Learn how to perfect your presentation and speaking skills with this easy-to-read guide full of practical tips and printable templates.
What is it about public speaking that strikes fear in so many people? Not knowing what to say, your mind going blank, people staring at you, feeling you have nothing to say people would want to hear, being scared you’re boring people…
In the 21st century, most people will be expected to present at some point, whether to a physical audience or, increasingly due to the COVID-19 pandemic, to a virtual audience watching from screens in their own home. The good news is that public speaking skills are not something some people are born with and others are not. Through learning a few basic strategies even the most nervous of speakers can learn how to give a confident, informative and inspiring speech.
Whether you’re giving a presentation for the first time, or you’re looking to develop and improve your skills, this book contains everything you need to learn how to produce a perfect presentation.
You’ll learn what makes an effective presentation and what you’ll need to consider in advance. You’ll evaluate your current skills and highlight specific areas to develop. You’ll discover how to plan both the structure and content of your presentation in order to create a well-structured, engaging and easy-to-follow talk, as well as learn how to create visuals and other materials which complement rather than distract from your message. You’ll find out how to use effective body language, positioning, gesture, expression, voice projection and intonation as well as discovering how to cope with common problems and difficult audiences.
This guide is suitable whatever your presentation needs. Perhaps you’re a student wanting to present research findings or to course mates, a graduate wanting to ace that online job interview, a professional expected to present to colleagues, or simply somebody needing to give a speech at a family occasion. With 14 printable templates, this is also a great resource for those teaching presentation skills to students or colleagues.
Written by an experienced teacher, presenter and communication specialist, the guide demystifies the public speaking process and equips the reader with easy-to-implement strategies.
Learn how to become an amazing tutor with this easy-to-read guide packed full of practical advice, tips and resources.
Tutoring is a popular choice of career and attracts individuals from a range of backgrounds. The COVID-19 pandemic has increased demand for tutors across a range of subjects. You might have picked up this guide because you are considering tutoring for the first time, or because you are looking for ways in which to improve and develop your existing tutoring practice. Maybe you are a university student with subject knowledge but no experience of teaching, a graduate wanting to know the mechanics of setting up a tutoring business, or perhaps you are simply wondering whether or not tutoring could be for you. Wherever you are in your tutoring career, this guide will show you how to plan and deliver effective tutoring sessions, explore ways of assessing and giving feedback to students, advise you how to work effectively with students with additional learning needs, and guide you in finding tutoring work.
Whether you are tutoring maths, English, music, computer coding or a foreign language, you will find effective teaching strategies, clear advice and ready-to-use resources to help you on your journey to becoming a brilliant private tutor.
This guide considers the entire process of tutoring: how to find tutoring work; advertising your services; planning tutoring sessions; preparing effective resources; giving useful feedback; evaluating your practice; assessing students; and how to cope with common difficulties such as disengaged students. This book also includes a comprehensive guide to working with students with additional learning needs (such as dyslexia, autism, ADHD, developmental language disorder and learning difficultues).
Written by an experienced teacher and tutor, this is a practical guide suitable for anybody considering or working as a tutor.
French board game to practise giving the date.
Pupils play in groups of two to four. Slide three is printed for each group and is the ‘board’. Print on to card or laminate for increased durability. Each group will need a dice. If these are not already available, print and assemble to template provided on slide four.
Full instructions are provided as well as a help sheet.
A great game to practise speaking and listening skills, as well as how to make the date in French. Suitable for KS2-4 and a good revision activity.
This is the Supply Teacher's Survival Kit - everything you need for supply work in both primary and secondary schools. Nineteen resources which can be used in all subjects and age groups! A great time saver and ensures you are prepared in those classrooms that lack resources or when no work has been left.
Begin with the 'Instructions and Overview' powerpoint which explains all of the resources and how to use them.
The Survival Kit includes:
Instructions / overview of how to use each resource.
Task management boards.
Maths Mats.
Times table fortune tellers.
Plenary dice.
Code Wheels.
Ten Vocabulary Games.
Blank Wordsearch Grid.
Ten Teaching Activities.
Group work presentation and poster.
Plenary Question Cards.
Peer feedback templates
Oral presentation feedback templates.
German Who wants to be a millionare? Quiz for covering MFL lessons.
French powerpoint and quiz for covering MFL lessons.
Writing checklist.
Essay planning sheet.
