Places in town
Activity to help learn places in town and describe way to school.
1.Children use the dictionaries to look up words.
2.Listen to the song and fill in the gaps. Sing along.
3.Translation into English.
4.Describe your way to school or draw the places you pass on the way to school and label them .
Knowledge organiser - basic Spanish
One slide to help year 6 or low year 7 to write their profile.
Spanish Culture
Power point slides to introduce aspects of Spanish culture and could be used as starter.
Interview with Cristiano Ronaldo for French TV
Whole lesson for KS3 students. Fact file about Cristiano Ronaldo. Practice of asking and forming questions and answers in order to perform an interview role play with the football star.
Morpion game
Link to a real interview with Cristiano.
One of the aimes of this lesson was to motivate boys and relate to their interest.
GCSE Environment
GCSE reading task
Personal description and daily routine: GCSE listening and speaking
Worksheet with a video link to practise listening skills and comprehension questions.
Questions could be used as a guideline to write a description of a best friend or a family member.
Game: One pen one dice one paper / GCSE questions
Un stylo, une feuille, un dé
First player who rolls a 3 grabs the pencil and starts translating. Other player rolls the dice until he/she rolls a 3 and shouts “TRois”. This player has now won the pencil and can start translating. First player has the dice and needs a 3 to steal the pencil. The winner is the player who has translated all sentences correctly.
GCSE conversation questions
AQA GCSE Spanish ¿Qué te gusta hacer?
Tasks and activities consolidation AQA 3.1G ¿Qué te gusta hacer?
Decide if the people like the activities or not:EXTRA: Do you know any other expressions which could replace Me gusta and Me encanta?
Using verbs of opinion .
Faulty translations: correct the English
BINGO – choose 6 numbers in the grid.
Listen to the sentences and say BINGO when you have crossed them all out. Students can be the callers.
Listen, hold in your memory, write on your whiteboard as much as you can remember.
Fill in the gaps .
Speed translation
Time the students as they translate the sentences at speed.
Copy the grid. AQA 3.1GListen to 6 people and complete the grid.
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
Write 3-5 sentences about what you like to do and why, use the box to help.
GCSE Spanish Writing task structure strip
Worsheet with GCSE Spanish writing question
90 words 16 marks with marks scheme
Léon le caméléon-song
PowerPoint to introduce the song Léon le caméléon with video link.
AQA GCSE Spanish Technology in every day life.
Worksheet: pair gap fill and translation
Reading and writing activity/worksheet
Reading activity to revise or practise the topic of Employment.
Read and complete the grid in English.
Conversation question, translation and writing a model answer.
GCSE Polish Conversation Questions
Example questions for Polish GCSE
GCSE Spanish :Identity and culture: Marriage and partnership.
AQA Hablando de parejas
Complete lesson
Answers for the tasks are provided.
talking about a partner : reading /translation/true false/ guided writing
2.using possessive adjectives: slides accompanied by worksheet
using y and que to form longer sentences: slides with worksheet
Writing sample exam paper- Eduqas-WJEC New GCSE Foundation Tier
Sample assessment paper -Writing Foundation Tier
for Eduqas -WJEC
Lille in France and places in town
Presentation with pictures taken at a LEAP CPD training in Lille to promote French culture and French cities and slides to say what there is in a town.
Qué te gusta hacer?
Worksheet activity to accompany a video. Two teenagers are telling us what they like doing and eating.
Knowledge spark
It is a cross-curricular form time activity. There is an information slide and key vocabulary worksheet for students to fill in groups.
Catalonia and Girona
This resource consists of two slides:
Information about Catalonia and Girona
Challenging vocabulary to look up and write the definitions.
It can be used for capital C ( Culture)
In form time
As a starter
Cross curriculum Spanish English
Play the video with images from Girona and relaxing music while the students are completing the task.
Spanish Year 7 My timetable
Full lesson suitable for distance learning.
Spanish timetable to study.
School subjects revision.
Days of the week revision.
Sentences writing frame.
Conjugation of Estudiar.