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We offer bilingual critical thinking and reflective resources for growth. The resources are all set to connect knowledge to students' real lives.




We offer bilingual critical thinking and reflective resources for growth. The resources are all set to connect knowledge to students' real lives.
Diálogo Interno Positivo con Emoticones - Presentación PowerPoint

Diálogo Interno Positivo con Emoticones - Presentación PowerPoint

¿Te interesa enseñar a tus niños a motivarse cuando se enfrentan a retos? ¿Te gustaría ayudarles a mejorar su estado de ánimo y su confianza en sí mismos? Esta presentación de PowerPoint es ideal para introducir el concepto de la autoconversación positiva, sus aplicaciones prácticas y los numerosos beneficios que aporta. Esta presentación de PowerPoint está meticulosamente elaborada para que los estudiantes puedan identificar sus patrones de diálogo interno y abordarlos eficazmente. Capacita a los niños para enfrentarse a sus miedos con una confianza inquebrantable, fomenta la práctica regular de un diálogo positivo e inculca un sentimiento de autoestima. Las diapositivas presentan una gran cantidad de estrategias excepcionales que le ayudarán a cultivar y mejorar el diálogo interno positivo con sus estudiantes. Al emplear este PowerPoint, su clase fomentará un entorno en el que se animará a los estudiantes a expresar abiertamente sus ideas, pensamientos y emociones. De este modo, adquirirán una mayor conciencia de sí mismos y desarrollarán la capacidad de discernir entre el diálogo interior positivo y el negativo. Este recurso incluye: Diapositiva 1: Preguntas sobre el Diálogo Interno Positivo Diapositiva 2: ¿Qué es el Diálogo Interno Positivo? Diapositiva 3: Ejemplos de Diálogo Interno Positivo Diapositiva 4: Formas de practicar el Diálogo Interno Positivo Diapositiva 5: ¿Por qué es bueno para ti el Diálogo Interno Positivo? Diapositiva 6: Tipos de Diálogo Interno Diapositiva 7: ¿Qué es el Diálogo Interno Negativo? Diapositiva 8: Efectos del Diálogo Interno Negativo Diapositiva 9: Ejemplos de Diálogo Interno Negativo Diapositiva 10: Cómo detener al Diálogo Interno Negativo Diapositiva 11: Diálogo Interno Negativo vs. Diálogo Interno Positivo Diapositiva 12: Hemos aprendido sobre el Diálogo Interno Positivo Formatos: Powerpoint PDF Google Slides Keynote JPG images ¡Disfruta con tus estudiantes los beneficios del Diálogo Interno Positivo! "--------------------------------------- ★Related Resources: Descarga la Versión en Inglés ----------------------------------------" "--------------------------------------- ★ You may like these resources: Diálogo Interno Positivo - Comecocos con Emoticones Diálogo Interno Positivo - Mini Manualidad con Emoticones Diálogo Interno Positivo - Con Emoticones Diálogo Interno Positivo Tarjetas de Trabajo -------------------------------------------"
International Peace Day Minibook and Pennant - Banner

International Peace Day Minibook and Pennant - Banner

This resource is designed to enhance students’ understanding of the skills necessary to live harmoniously in society. It encourages them to acknowledge and explore various aspects of peace within their homes, schools, and the world. This activity is ideal for decorating bulletin boards using captivating pennants featuring the Peace Pledge, fostering class discussions, and fostering a sense of community within the classroom through engaging conversations about peace. It is a straightforward activity to implement and provides an excellent opportunity to teach children that peace begins from within themselves. This resource includes: International Peace Day Minibook (8 half pages) Peace Pledge Pennant - Banner Happy International Peace Day! "-------------------------------------------- ★ Related Resources: Download the Spanish Version! --------------------------------------------" "------------------------------------------- ★ You May Like These Resources: International Peace Day PowerPoint Presentation International Peace Day Mini-book and Banner/Pennant International Peace Day Acrostic - Peace Dove Craft -------------------------------------------"
Growth Mindset - Friendship