Storyboard templates.
Teaching for neurodiversity information and checklist.
Many children and young people have difficulties with social communication for various reasons.
This is a staff CPD session which includes a presentation and corresponding activities. Looks at what we mean by social communication, which pupils have needs in these areas, how to identify needs and what can be done in the classroom. Final part of the powerpoint discusses interventions in this area and things to take into consideration. Links to further resources.
Suitable for EY, Primary, Secondary and FE. Mainstream staff - teachers, teaching assistants and leaders.
The author is a senior advisory teacher for speech, language and communication needs.
This is a CPD pack for staff on speech, language and communication needs (SLCN).
Contains a presentation explaining what is meant by SLCN, difficulties students can face and classroom strategies to support these students, and an eight-page booklet with the same information which can be given to staff.
Suitable for KS1, 2, 3 and 4 teachers, teaching assistants and other support staff. Great for whole-school or departmental CPD or as a refresher on SLCN.
The author is a senior advisory teacher for speech, language and communication needs.
Eleven Spanish powerpoints - each one includes visuals, new vocabulary, games and activities.
Topics covered:
Months / Days / Dates.
School subjects.
Food and drink.
Fruit and vegetables.
Parts of the body.
Places in town.
Great for those teaching Spanish in primary schools or to beginners - enough here to cover the first half term, or whole term if you have only one lesson a week!
This is a detailed 16-page booklet aimed at parents on how to support their child with essential pre-reading skills. Sections include: spoken language, phonological awareness, attention skills, memory skills, sequencing, motor skills and instilling a joy of reading. Lots of lots of practical and easy-to-implement activities for everyday. Aimed at parents of children in pre-school, nursery, reception and key stage 1 (although much is also relevant to KS2). Get parents on board and use them to support pupils to develop skills essential for reading and writing.
The author:
I am a senior advisory teacher for SEN.
This resource contains 50 different games and activities which can be used to develop speech, language and communication skills in the classroom. This resource helps to develop speech, language and communication skills in all pupils, as well as those with identified needs. Many of the activities also have a strong link with literacy - supporting pupils to develop reading, writing and spelling skills.
This is a collection of games and activities to be used in mainstream classrooms. The activities can also all be adapted for use in small group interventions or for one-to-one work. They require minimal planning and preparation. They are designed to develop speech, language and communication skills in all pupils and to complement everyday teaching. They can be used in any order and staff should pick those most relevant to the pupils they are working with. The games and activities can all be adapted for KS1, 2, 3 and 4.
Activities 1 – 13 develop listening skills such as identifying syllables and initial sounds, identifying boundaries between words, identifying rhyme and listening for specific words and information.
Activities 14 – 30 develop vocabulary knowledge, both general and topic-specific.
Activities 31 – 36 focus on developing receptive language skills – understanding what has been said / written.
Activities 37 – 42 develop expressive language skills – the ability to use language clearly and coherently, including how to structure a narrative.
Activities 43 – 50 focus on social communication skills such as conversational skills, dealing with difficulties, emotional and social understanding.
This is suitable for any mainstream classroom, anybody with a responsibility for SLCN / SEN and for a whole-school approach to developing language and communication skills. For a whole-school approach, try introducing one activity per week and encouraging all staff to use and reflect on it.
This is a powerpoint which introduces pets vocabulary in German - how to ask and answer the question ‘Hast du Haustiere?’
Following the powerpoint there is a ‘Happy Families’ Card Game on the topic of pets. Simply print out the card slides and cut into cards. Full instructions are included as well as prompt / help sheets which can be printed or displayed. There are two version - the easy version requires pupils to use simple sentences such as ‘Ja, ich habe eine Katze’ or ‘Nein, ich habe keine Schlange’. The extended version requires giving description such as colour, size and eye colour.
This is a great way to practise speaking and listening skills and covers several different teaching points: asking questions, negatives, pets vocabulary, descriptions.
This is a board game and powerpoint on the topic ‘Tienes mascotas?’ (Do you have pets?).
A powerpoint is included which first introduces the vocabulary needed to play the game.
Pupils play in groups of 2 - 4. Simply print slide 4 or 5 which is the board. These can be laminated or printed onto card for increased durability. A dice template is also included.
Players take it in turns to move around the board, asking and answering questions about pets. There are two differentiated boards included, one of which includes plurals. Full instructions are included as well as a help sheet for pupils. There are ideas for how the game can be extended and supported.
