đ Music Teacher Grades 7 - 12 đ Welcome! Iâm Kim Maloney, creator of MusicTeacherResources. My objective is to provide you with a range of quality, classroom-ready resources. Resources for busy teachers who want the best for their students, and to spend more quality time with the people they love the most!
đ Music Teacher Grades 7 - 12 đ Welcome! Iâm Kim Maloney, creator of MusicTeacherResources. My objective is to provide you with a range of quality, classroom-ready resources. Resources for busy teachers who want the best for their students, and to spend more quality time with the people they love the most!
COLOUR by MUSIC sheets are a fun way to practice and review music concepts, enabling students to memorize and recall quickly and easily.
This set contains 26 WINTER Music Colouring Glyphs USING BRITISH terminology and spelling!
There are FOURTEEN different images used in the 26 pages:
The 26 colouring pages consist of 24 set glyphs and 2 templates for the students (or you the teacher) to create their own Music Symbol Glyph.
Concepts covered include:
Note and rest names
Treble staff pitch names
Bass staff pitch names
They are PERFECT for:
Music centers
Cover lessons
Quiet Activities and;
are a NO PREP option for teachers and ;
make great homework sheets!
A content packed, valuable resource that is complete and ready to go!
Suitable for: Years 7-11
Double click on the images above for a closer look of whatâs included in the resource!
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You may also like this Christmas Music Theory Worksheets
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Students work on research, technology, reading, comprehension and writing skills as they research the life and music of composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
There are TWO different activity sheets and TWO versions of each. These are designed to suit different ages/abilities.
There are TWO versions of the first activity sheet. They are THE SAME except for the way the students access the internet to obtain the answers. One uses clickable links to the sites containing the answers, and the other, QR codes.
This activity sheet contains SIX questions about the life and music of the composer.
An ANSWER sheet is also included!
Depending on the technology available to you in your classroom, the student(s) will click on the links provided OR use a QR reader app to scan the QR code.
Students are to read the information on the website/s to find the answer to the questions.
There are also TWO versions included for the second activity sheet. It has been designed as an independent mini-biography research project.
Students will research FIVE-SIX facts about the composer and record them in the graphic organizer. They will then write an informative paragraph about the life and music of the composer.
Ideal for differentiation in your classroom! Double click on the images above for a closer look of whatâs included in the resource!
â„ CLICK here to check out more quality, ready-to-use resources from the MTR store!
You may also like this Music Composer: GRIEG Research Activity Sheets
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Music Word Search using music symbols.
The puzzle contains the name of 21 commonly used music symbols.
PRINTABLE FORMAT Print and hand it out.
This resource contains two versions of the same puzzle, one using North American terminology and the other using British terminology.
Students need to know the name of the 21 music signs/symbols to discover the words hidden in the word search.
An answer sheet is included for each puzzle.
This type of activity is excellent as a revision of theory concepts studied, assessment or for days when you are away from the classroom.
PLEASE NOTE: This puzzle is also available in a pack of 12 music puzzles
A content packed, valuable resource that is complete and ready to go!
Suitable for: Years 7-11
Double click on the images above for a closer look of whatâs included in the resource!
â„ CLICK here to check out more quality, ready-to-use resources from the MTR store!
You may also like this Drums of the World Word Search Puzzle
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Permission to copy for single classroom use only.
TES-Paid License
Spice up your Christmas period lessons or sub-lessons with an activity to review note and rest values.
This set of fun and engaging Rhythm Review worksheets will keep students engaged while reinforcing their theory knowledge.
The following versions are provided, giving you the ultimate flexibility:
Landscape, portrait, color, black and white!
PRINTABLE FORMAT: Just print and laminate them for individual, small-group, or whole-class activities. Single pages and TASK CARDS included.
DIGITAL FORMAT: Google slides, color and black and white task cards!
24 Portrait Printable worksheets (single pages, both colored and black & white)
24 Landscape Printable worksheets (single pages, colored, black & white). This set has different maths equations!
Google slides version
Task Cards
Student response/answer sheets in color and black & white
Teacher answer sheet - single page
Colored answer sheets for both the landscape and portrait versions to project
Teacher Tips and Ideas page
The 24 worksheets include the following:
TEN (10) addition worksheets with an image to color and
TEN (10) subtraction worksheets with an image to color.
These worksheets vary in difficulty so that they can be used with different grade/ability levels.
There are also FOUR worksheets for students to create their own music maths worksheets to share with their music peers/friends.
Have students create a music maths worksheet to exchange with another student.
The student who created the worksheet is also the one who will correct the completed worksheets
This is an excellent activity for higher-order thinking!
Designed to reinforce studentsâ knowledge of note and rest values
The activities become progressively more complex and can be used for several grade levels or differentiation within a class.
A content packed, valuable resource that is complete and ready to go!
Suitable for: Years 7-11
Double click on the images above for a closer look of whatâs included in the resource!
â„ CLICK here to check out more quality, ready-to-use resources from the MTR store!
