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I am a qualified teacher with specialisms in Spanish, Geography & Irish. I have worked as a teacher in Ireland, Australia and the UK. I teach children the way I want my son to be taught. I try to make colourful resources that will engage and make teachers and students lives easier. I don't always get it right but I'm always learning and striving to. Claddagh Classrooms




I am a qualified teacher with specialisms in Spanish, Geography & Irish. I have worked as a teacher in Ireland, Australia and the UK. I teach children the way I want my son to be taught. I try to make colourful resources that will engage and make teachers and students lives easier. I don't always get it right but I'm always learning and striving to. Claddagh Classrooms
An Aimsir Chaite - The Past Tense

An Aimsir Chaite - The Past Tense

This resource has been given a make over! There are two files; one .pdf that contains the loves clipart from Chirp Graphics and another .ppt editable version for any additions that you may wish to do. There are two aspects to this update: Contains a notes reference sheet and sheet with all irregular verbs Contains 4 different exercises based on the tense. There are basic verb exercises, fill in the gaps, verb conjugations and finally a short translation exercise. Any issues email me claddaghclassrooms. Bain taitneamh as!
Briathar na Gaeilge - Verbs in Irish Booklet

Briathar na Gaeilge - Verbs in Irish Booklet

This booklet contains all you need to know to understand verbs in Irish. This is necessary for all students to learn prior to doing any verb work or conjugations as this is the basis to understanding any tense. The resource contains: A step by step revision mat of what types of verbs there are and how to recognize them. An activity sheet to practice and demonstrate learning Answers to the activities.
Urú - Revision Mat

Urú - Revision Mat

This is a revision mat for the topic of URÚ in Irish. The mat contains all information needed to revise this piece of grammar. It contains a rhyme to help students remember them and contains all the exceptions.
Gramadach na Gaeilge

Gramadach na Gaeilge

6 Resources
Bundle contains Grammar revision mats and exercises for some of the most prominent grammar topics in Irish; An Aimsir Chaite, An Aimsir Fháistineach, An Aimsir Láithreach, An Modh Choinniollach, Séimhiú & Urú. Bain taitneamh as!
Na haimsirí Gaeilge - Verb tenses in Irish Booklet

Na haimsirí Gaeilge - Verb tenses in Irish Booklet

This booklet contains a revision mat for all tenses in Irish taught at Junior Cert (GCSE) and Leaving Cert (A Level) The tenses included are An Aimsir Chaite An Aimsir Láithreach An Aimsir Fháistineach An Modh Coinníollach Each of these tenses are essential to students attempting any exam and are a great resource for revision! Bain taitneamh as:)
El Futuro - The Futue Tense Spanish

El Futuro - The Futue Tense Spanish

This resource contains a PowerPoint lesson for revising the Future Tense in Spanish. It can also be adapted to be used as a lesson to introduce the same topic. It contains notes on formation of the tense, a worksheet that accompanies the lesson and also a selection of note sheets such as irregular verbs, a progress tracker and a revision mat. The work sheets are in .doc format to edit and rework depending on your needs and also in .pdf. This ensures that when printing, all the worksheet is printed and none of the margins are missing.
Uimhreacha Gaeilge Irish Numbers

Uimhreacha Gaeilge Irish Numbers

There are four ways to count in Irish; Counting 1, 2, 3… Cardinal Numbers 1st, 2nd, 3rd Counting nouns 1 book, 2 boats, 3 pens Counting people 1 brother, 2 people, 4 sisters Confusing? Yes! Hopefully this reference sheet will help clear things up and be at your beck and call while writing in Irish. It contains reference to all numbers and the rules associated with them. If you need edits made as always feel free to email be at claddaghclassrooms@gmail.com.
The Imperative - El Imperativo Spanish