Growth Mindset - Friendship

eachers and parents have a shared desire for their children to have good friendships, and it is their responsibility to help them grasp the essential elements that contribute to forming strong bonds. This resource incorporates the fundamental principles of a growth mindset, such as embracing challenges, adopting the power of “yet,” finding inspiration in others’ successes, viewing effort as the path to mastery, learning from mistakes, and embracing constructive criticism. These principles will guide children in developing a meaningful understanding of friendship. The activities included in this resource are designed to encourage students to think critically about the qualities required to establish and maintain good friendships. Furthermore, this resource assists teachers and parents in getting to know their children’s friends and understanding the reasons behind their choices. Benefits: Viewing friendship as an opportunity to foster a growth mindset. Recognizing that a growth mindset contributes to building strong friendships. Understanding the meaning of friendship and the effort it entails to establish and maintain connections. Overcoming common friendship challenges or difficulties in a straightforward manner. Acknowledging and appreciating the qualities and talents of friends, drawing inspiration from them, and understanding that learning takes time and effort. Recognizing that feedback from friends can make us stronger and better individuals. Understanding that problems and mistakes may arise in friendships but can be viewed as opportunities to strengthen the bond. Identifying strategies for making new friends. This resource includes: Page 1: My Friends Page 2: My Friends Inspire Me to Be Better Page 3: My Friends Can … I Can’t YET Page 4: I am a Problem Solver Page 5: I Do My Best To Be a Good Friend Page 6: I Learn From My Friends - Constructive Feedback Page 7: I Learn From Mistakes Page 8: I Do not Give Up, I Can Make New Friends Enjoy the benefits of fostering a growth mindset culture in your class! "-------------------------------------------------------- Download More Versions English Version - PDF Printable Spanish Version - PDF Printable English Version - Google Slides Spanish Version - Google Slides --------------------------------------------------------"
Fin de Año Escolar  Actividades (SPANISH VERSION)

Fin de Año Escolar Actividades (SPANISH VERSION)

Este recurso ofrece a tus estudiantes un regalo que conservarán para siempre. Su objetivo es reforzar la gratitud y la amabilidad. Ambos son atributos esenciales que ofrecen beneficios significativos, mejorando la vida de los niños ahora y en el futuro. Fomentar estos atributos es la mejor manera de ayudar a los estudiantes a sentirse bien consigo mismos, con los demás y con el mundo que les rodea. El formato de lista de control es fantástico, ya que anima a los estudiantes a reflexionar sobre las contribuciones que han hecho al colegio, a los maestros y a los compañeros de clase. Esta autorreflexión les infunde un sentimiento de logro y reconocimiento por sus esfuerzos. Las pulseras son una poderosa herramienta para que los niños reconozcan y aprecien a las personas que les han apoyado a lo largo del curso escolar. Llevar estas pulseras les ayuda a desarrollar un sentimiento de orgullo y gratitud por sus logros y por las personas que les han ayudado a lo largo del camino. Los lápices son fácilmente imprimibles y se pueden exponer en el pasillo o clase o en una pared de la casa. ¡Prepárate para recibir muchos cumplidos! Recuerda, la amabilidad y la gratitud son contagiosas, y al fomentarlas en tus estudiantes, puedes ayudar a crear un recuerdo inolvidable que durará toda la vida. Este recurso incluye: Brazalete de fin de año Estoy agradecido … Fin de Año Escolar - Checklist Recuerdos de Fin de Año Este año fue … (Lápiz fantástico para decorar la clase o el tablero de anuncios) Feliz Fin de Año Escolar! "-------------------------------------------- ★ Related Resources: Descarga la versión en Inglés! --------------------------------------------" "-------------------------------------------- ★ You may like this resource: Fin de Año Escolar - Álbum --------------------------------------------"
International Women’s Day | History of IWD Read, Draw and Write BUNDLE

International Women’s Day | History of IWD Read, Draw and Write BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of International Women’s Day | History of IWD Read, Draw, and Write. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms! Understanding the origins of the events we celebrate is truly remarkable. This resource is an ideal tool to explain and help your students grasp the authentic history behind International Women’s Day. Through this resource, children will gain insight into the challenges women faced in the past and develop an appreciation for why they deserve recognition on this significant day. Engaging in activities such as writing and drawing will provide an excellent opportunity for students to contemplate and reflect upon the pivotal role of women throughout history. The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: Page 1: Cover & What I Know, What I Want to Know (English and Spanish Version) Page 2: The History of International Women’s Day, Part I (English and Spanish Version) Page 3: The History of International Women’s Day, Part II (English and Spanish Version) Page 4: The History of International Women’s Day, Part III (English and Spanish Version) Page 5: Inspiring Women In History (English and Spanish Version) Page 6: Inspiring Women In History (English and Spanish Version) Page 7: What I Learned and Thoughts…(English and Spanish Version) Happy International Women’s Day!
Racismo (Color de Piel) Antirracismo Presentación PowerPoint

