs. Peer Assess optional.
Fun research challenge with race. Includes paired and group learning. Whole class challenge to finish.
Design Competition plenary with options for ICT or Arts and Crafts.
Ideal Homework task to complete.
Images covered by CC at time of sourcing
PPT and creative design owned by AResource
50 Straightforward time saving slides
printable memory card game and PPT for advanced essay phrases in French.
Use for introducing less familiar French language phrases, revising phrases, learning phrases and printing as a card game.
(Print as Handout - two slides per page. Students mix them up and peer assess memorisation of phrases…challenge to see how many go to complete pile and how many go back to try again!)
The French Tenses
Subject pronouns
Present tense
Imperfect tense
Passé Composé
Future tense
Conditional tense
Relationships between tenses
Formations of each tense
Introductory/Revision or quick teacher reference
Ideal reading lesson for Holidays
Can Assess levels 5/6 with questions to include those at level 4 and below and MATs wanting to try some level 7. Two sections + two modern and current texts combine to assess the comprehension of two holidays, one in Martinique to along the Canadian Glaciers of Northern America.
Mes vacances en Martinique
Ma promenade des Glaciers au Canada
2 Pages of text
3 Pages of Questions
3 Page Teacher’s answers PDF
Full lesson
Fun lesson that learners enjoy. The worksheet is the body of the lesson and requires beginners or even intermediate groups needing accessible work at home to have fun reading and writing creatively about their pet and show understanding of a basic text. They should have access to dictionaries if new to vocabulary for pets. Lesson can be done without prior learning of pets vocabulary since learners need to look up their own pets only so it could double up as a great start or taster to the pets topics in German following on from German introductions and greetings.
Introductions and greetings in German are needed and could be also introduced this way or simply recapped.
Versatile resource that is easy to expand on and create further homework projects that springboard forward into the topic.
The lesson also provides another valuable opportunity and the time to discuss digital safety in a natural follow on from the activity and at a level that most learners should be able to relate to by thinking through in terms of pets.
Vocabulary for family members
Personal descriptions for height, weight, hair and eye colour
Introducing the verb Avere - to have
Speaking activity - Useful questions
Reading comprehension mini task - Reply to message
Complete vocabulary grid for hair descriptions and draw and label a mini self portrait
Translation task Italian into English
Write a letter or extend a previous draft accordingly - possible homework task
Images covered by cc
PPT by aquarelle resources
Set of 12 HD vivid and colourful revision cards covering tenses, modal verbs, adjective endings, essay phrases and writing improvements. Created to a high quality display that can be extended to the use as classroom displays, in books or mats that could be laminated for desks.
This lesson goes into the use of Two and Three Stem Verbs to revise and expand on beginner’s present tense use.
Full lesson package. The lesson allows you to consolidate the use of subject pronouns, expand on the basics of present tense with the assumption the group already have some basic familiarity.
Interactive elements, opportunities to translate, peer assess, discuss and acquire lots of useful phrases and vocabulary in both French and English which can springboard future writing pieces to be more varied from the beginning.
Organize vocabulary
Plan stories
Emphasize key points
Possibility to differentiate between central ideas and concepts to more general around the outside.