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Hello! Thanks for viewing my shop. I've been teaching now for over 10 years and was a teaching assistant before that. I'm currently teaching Year 3/4 but have taught in EYFS, Year 1 and 2, & Yr 6. I've worn many hats during my teaching career and I'm now deputy head of a small but ever growing successful first school! I love creating resources that can be used to capture and engage the children in my class that allow them to really enjoy their learning.Please get in touch and leave feedback!




Hello! Thanks for viewing my shop. I've been teaching now for over 10 years and was a teaching assistant before that. I'm currently teaching Year 3/4 but have taught in EYFS, Year 1 and 2, & Yr 6. I've worn many hats during my teaching career and I'm now deputy head of a small but ever growing successful first school! I love creating resources that can be used to capture and engage the children in my class that allow them to really enjoy their learning.Please get in touch and leave feedback!
Phonics - make your own IWB activities

Phonics - make your own IWB activities

This guide will help you to create your own Interactive White Board activities. If you have any comments on how to improve the guide or add to the activities then that would be great. Hope it helps.
Phonics Screening Check FUN racing game   Year 1  KS1  eyfs  Split digraphs. Real/Nonsense words

Phonics Screening Check FUN racing game Year 1 KS1 eyfs Split digraphs. Real/Nonsense words

This game is loved by my mixed R/1 class. This download includes 5 PDF documents with 4 pages (20 boards in all) and a smartboard version of all hard copies for interactive whiteboard. Each split digraph a_e , e_e, i_e , o_e and u_e have been split into three levels of difficulty and the middle ability has a copy with the sounds highlighted to further differentiate. The pupils simply roll die and then move car and say word they land on. These sounds are ideal to cover if you are working on phase 5 or set 3 RWI phoncis schemes. This can be used as a whole class activity / starter or with 1:1/group interventions. The interactive Smartboard game uses a die that only goes up to 3. This makes it a snappy but not too long a game. Children could play best out of three or you could use the game boards to set out a mini competition/tournament around the classroom. It’s also great wen doing transport as a theme and to check and stretch learning. I’ve included the word documents so that you can edit and create your own words. Great revision activity for the upcoming phonics screening. No real preparation needed. Simply print and use. You only need toy cars or a playing piece and a die. I really hope you and your class enjoy this as much as my class do. Please leave feedback if possible :) Thanks
Phonics game boards EYFS KS1 Phase 2-5  RWI set 2-3 nonsense/ pseudonym words + snap cards.

Phonics game boards EYFS KS1 Phase 2-5 RWI set 2-3 nonsense/ pseudonym words + snap cards.

This resource includes 4 games boards with coloured background and 4 without background so you can save toner when printing. I’ve also included some alien cards which you can use to plays snap or splat games etc. simply ask the children to roll a die and then move their piece to the number rolled. if they can read the word then they land on it, if not they cannot. Great for small groups or 1:2:1 sessions. To increase the length of a game you could use die with only 3 numbers or join two boards together. I hope that your class enjoy playing these boards.
YEAR 2 Maths Greater Depth  14 WEEKS WORTH!SATs prep! Multiplication Money Place value addition  KS1

YEAR 2 Maths Greater Depth 14 WEEKS WORTH!SATs prep! Multiplication Money Place value addition KS1

****This resource is 100% editable! This resource contains 14 weeks of activities. Each day includes 4 questions and builds upon prior knowledge - each week coincides with the White Rose Maths hub scheme of learning for place value, addition and subtraction. This resource will help your children build upon skills previously covered and allows them to practice and embed key Maths concepts/skills. Included are 14 worksheets with 5 days worth of activity on each week with 4 Qs a day. 20 qs a week so that’s 280 questions! The concept of revisiting prior learning is becoming more and more crucial to helping children attain and cement key skills. It’s a great way to achieve mastery and it’s proving to be a huge success within my class. I keep them in a wallet and the children complete each day either in the morning during registration or when we get a minute! My colleague uses them and sticks them in her maths books in concertina style and the children unfold them when completing the correct day. I encourage my class to draw calculations, use resources, discuss concepts with one another. I hope that this is really useful to you and would appreciate any feedback/reviews. Thanks for purchasing!
Phonics screening check games