Racismo (Color de Piel) Antirracismo Presentación PowerPoint

Esta presentación no sólo te ayuda a ahorrar tiempo de investigación, sino que también permite a tus estudiantes desarrollar una comprensión profunda del significado del racismo. El objetivo de las diapositivas es promover la igualdad y la justicia racial desde una edad temprana y contribuir a construir un mundo mejor para ti, para tus estudiantes y para todos. A través de esta presentación, los niños comprenderán la importancia de adoptar una mentalidad antirracista y se les animará a explorar la riqueza de la diversidad racial y cultural. La presentación fomenta la reflexión, guiando a sus estudiantes para que comprendan que incluso las pequeñas ideas y acciones tienen el poder de combatir el racismo tanto en el presente como en el futuro. Este recurso incluye: Página 1: ¿Qué es la Raza? Página 2: Raza - Racismo Página 3: Prejuicios Raciales y Comportamientos Discriminatorios Página 4: Existen Diferentes Tipos de Racismo Página 5: Estrategias para Actuar Contra Cualquier Tipo de Racismo Página 6: ¿Qué es el Antirracismo? Página 7: Justicia e Igualdad Racial Página 8: Diversidad Racial Página 9: Ser Antirracista Página 10: ¡Soy Antirracista! Página 11: Hemos Aprendido sobre Racismo y Antirracismo Formats: Powerpoint PDF Google Slides Keynote JPG images "------------------------------------- ★ Related Resources: Download the English Version --------------------------------------" "------------------------------------- ★ You may like these resources: Racismo y Antirracismo Manualidad Autorretrato Racismo (Color de Piel) - Antirracismo Día de la Emancipación - Día Juneteenth --------------------------------------" ¡Disfruta Enseñando Antirracismo!
Día Internacional de la Mujer Actividad

Día Internacional de la Mujer Actividad

Este recurso es una herramienta excelente para celebrar la vida y los logros de las mujeres, tanto si han sido ampliamente reconocidos como si no, con toda la clase o el centro escolar. Sólo tienes que pedir a tus estudiantes que nombren a mujeres que hayan tenido un impacto significativo en el mundo, mujeres a las que admiren o aprecien, o mujeres que hayan influido personalmente en sus vidas. Decore la escuela o la clase con mariposas y margaritas, ya que son un homenaje perfecto a las mujeres que les inspiran. Se trata de una magnífica oportunidad para inspirar a los niños sobre el papel vital de las mujeres en la sociedad y destacar sus contribuciones. Este recurso incluye: Manualidad del Día de la Mujer (Versión Flor) Manualidad del Día de la Mujer (Versión Mariposa) Todo sobre ella Las mujeres son… Acróstico "----------------------------- ★Related Resources: Descarga la versión en Inglés -----------------------------" "------------------------------ ★You may like these Women’s Day resources: Día Internacional de la Mujer - Presentación PowerPoint Día Internacional de la Mujer - Banderines e Investigación Biográfica Día Internacional de la Mujer - Banderines e Investigación Bio - Google Slides Día Internacional de la Mujer - Actividad El Día Internacional de la Mujer Significa para Mí… Día Internacional de la Mujer - Manualidad y Tarjeta Día Internacional de la Mujer - Banderín (FREE SAMPLE!) Día Internacional de la Mujer Historia | Leer, Dibujar y Escribir Ruby Bridges Actividad Harriet Tubman - Actividad Rosa Parks - Actividad ----------------------------------------------------" ¡Feliz Día de la Mujer!
Bullying and Anti-Bullying Collection BUNDLE