The Imperative - El Imperativo Spanish

Resource contains a PowerPoint lesson for revising the Imperative in Spanish. It can also be adapted to be used as a lesson to introduce the same topic. It contains notes on formation of the tense, a worksheet that accompanies the lesson and also a revision mat for the topic. The work sheets are in .doc format to edit and rework depending on your needs and also in .pdf. This ensures that when printing, all the worksheet is printed and none of the margins are missing. The worksheet contains 5 activities starting off with basic conjugations, to irregular verb conjugations to more creating new school rules. The first three activities can be used with weaker ability students to encourage using the tense while later ones will be a challenge for higher ability students.
Mo Theach - My House Word Mat

Mo Theach - My House Word Mat

This is a very simple word mat that will help reinforce the topic of ‘Mo Theach’ when you’ve introduced it. My students find these useful when they first begin to compose pieces of written work. This is editable and has been uploaded in both .pdf and .doc formats. A free example of ‘Mo Theaghlach’ can be found in my shop. Claddagh Classrooms
Séimhiú & Urú Leabhar Oibre - Séimhiú & Urú Booklet

Séimhiú & Urú Leabhar Oibre - Séimhiú & Urú Booklet

This Booklet contains all you need to know about Seimhiú and Urú in Irish. (The most essential & confusing grammar rules for students) The booklet contains: A revision mat for Séimhiú A revision mat for Urú A practice exercise of 20 questions combining both sets of rules Answers to the practice questions. Bain taitneamh as:)
Na Forainmneacha Réamhfhoclacha - Prepositional Pronouns (Gaeilge/Irish)

Na Forainmneacha Réamhfhoclacha - Prepositional Pronouns (Gaeilge/Irish)

This is a resource to help teach the topic of prepositional pronouns in Irish. It contains a list of the most common prepositional pronouns in Irish and also two sheets with the most common phrases associated to each one. It is a confusing topic for students but I found these revision sheets helped a lot:) As always I have attached .pdf for printing and .doc for editing.
El Pretérito Perfecto Mat

El Pretérito Perfecto Mat

Revision mat on formation of El Preterito Perfecto. Useful for GCSE Revision. NIce simple steps to help students get to grasp with the formation. I’ve also finally updated this and made the corrections! Claddagh Classrooms
Buddhism - What is the 8 Fold Path

Buddhism - What is the 8 Fold Path

This lesson focuses on what the Eight Fold Path is. It is suitable for KS3. In school we use the accelerated learning cycle to teach our subjects so please feel free to change 'Connect' to 'Starter' and 'Consolidate' to 'Pleanary'. The ppt. contains the following: A questioning connect task to encourage students to think of the rules we live by in society A video task to introduce the topic with a question to initiate pair work. A differentiated written task. (The differentiated task is a favourite of Ofsted, having under gone various in the past number of years) Pair work for a 'Consolidate' task. As always the .ppt and .doc are editable for your needs. Any questions - claddaghclassrooms@gmail.com Enjoy
Qué Tiempo Hace - The Weather

Qué Tiempo Hace - The Weather

This resource contains a Weather Mind Map / Revision Mat and also various activities to do with the topic of the Weather, There is a comprehension, some translation work, some verb work and finally a word search. I tend to use this when introducing the topic and for GCSE revision.
An Nollaig - Activities as Gaeilge (In Irish)

An Nollaig - Activities as Gaeilge (In Irish)

This resource contains three resources for a lesson in Irish. The first is a Bingo game, using Christmas vocabulary (See my display resource for that vocabulary) The second is a puzzle where students need to orientate themselves through a puzzle. This can be done using directions. (One person is blind folded and they must direct their partner around the puzzle) Or this resource can be used as a simple starter. The third resource is a word search. Each activity focuses oral skills and new vocabulary. It's a lovely way to finish the term off and also a way to keep students engaged in their final lesson.
Mo Theaghlach Mata Focal

Mo Theaghlach Mata Focal

Very simple Word mat for KS3/1st year topic of myself and my family, Mé Féin agus Mo Theaghlach. My students always find it handy to have everything on one sheet of paper when I need them to free write. CLaddagh CLassrooms