Phonics screening check games

There are three roll and name picture game boards that allow your children to create their own pseudonyms names for the aliens. Great practice for the Phonics Screening Check! Roll an alien name Boards 1 to 3 - vowel split digraphs a_e, e_e, i_e, o_e & u_e all with varied initial blends to start the word. Alien name race boards Board 1 -vowel split digraphs a_e, e_e, i_e, o_e & u_e Board 2 -vowel split digraphs a_e, e_e, i_e, o_e & u_e (easier version) Board 3 - vowel digraphs ai, ea, ie, ow, ue Board 4 - digraphs ar , au, ee, or & oe If the children role a six then they can choose their sound to use to create the alien name. EDITABLE VERSIONS INCLUDED **How to play: ** Roll the dice. When it lands on a number look for the sound designated to that number, ask the children to write it on whiteboard and soundout. If correct they can stay on that square of game board. Continue rolling and creating anmes for every alien they land on. For additional rules see rules attached to this resource. Allow children to make up rules! Can be played with 1 or 2 players. Race game can be up to 4 players. Use counters/objects/coins etc as player pieces. I really hope that you and your children get a lot out of playing these games. Any feedback is welcome as I’m always looking to improve resources to support teachers and children to achieve their potential. Thanks
Fun SPAG Grammar activity KS2 Year 3&4

Fun SPAG Grammar activity KS2 Year 3&4

This takes a little prep to do but my children enjoyed the freedom of moving about to get the tokens and match them to the definition of the term. It is fully editable so please feel free to add/remove terminology or create your own version. This resource includes 2 worksheets in which the children must solve what term is what and then write an example. They must finally find the terminology token and stick in correct box of the sheet. Hope this helps! Thanks.
Modelling Greater depth in persuasive writing KS2

Modelling Greater depth in persuasive writing KS2

This resource structures persuasive writing for your whole class. I have used this resource for Year 3/4 but it can easily be adapted for year 5/6. In the past I have used this a whole lesson and written each sentence as a class to really create an in depth piece of writing. I would ask the children for their ideas and they would collaboratively come up with ideas and then write down after sharing them with whole class. I have also cut the sentence strips out and allowed my higher attaining pupils to play around with the structure. This resource allows the lowers a structure to follow and the opportunity to write without worrying about content and structure. I hope that you enjoy using this resource and that your children’s writing is wonderful! Many thanks
Maths presentation and feedback prompt bookmark for books/table/ KS1 & 2.

Maths presentation and feedback prompt bookmark for books/table/ KS1 & 2.

I'm using these bookmarks to prompt and remind the children of our presentation expectations of our school. You could place children's targets on back or just use them to remind the children what page they are on next (As at a young age they have a habit of missing pages out!) I have attached the word doc so you can attach your school's feedback policy etc...and make it suit your needs. Many thanks, hope you find this useful.
Christmas IWB KS2 embedded clauses English Literacy extending sentences

Christmas IWB KS2 embedded clauses English Literacy extending sentences

Hi, This resource includes 1 Interactive Whiteboard presentation and a word document which includes WILF and challenge labels. I've made the sentences Christmas themed and I hope you and your class find them useful. I've also included some other Maths multiplication lesson presentations (with scribbles!) just because it's Christmas. Many thanks
Year 3/4 differentiated FUN Mastery Multiplication problems and puzzles. CHRISTMAS THEMED.

Year 3/4 differentiated FUN Mastery Multiplication problems and puzzles. CHRISTMAS THEMED.

This resource includes an IWB presentation and a word document with Christmas themed multiplication problems and puzzles. Add an element of festive fun to your Maths lessons whilst still engaging the children and ensuring that your class have opportunities to tackle mastery style questions. There are 20 qs in total. Feel free to change the problems to suit the needs of your class. I hope these are useful. Many thanks.
Place value, subtraction & adding Fluency and mastery with critical thinking USA Grade 3/4

Place value, subtraction & adding Fluency and mastery with critical thinking USA Grade 3/4

Hi, This resourse focus on allowing the children to engage in key critical thinking skills and practice their skills in place value, adding and subtracting. The 20 questions vary from asking the children to Fluently add and subtract within 1000 using strategies and algorithms based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction and reading and writing numbers to 1000 using base-ten numerals and number names. I’ve included a word version so you can edit the questions to suit the needs of your class. Here’s some suggested ways to use this resource. Cut them up and laminate them- place them on the tables and ask your pupils to collaboratively solve them. Stick them in the children’s books and get them to answer them. After the children have solved a few ask them to place them in order of difficulty - ask them why and what they found most difficult. Thanks for buying this resource and I really hope that it helps your class with their learning.
Money Year 3/4 varied fluency and reasoning:Recognising money making values using different coins

Money Year 3/4 varied fluency and reasoning:Recognising money making values using different coins

I have included a pdf and word version (so you can edit to suit the needs of your class). There is also a smart board presentation to help demonstrate how to make different amounts using place value counters to help children bridge practical, concrete to abstarct situations. There are 21 money questions that will allow your children to tackle money in different situations and concepts. These are designed to be used to allow your children to achieve greater depth by explaining their thinking and I would encourage your children to do so! I hope that these resources are useful and feel free to edit these to suit the needs of your class. Many thanks!