Bullying and Anti-Bullying Collection BUNDLE

3 Resources
This comprehensive package provides essential information for clearly defining bullying to your students and emphasizes that such behavior is unacceptable and will have consequences. It is an excellent tool for preventing and stopping bullying, as it fosters a safe environment where children can thrive socially and academically without fear. The activities empower children to identify the signs of a bully, avoid engaging in bullying themselves, and understand the appropriate steps to take if they encounter bullying at school. In some instances, children may not openly express that they are being bullied. This resource equips your students with strategies to handle bullying situations and encourages them to seek support from trusted teachers and friends if they have concerns about bullying. By utilizing this resource, your students and the entire class will enhance their social and academic achievements, enabling them to thrive in various aspects of their lives. This collection includes the following resources: Resource 1: Bullying and Anti-Bullying PowerPoint Presentation Resource 2: Anti-Bullying Activity Resource 3: Bullying Mind Map Happy Anti-Bullying Day!
Dr. Seuss | Theodore Seuss Geisel  Activity

Dr. Seuss | Theodore Seuss Geisel Activity

Many of our children have read and listened to Dr. Seuss’s books. How about helping them get to know this wonderful author a little better? This resource aims to present the life and most important facts of Dr. Seuss in a more familiar way. Children will have the opportunity to identify their favorite books. Assist your students in getting closer to this famous author by creating a Venn diagram and taking on one of his challenges. Dr. Seuss is undoubtedly an inspiration for many future writers and creatives. Through this resource, children will discover that creativity and writing are simpler and more familiar than they may think. This resource includes: Page 1: Dr. Seuss Facts Page 2: Dr. Seuss Secret Messages Page 3: Theodore Seuss Geisel (Dr. Seuss) & Me Page 4: My Favorite Dr. Seuss Book Page 5: Dr. Seuss Challenge "------------------------------ ★ Related Resources: Download the Spanish Version -------------------------------" "------------------------------ ★ You may like these resources: Dr. Seuss / Theodore Seuss Geisel - Activity National Poetry Day Activities National Reading Day Nonfiction Books Activity Nonfiction Books Activity - Google Slides Paul Bunyan - Enjoy a Good Story World Book Day Activity World Book Day Activity - Google Slides ------------------------------" Happy Dr. Seuss Day!
Campamento de Verano Actividad

Campamento de Verano Actividad

Ayuda a tus estudiantes a recopilar información y a compartir las experiencias más relevantes de su campamento de verano. Cada actividad ayuda a tus niños a apreciar las actividades realizadas durante el campamento. Este recurso permite a los estudiantes tomar conciencia de todo lo que han aprendido y explorado, se dan cuenta de que han obtenido lecciones inolvidables. Esta actividad integra elementos de organización, planificación y creatividad. Este recurso incluye: Página 1: Campamento de verano - Información Página 2: Actividades especiales Página 3: Actividades especiales - Plantilla Vacía Página 4: Juegos favoritos - Desafíos Página 5: Despedida del Campamento de Verano Página 6: Despedida del Campamento de Verano Página 7: El Campamento de Verano de mis Sueños "----------------------------------- ★ Related resources: * Descarga la Versión en Inglés Campamento de Verano Manualidad - Sandía Campamento de Verano Manualidad - Paleta de Hielo Campamento de Verano Manualidad - Cono de Helado Campamento de Verano | Premios Editables Mi Verano - Plan de Acción Repaso para el Verano - Crecimiento Personal Repaso para el Verano - Crecimiento Personal - Google Slides -----------------------------------" ¡Feliz Campamento de Verano!
Holy Week Reflections Mini Book

Holy Week Reflections Mini Book

This mini book is an excellent resource for our kids, as it brings meaning to Jesus’ last days and life lessons in a thoughtful way. Children can read it and connect history to their daily experiences, gaining a deeper understanding of the real meaning behind Jesus’ teachings. It also includes a Holy Week challenge and self-reflection, allowing kids to engage on a personal level. Furthermore, this mini book is a fantastic take-home activity for families. It provides a wonderful opportunity for parents and children to learn and discuss together. You can expect to receive fantastic feedback from families who use this resource. This resource includes: Page 1: Holy Week Cover Page 2: Sunday Palm Page 3: Holy Monday Page 4: Holy Tuesday Page 5: Holy Wednesday Page 6: Holy Thursday Page 7: Holy Friday Page 8: Holy Saturday Page 9: Life Lessons from Jesus Page 10: Holy Week Challenge "-------------------------------- ★ Related Resources: Download the Spanish Version --------------------------------" "-------------------------------- ★ You May Like This Resources: Holy Week PowerPoint Presentation Holy Week Timeline --------------------------------" *Happy Holy Week! *
International Women’s Day - Banners / Pennants and Biography Research BUNDLE

