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Key Feminist Thinkers Profiles

Key Feminist Thinkers Profiles

Detailed workbook for a level politics students on key feminist thinkers including- Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Simone De Beauvior, Kate Millet, Shellia Rowbotham and Bell Hooks. Detailed simplistic bullet points, easy to understand synoptics of beliefs and achievements and key quotations.
Communication lanyard square PEC visual cards

Communication lanyard square PEC visual cards

A 4 page PEC document of basic/essential visual communication symbols to be used on lanyards for working with children in EYFS, SEN, EFL, Behavioural or non- verbal students. Great to be hole punched on a lanyard or cut out for carry around use.
PEC Communication Visual lanyard cards

PEC Communication Visual lanyard cards

Perfect lanyard cards for visual communication containing PEC symbols for the mots important words within a school and out and about. Perfect to aid children of SEN especially those with ASD or other difficulties or non verbal students. Document with 2 sizes. :)
Shape detective template- maths

Shape detective template- maths

An outline of shape detective game/resource. To be laminated and cut out so that the children can look through to find objects in the room that look like the specific shapes. Shapes include- Square, Rectangle, Circle, Kite, Trapezium, Pentagon, Parallelogram, Hexagon and Triangle.
Outdoor Scavenger hunt

Outdoor Scavenger hunt

An outdoor scavenger hunt worksheet perfect for outdoor learning, science and forest school. A great early years/KS1 resource and SEN friendly. Loved by OFSTED.
Types of Flower Scavenger hunt

Types of Flower Scavenger hunt

A perfect activity/worksheet to be used in early years and KS1 for different flowers. Great outdoor learning task to promote science, forest school and lots more. Ofsted approved and SEN friendly.
Mini Beast Scavenger Hunt

Mini Beast Scavenger Hunt

A perfect activity/worksheet to be used in early years and KS1. Great outdoor learning task to promote science, forest school and lots more. Ofsted approved and SEN friendly.
learning numbers 1-10

learning numbers 1-10

1-10 number worksheets- Outline number, colour in grid of how many squares the number is, put how many apples on the tree the number is worth. Can be laminated so that white board pens or play dough can be used for a more fun activity.
Communication PEC symbol book

Communication PEC symbol book

A communication book full of sorted PECS that can be used to aid communication or as a voice. All sorted in categories for easiest use- Core Vocab, places, transport, people, animals, activities, body parts, TV and film shows, play, food, drinks, clothes, feelings, letters, numbers, colours, shapes, textures etc