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Welcome to ClassBerry’s creative corner, songs, stories and lots more. Find me over on Facebook and Instagram to view my lastest projects.




Welcome to ClassBerry’s creative corner, songs, stories and lots more. Find me over on Facebook and Instagram to view my lastest projects.
Money Maze Challenge Adding/subtracting 10’s and 1’s

Money Maze Challenge Adding/subtracting 10’s and 1’s

Objectives: KS1 Maths, Year 2 and adapted for Year 1. Add numbers using concrete objects and pictorial representations, e.g. number squares, to add 1- and 2-digit numbers. Add/subtract mentally two 2-digit numbers by counting on in 10s and 1s. Recognise and use symbols for pence (p) and use coins to solve simple problems involving addition and subtraction. Targets: I can add and subtract 10’s and 1p coins. I can find totals using coins up to 100. Year 1 Adding 1 more/1 less Finding totals up to 20. Notes for teachers Children can complete the challenge individually or in pairs. Timing the activity helps keep the children focused, keep the totals a secret until the ‘big reveal’ to add competition. Ideally it would be good if the children use real 10p and 1p coins. Included: Prerequisite activity, adding tens only grid. Blank grid maze with coloured paths to laminate and you can add your own numbers depending on your Year group. Purse print out.