International Women’s Day - Banners / Pennants and Biography Research BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of International Women’s Day pennants/banners. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms and schools! This resource is absolutely fantastic for celebrating the lives and achievements of women with the entire class or school, regardless of whether they have received recognition for it or not. Simply ask your students to name women who have made a significant difference in the world, or women they admire, and love, or those who have had a profound impact on their lives. Decorate the school or classroom with pictures and names of these women. It serves as a perfect tribute to the women who inspire them. The Biography Research Worksheet is a valuable tool to help students gather information about famous women. Encourage them to utilize books or articles as references and complete their worksheets. The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: Eight (16) International Women’s Day pennants/banners in black and white and another one to be completed for a special person that your students want to celebrate, teacher, friend, etc. (English and Spanish Version) Biography (2) Research Worksheets. (English and Spanish Versions) Happy Women’s Day!
International Women's Day Craft and Card

International Women's Day Craft and Card

This activity is an ideal gift for International Women’s Day. Students have the opportunity to honor and show appreciation for the women they respect, love, or admire. It’s a heartfelt tribute to the tireless efforts, hard work, and impactful actions of women in their lives and the world. Children will have the chance to express their admiration through drawing and writing about the women who have made a significant impact on their lives or the lives of others. This gift will create lasting memories for all those courageous women. Here’s how to assemble it: Cut out the cover and pages along the dotted line. Staple the pages together. Decorate your classroom and hallway with the completed activity or send it home as a special gift. This resource includes: Page 1: International Women’s Day - Craft and Card Cover Page 2: You Are My Favorite Woman Page 3: You Inspire Me Page 4: Empty Version "-------------------------------------------------------- ★ Realted Resources: Download Spanish Version --------------------------------------------------------" "-------------------------------------------------------- ★ You May Like These Women’s Day Resources: International Women’s Day - PowerPoint Presentation International Women’s Day Activity International Women’s Day Means to Me… International Women’s Day - Banners / Pennants and Biography Research International Women’s Day - Banners / Pennants and Bio Research - GoogleSlides International Women’s Day | History of IWD Read, Draw and Write International Women’s Day - Banner / Pennant FREE SAMPLE!! Harriet Tubman Activity Rosa Parks - Activity Ruby Bridges Activity --------------------------------------------------------" Happy Women’s Day!
Mother’s Day PowerPoint Presentation

Mother’s Day PowerPoint Presentation

Encourage your children to appreciate their mothers by raising awareness of their hard work and sacrifices. Inspire them to talk about the love and care they receive from their mothers every day. By teaching the true meaning of Mother’s Day, your students can celebrate the occasion with enthusiasm, energy, and motivation. The activities can create lasting memories for the children and their mothers, and many moms may express their gratitude to you. It is essential to involve children in this presentation so that they can understand and appreciate the immense value their mothers have in their lives. The slides provide an excellent opportunity for children to express their feelings for their special mothers and share their experiences. The slides can also allow them to reflect on their behavior and attitude towards their mothers, promoting empathy and respect. Overall, by participating, children can learn the importance of showing gratitude and appreciation towards their mothers, creating a positive impact on their lives and relationships. This resource includes: Slide 1: What is Mother’s Day? Slide 2: History of Mother’s Day - Part I Slide 3: History of Mother’s Day - Part II Slide 4: Why are Moms So Important? Slide 5: My Mom is Unique and Special Slide 6: Moms are Superheros Slide 7: Types of Moms Slide 8: I Love my Mom Slide 9: Celebrate Mother’s Day Slide 10: Let’s Talk About Our Moms Slide 11: Let’s Talk About Our Moms Slide 12: We Have Learner About … Mother’s Day Formats: Powerpoint PDF Google Slides Keynote JPG images Happy Mother’s Day! "-------------------------------------------- ★ Download More Versions: Feliz Día de la Madre Presentación PowerPoint Mother’s Day Mini Book Mother’s Day Craft Mother’s Day Checklist Card Mother’s Day Checklist Card - Google Slides --------------------------------------------"
My Five Senses - Likes and Dislikes