You may also like this Christmas Music Symbols Colouring Sheets
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Permission to copy for single classroom use only.
TES-Paid License
Are you teaching a recorder unit? Decorate your music classroom and help support student learning with this clear, colourful set of recorder-fingering posters.
The posters/charts will help reinforce correct fingering and treble pitch note recognition.
There are 41 PRINTABLE pages to print, laminate and display.
Perfect to use as music classroom decor for your music classrooms!
There is a chart/poster for every pitch from middle C to A above the staff â including #'s and bâs, for the Baroque Soprano Recorder.
Each poster includes the letter name, a visual of the fingering, and the note position on the staff.
The poster size is 8.5"x 11" in portrait orientation in PDF format.
CHECK OUT the PREVIEW to see a lot more!
â„ CLICK here to check out more quality, ready-to-use resources from the MTR store!
You may also like this Music Decor: Class Rules POSTERS Set 1
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Permission to copy for single classroom use only.
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Are you looking for an engaging resource for your Film Music unit that focuses on listening to and analysing the elements of music and has a film scoring composition project to complete the unit?
This Music in Film mini-unit focuses on listening to and analyzing the elements of music with a film scoring composition project to complete the unit. Teaching slides, student worksheets, composition activities and links to videos are included.
The resource contains 26 printable pages that can be printed individually or combine to create a student workbook. Includes the following :
information on the purpose and function of music in films,
questions requiring studentsâ written response,
images for the student to respond to using music terminology and
a film scoring composition project!
Lesson procedure overview for FIVE lessons to help present the content to your students.
PLEASE NOTE: An answer key is NOT included, as student responses will vary.
A content packed, valuable resource that is complete and ready to go!
Suitable for: Years 7-11
Double click on the images above for a closer look of whatâs included in the resource!
â„ CLICK here to check out more quality, ready-to-use resources from the MTR store!
You may also like this MUSIC COMPOSITION: A Step by Step Approach
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TES-Paid License
Are you teaching Key Signatures?
This resource will help you teach key signatures with ease! Teaching slides, student worksheets and short assessment quizzes are included.
This resource is a ready-to-print PDF worksheet. Suitable for: Years 7-11
The 37-page file contains:
Teaching slides
Student quizzes
Student worksheets
Answer sheets
These pages will guide students to discover ALL major and minor key signatures!
CONTENT includes:
The order of sharps
The order of flats
How key signatures are drawn in both the treble and bass clef
Relative keys
Double click on the images above for a closer look of whatâs included in the resource!
â„ CLICK here to check out more quality, ready-to-use resources from the MTR store!
You may also like this MUSIC COMPOSITION: A Step by Step Approach
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TES-Paid License
**Do your students struggle with key signatures? **
This beautifully presented music class decor set of posters contains ALL major and relative minor key signatures, displayed in the Treble, Bass, and Alto clef, PLUS Bulletin Board letters to spell out KEY SIGNATURES.
*PLEASE NOTE that the key signature posters appear TWICE in the file, in b/w and again with a hint of color! *
PRINTABLE FORMAT! There are 46 PRINTABLE posters to print, laminate and display in your classroom or on your bulletin board.
46 printable key signature posters in color
46 printable key signature posters in b/w
Printable Bulletin Board letters to spell out âKEY SIGNATURES.â
The poster size is 8.5"x 11" in landscape orientation.
Double click on the images above for a closer look of whatâs included in the resource!
â„ CLICK here to check out more quality, ready-to-use resources from the MTR store!
You may also like this Key Signatures Teaching Slides and Worksheets
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Permission to copy for single classroom use only.
TES-Paid License
This resource contains TWO different FOLDABLES in BOTH COLOUR AND B/W
1. MEET MOZART FOLDABLE: Studentsâ record facts they have learned about Mozart
2. MOZARTâS MUSIC: This foldable is a perfect accompaniment to foldable 1, or can be used on its own to respond to Mozartâs music during a listening lesson
â« Instructions on how to assemble the foldable is also included!
â« Excellent addition to your Composer of the Month!
â« Completed foldables can be pasted into student workbooks/listening journals OR displayed on a bulletin board.
EIGHT Time Signature charts covering both:
1 Simple Time
2 Compound Time
**Enlarge and laminate to place in a your music room OR copy and distribute as an information handout to your students.
COUNT the BEATS: quarter note/crotchet = 1
Included in this product is...
â« 36 Task Cards
â« A duplicate set of task cards with QR codes
â« Student Record Sheet
â« Answer Key
These task cards will challenge students on their recognition and knowledge of note values (the quarter note or crotchet is the beat value).
Task cards are so versatile and can be used for individual, small groups, or whole class activities.
Each card is numbered so students can track which cards they have completed.
To assemble:
â« Print and cut along the guidelines
â« Laminate and use them again and again
â« Cards may also be printed on card stock
This file contains TWO different FOLDABLES in BOTH COLOR AND B/W
1. MEET GERSHWIN FOLDABLE: Studentsâ record facts they have learned about SCHUMANN
2. GERSHWIN âS MUSIC: This foldable is a perfect accompaniment to foldable 1, or can be used on its own to respond to Schumannâs music during a listening lesson
â« Instructions on how to assemble the foldable is also included!
