This is a grid PACKED full of learning activities for your class to enjoy and celebrate International Women’s Day this year. This can be used in class or online. Activities include poster making, writing poems, creating digital cartoon strips, working on GLOBAL GOAL 5, an IWD virtual library, gender equality TV and ever some fast finisher tasks.
This pack of writing resources forms the perfect lesson(s) for imaginative or creative writing. The children can spend time planning out their very own mythical creature after being inspired by those created by J.K Rowling. With their thorough plan the children can then bring to life a detailed and impressive description of their creature, giving them a chance to work on great use of VCOP. The child written examples will also really help the less able pupils in the class to get started. This writing lesson works great along side any magical topic (e.g. Harry Potter, Castles or even Halloween).
This HWB lesson is suitable for KS2. A lesson which discusses the difference between Fixed and Growth Mindset and the Learning Pit. In this pack you will find a PDF, you can click the picture at the bottom that will take you to the presentation. This is great for online learning as well as in class. Some pictures are taken from Google images, some from posters I created. Videos are from Youtube and all embedded.
Pupils love these and a great way squeeze in some lateral thinking. Each square contains a word or phrase with visual clues as to what it is. The number of letters in each word of the phrase is contained underneath- this can be revealed as a clue once the children have had time to try and guess without any help. Great introduction game for virtual teaching!
Use these easily editable and aesthetic slided to organise your literacy/reading rotations for the week.
This could also be adapted to numeracy or health and well-well being slides.
These slides will save you so much time and allow children to take more ownership of their learning.
These slides can be used with all age groups.
This is a PDF resource that allows children to access a range of relevant and current reading materials. If a child clicks on the image of a book it will take them to a PDF or audiobook of the story. Within seconds they will be transformed into a world of pure imagination.
This is brilliant for online learning as can be posted on MA TEAMS, Google Classroom or on school websites to allow children to assess reading materials for free.
This is a PDF resource that allows children to access a range of relevant and current reading materials. If a child clicks on the image of a book it will take them to a PDF or audiobook of the story. Within seconds they will be transformed into a world of pure imagination.
This is brilliant for online learning as can be posted on MA TEAMS, Google Classroom or on school websites to allow children to assess reading materials for free.
Are your class obsessed with Among Us as much as mine? If so this is perfect! This is a fun game that can be played electronically or printed that allows children to practice their multiplication and division facts from 2 - 9. My class love it!
A great plenary or maths starter game to engage children practicing addition and subtraction within 10,000/ decimals. This PPT can be edited so could be adapted to multiple maths concepts. A great fun addition to a maths lesson.
Will the children get to the end or will the be caught out as imposters?!
Black History Topic
This unit covers:
-USA Civil War
-Jim Crow Laws
-Discrimination and Segregation
Civil Rights Movement
The British Empire
The Underground Railroads
Abolishment of Slavery
Black Lives Matters Movement
14 lesson PowerPoint
Pupil Workbook - activities for every lesson
Teacher answer book
Pupil cut-outs book
To make the children in my class feel loved I make an effort to remember their birthday. I just print off one of these birthday card templates and write a personal message on the back :)
Welcome to my virtual computer screen; with links to over 25 free numeracy games that allow children to practice one or more of the four operations (+, -, x, ÷) in a fun and exciting way. All of the games have a variety of levels to choose from or progress in difficulty as they go on. The games in the center box have options to play practicing using multiple operations. The games outside the center box are specific to the operation symbol the are next to.
By just simply clicking on the image you will be diverted straight to the game. All of the games are compatible with tablets, iPads, Laptops, Computer and smart phones.
This PDF file can easily be uploaded to MS Teams, Google Classrooms, School Websites or even attached to an email to parents.
This includes 4 different versions of a spot the pair quiz.
Lost of similar images will appear on the screen and the aim of the gain is to spot the two that are the same. This is a great brain teaser to get you kids warmed up and ready to learn. It is suitable for all ages and can be made harder but shortening the time that is given to study the images.
I have been using them at the start of my live lessons but they would also work great at the start or the end of the school day too!
This bundle includes my three best selling resources for the price of two! Get all 3 virtual libraries for the price of 2!
P1-3 (ks1)
P3-5 (ks1/2)
P5-7 (ks2)
saving 40%
This is a colourful booklet that can be printed and children can use each week for their weekly spelling tests. There are a variation of pages so you can chose how you would like the booklet to be laid out.
could be printed as an A5 back to back booklet or as an A4 booklet.
Have fun with your class on the count down to christmas with my Video Advent Calendar!
It is a mixture of Christmas adverts, Christmas workouts, Christmas quizzes, Christmas body percussion and drawing. A great wee brain break for your class at this chaotic time.
This could be enjoyed by children of all ages.
You just need to download the PDF and then click on the numbers which should take you to the videos.