My Five Senses - Likes and Dislikes

The objective of this resource is to help children develop a clear understanding of their preferences and aversions. It emphasizes the significance of taking care of their five senses, which enable them to explore and appreciate the world around them. Children can have fun wearing the crown and strolling around the school and their homes with a sense of pride and gratitude for their senses. To make their mini-books more personal, students can customize them by coloring them in. Encourage your students to share their booklets or responses with their families as a reinforcement activity. In case a student has lost one sense due to an injury or illness, it is essential to focus on strengthening the remaining senses. By doing so, the other senses will become more potent, compensating for the absent sense. This resource includes: Five Senses Crown Five senses Mini-book (6 half pages) "-------------------------------------------- ★Related Resources: Download the Spanish Version! --------------------------------------------" Happy National Senses Day!
Mother's Day Craft

Mother's Day Craft

This is an excellent resource to celebrate Mother’s Day, making it the perfect keepsake for your class’s mothers to cherish forever. Encourage your students to reflect on the love and dedication their moms, grandmothers, or mother figures provide them every day. The writing activity is a beautiful way to convey heartfelt messages to all the women who love their children deeply. It presents an exceptional opportunity to inspire children about the tireless work and daily efforts of their moms. You will receive numerous thank-you notes, and there will be tears and laughter as mothers are honored. This resource has two versions, one for mothers and one for children who do not live with or have a mother, making it inclusive for all. This resource includes: Page 1: Cover (Mother & Empty Version) Page 2: Acrostic - (Mother & Empty Version) Page 3: Best Mom Ever (Mother & Empty Version) Happy Mother’s Day! "-------------------------------------------------------- ★Related Resources: Download Spanish Version --------------------------------------------------------" "-------------------------------------------------------- ★★ Download More Versions: Mother’s Day PowerPoint Presentation Mother’s Day Mini Book Mother’s Day Checklist Card - PDF Printable Mother’s Day Checklist Card - Google Slides -------------------------------------------"
Auto-Respeto - Tema el Zorro

Auto-Respeto - Tema el Zorro

Este recurso ayuda a tus niños a alcanzar su potencial y a promover la armonía en sus vidas. Es perfecto para enseñarles que son dignos de recibir respeto y de dar respeto a los demás. La actividad ofrece estrategias sencillas, como un espejo de autoestima, una estrategia de mensajes de texto y modelos de conducta positivos para ayudar a tus estudiantes a examinar el concepto de autoestima y lo que realmente significa en su vida cotidiana. Las hojas de trabajo ayudan a los estudiantes a fomentar la habilidad de la autorreflexión, que les permite evaluar sus acciones y señalar los hábitos, ideas y pensamientos que necesitan mejorar para alimentar su amor propio. Enseñar es una de las mejores prácticas para aprender, así que tus niños se convertirán en expertos intentando enseñar a un adorable zorro a fomentar su auto respeto y su autoestima. El personaje del zorro permanecerá en la memoria de los estudiantes, ya que les ayuda a reconocer cuándo no se respetan a sí mismos y les guía para mejorar su autoestima. Anima a tus estudiantes a leer sus libros o sus respuestas a sus familias para reforzar su autoestima. También es un buen tema de conversación para las familias. Este recurso incluye: Página 1: Auto-Respeto (Significado y Reglas de Oro) Página 2: El Espejo del Auto-Respeto Página 3: Ejemplo Positivo de Auto-Respeto Página 4: Mensaje de Texto de Auto-Respeto Página 5: Enseñale al Zorro a Respetarse a Sí Mismo "------------------------------------ ★ Related Resources: Descarga la Versión en Inglés ------------------------------------" "----------------------------------- ★ You may like these resources: Auto-Respeto - Tema el Zorro Honestidad - Tema el Panda Patience - Turtle Craft Patience - Turtle Theme Solución de Problemas Sociales - Tema del Mapache Responsabilidad - Tema el Conejo Tolerancia - Tema el Oso Viaje a la Solución de Problemas Sociales - Tema del Mapache -----------------------------------" ¡Disfruta Enseñando a Tus Estudiantes a Respetarse a Sí Mismos!
Día Internacional del Libro