â« Excellent addition to your Composer of the Month!
â« Completed foldables can be pasted into student workbooks/listening journals OR displayed on a bulletin board.
CHINESE NEW YEAR Themed Music Worksheets
This PDF file contains 24 worksheets covering the following music concepts:
1. Names of Notes and Rests (4 worksheets but TWO versions. One set using North American terminology and the other using British Terminology)
2. Treble Pitch
3. Bass Pitch
4. Alto Pitch
5. Music Signs and Symbols
Set 3 in this BEST-SELLER series
The file 12 RHYTHM worksheets Set 3 contains 13 RHYTHM worksheets!!
Students are to match the name of the given words to the correct rhythm.
The worksheets are for beginners, with the beats of each rhythm adding up to 2 only.
Each rhythm worksheet is based on a different topic and ANSWER sheets for each are included.
Topics include:
o Birthdays
o Bugs
o Circus
o Dance
o Driving
o Gardens
o Money
o Rainbow
o St Patrick's Day
o Summer
o Valentineâs Day
o Water
o World Landmarks
Excellent for reinforcement or revision. You can never have too many of these types of worksheets!
This is an in-depth research and oral presentation task that would suit students in grades 5-8.
It requires students to choose a country and research the instruments and music of that country.
Included are:
⊠A list of TIPS and IDEAS for the teacher.
⊠THREE task pages with six criteria areas for students to address.
⊠A marking sheet for assessment purposes.
⊠A table of suggested countries for research and a column to enter student names so you can keep track of the country each student is researching.
⊠A three page list of internet sites where students might find information.
My grade 7 and 8 students really enjoy this task and they learn a great deal about the music of many different countries!
Instruments of the Orchestra Word Search
â« This Word Search Puzzle contains 30 orchestral instruments.
â« An ANSWER key is provided:
â« The puzzle can be used as part of a sub lesson or as an additional resource for your Instruments of the Orchestra unit.
PLEASE NOTE: This puzzle is also available in the âTEN Instrument Word Search Puzzlesâ resource
Students work on research, technology, reading, comprehension and writing skills as they research the life and music of composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.
There are TWO different activity sheets and TWO versions of each. These are designed to suit different ages/abilities.
There are TWO versions of the first activity sheet. They are THE SAME except for the way the students access the internet to obtain the answers. One uses clickable links to the sites containing the answers, and the other, QR codes.
This activity sheet contains SIX questions about the life and music of the composer.
An ANSWER sheet is also included!
Depending on the technology available to you in your classroom, the student(s) will click on the links provided OR use a QR reader app to scan the QR code. (The QR reader app I use is I-nigma. It is a FREE download in iTunes, and I have never had any problems with it.
Students are to read the information on the website/s to find the answer the questions.
There are also TWO versions included for the second activity sheet. It has been designed as an independent mini biography research project.
Students will research FIVE-SIX facts about the composer and record them in the graphic organizer. They will then write an informative paragraph about the life and music of the composer.
Ideal for differentiation in your classroom!
Review music theory during Halloween season music lessons with this set of no-prep fun and educational worksheets!
This PDF file contains 27 worksheets in TWO formats: PDF printable and Google Slides, covering the following music concepts:
Names of Notes and Rests (4 worksheets but TWO versions. One set using North American terminology and the other using British Terminology)
Treble Pitch
Bass Pitch
Alto Pitch
Music Signs and Symbols
Key Signatures
Also suitable for cover lessons.
Suitable for: Years 5-7
Double click on the images above for a closer look of whatâs included in the resource!
â„ CLICK here to check out more quality, ready-to-use resources from the MTR store!
You may also like this Halloween Treble Pitch Activities
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Permission to copy for single classroom use only.
TES-Paid License
A useful handout for your students to use as a reference for their rhythm work!
Rhythm Charts: Notes and Rests in Simple Time
A useful handout for your students to use as a reference for their rhythm work.
It is particularly good to use in conjunction with your aural work i.e. rhythm dictations.
You could also print out on A3, laminate and post on your music room wall as a visual reminder
This is the one resource that I am STILL using with all of my music classes after 25 plus years of teaching.
Suitable for: Years 7-11
Double click on the images above for a closer look of whatâs included in the resource!
â„ CLICK here to check out more quality, ready-to-use resources from the MTR store!
You may also like this MUSIC COMPOSITION: A Step by Step Approach
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Permission to copy for single classroom use only.
TES-Paid License
For Your March Music Lessons - St Patrickâs Day Music Math. Itâs a Free Music Download
There are TWO music math activity sheets in this file to cater for two different grade levels.
Students are to complete the music math equations and colour the St Patrickâs Day image.
Double click on the images above for a closer look of whatâs included in the resource!
â„ CLICK here to check out more quality, ready-to-use resources from the MTR store!
You may also like this [MUSIC COMPOSITION: A Step by Step Approach]
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