Día Internacional del Libro

El Día del Libro es una actividad fantástica que se centra en fomentar el amor por los libros. Este recurso está diseñado para acercar a los niños a los libros y autores que ya adoran, a la vez que les presenta nuevos géneros y autores que les gustarán igualmente en el futuro. Puedes crear una experiencia verdaderamente educativa para tus estudiantes. Utiliza la Actividad del Día del Libro como la oportunidad perfecta para enseñar a los estudiantes los placeres de la lectura y presentarles nuevos géneros y autores que tal vez no conozcan. Este recurso ayuda a los niños a convertirse en mejores lectores y escritores. Asegúrate de que el Día del Libro sea una experiencia memorable y emocionante para todos. Observa cómo crece el amor de tus estudiantes por la lectura. Este recurso incluye: Banderín Mi libro favorito Ficha/ Guía Partes de Libro Reto de 7-días. Puedo leer … Géneros Literarios (2 páginas) Recomiendo un Libro… Marcapáginas "-------------------------------------------- ★Related Resources: Descarga la versión en Inglés! --------------------------------------------" "------------------------------------------- ★ Related resources: English Version - PDF Printable English Version - Google Slides Spanish Version - PDF Printable Spanish Version - Google Slides -----------------------------------------------" "--------------------------------------------- ★You may like these resources: Día Internacional del Libro - Actividad Día Internacional del Libro Actividad - Google Slides Día Nacional de la Lectura Día Nacional de la Poesía - Actividades Dr. Seuss / Theodore Seuss Geisel - Actividad Libros de No Ficción - Actividad Libros de No Ficción Actividad - Google Slides Paul Bunyan - Disfruta de una Buena Historia -----------------------------------------------" Feliz Día Internacional del Libro
Moon Phases Stick Puppets, Bracelets and Cootie Catcher

Moon Phases Stick Puppets, Bracelets and Cootie Catcher

The resource has 12 different puppets that include a line where students describe the main concepts of the moon phases. The stick puppets are perfect to understand the different ways the moon looks from Earth over about a month, and students can explain this amazing process by playing roles. The bracelets are a great way to review the vocabulary and concepts learned. The cootie catcher is a fantastic game to ‘trick’ your students into learning without them even knowing it. Students understand the vocabulary and then explain the concepts learned about the different phases of the moon. Children also use stick puppets to explain the Lunar Eclipse! This resource includes the following stick puppets: Earth Sun New Moon Waxing crescent Moon First Quarter Moon Waxing Gibbous Moon Full Moon Waning Gibbous Moon Last Quarter Moon Waning Gibbous Moon Apollo 11 Neil Armstrong This resource includes: Moon Phases Sticks Puppets Moon Phases Bracelets Moon Phases Cootie Catcher "-------------------------------------------- ★Related Resources: Download the Spanish Version! --------------------------------------------" Enjoy this Moon Phases Resource!
New School Year Album - Visualizing My Goals

New School Year Album - Visualizing My Goals

Help your students cultivate inner motivation, foster positive thinking, and achieve their goals right from the start of the year. The back-to-school period presents a fantastic opportunity to understand your students’ expectations and aspirations. This resource is perfect for students embarking on a new school year, term, or activity. Benefits: Empowering students to set clear and impactful goals. When children visualize themselves attaining their goals, it becomes easier for them to manifest their aspirations, leading to increased self-esteem. Cultivating students’ awareness of the process involved in achieving their goals and enhancing their motivation to give their best efforts. The act of visualization helps students develop focus and a stronger desire to turn their goals into reality. This visualization album provides two versions, each with slight design variations. It consists of 8 different pages where children can express their goals and expectations for the new school year through drawings and writing. Here are the instructions: Print the two files on both sides of the paper (back and front) using two sheets. Fold the two sheets in half. Bind the pages together, forming a book, and staple along the folded edge. "------------------------------ ★**Related resources: ** Download the Spanish Version! ------------------------------" "----------------------------- ★ You may like these BACK TO SCHOOL resources: My School - Bucket and Spade List Craft New School Year Album - Visualizing My Goals Back to School Activities and Crafts Back to School - Monsters Album Back to School - Monsters Love School - Activities Back to School Monsters Bookmark Craft Back to School - Activities Back to School Activities - Google Slides Back to School Monsters Posters Back to School Monsters Decor | Bulletin Board and Door Back to School Monster Poster Free Sample! ----------------------------------" I wish you a wonderful year ahead when all your goals and expectations come true.