A fun way to practise speaking and listening skills as well as pets vocabulary. Suitable for introducing the topic as well as for revision purposes.
This is a speaking and listening activity for the topic of pets.
A powerpoint is included, introducing the German words for pets and how to answer the question ‘Hast du Haustiere?’ There are also helpsheets provided (including plural forms).
Full instructions for the game are in the presentation, including ideas for how to support, extend and differentiate.
Simply print slide 4 or slide 5 (the boards) for each small group of 2 - 4 players. Laminate or print on to card for increased durability. Each group will need a dice - a template is provided within the presentation to be cut out and assembled. Players take it in turns to move around the board asking and answering questions.
A fun way to practise speaking and listening skills as well as vocabulary. Going through the vocabulary and playing the game is enough for the main part of a lesson on this topic. This is also a good revision activity.
This is a powerpoint introducing pets in Spanish.
Once the vocabulary has been introduced play the happy families card game which is included. Simply print the card slides and cut up into cards. Laminate or print on to card to re-use with other classes. Full instructions are included as well as helpsheets to print or to display.
There are two versions. The easy version requires pupils simply to use the pets vocabulary in different sentences (Tienes un gato? Si, tengo un gato.) The extended game requires pupils to use descriptions such as colours, size and eye colour.
A fun way of practising speaking and listening skills and a resource that can cover a number of teaching points: questions, negatives, pets vocabulary, descriptions.
This is a powerpoint introducing pets in French.
Once the vocabulary has been introduced play the happy families card game which is included. Simply print the card slides and cut up into cards. Laminate or print on to card to re-use with other classes. Full instructions are included as well as helpsheets to print or to display.
There are two versions. The easy version requires pupils simply to use the pets vocabulary in different sentences (As-tu un chat? Non, je n’ai pas de chat.) The extended requires pupils to use descriptions such as colours, size and eye colour.
A fun way of practising speaking and listening skills and covers a number of teaching points: questions, negatives, pets vocabulary, descriptions.
Many parents want to support their child to learn to read and write but are unsure where to start. Which literacy skills are needed in the digital age? Are e-books as useful as paper ones? Do we really need handwriting and spelling skills in the era of predictive text? How do you motivate a reluctant reader or a child with reading difficulties? All of these questions and more are answered in this essential guide for any parent or carer wanting to know how to support their child’s literacy skills in the 21st century.
Jam-packed with simple yet effective activities and games, this is an essential resource whether you are helping pre-schoolers, school-aged children or teens.
This is a PDF version which can be downloaded or printed. The book is also available in paperback or e-book from Amazon.
Many parents want to support their child to learn to read and write but are unsure where to start. Which literacy skills are needed in the digital age? Are e-books as useful as paper ones? Do we really need handwriting and spelling skills in the era of predictive text? How do you motivate a reluctant reader or a child with reading difficulties?
All of these questions and more are answered in this essential guide for any parent or carer wanting to know how to support their child’s literacy skills in the 21st century. Jam-packed with simple yet effective activities and games, this is an essential resource whether you are helping pre-schoolers, school-aged children or teens.
This is a downloadable, printable PDF of the book. The paperback version and e-book for Kindle are available to purchase from Amazon.
This is a practical guide to improve wellbeing in pupils. It comprises over 60 pages of activities suitable for use with ages 7 - 18. All activities are based on findings of the positive psychology (the ‘scientific study of happiness’). There are activities for use in whole class settings, in small group interventions and when working one-to-one with students. Activites are all fully inclusive of pupils with special educational needs. There is also a guide to adult communication and advice for how to promote wellbeing in everyday classroom contexts.
Topics that the activities cover include: recognising and using character strengths; improving happiness; developing hope and optimism; enjoyment and savouring; gratitude; improving resilience; developing a growth mindset; wellbeing; meaning and purpose.
This guide can be used to develop a whole-school approach to wellbeing or as a basis for small group interventions. It can also be dipped in to and activities incorporated into everyday teaching. This is an ideal resource for anybody looking for practical ways to improve wellbeing levels in students.
Six detailed factsheets for parents with lots of easy games, activities and ideas to help them support their child.
1. How to support handwriting.
2. Ideas for supporting spelling, punctuation and grammar.
3. How to support writing composition - planning, structuring, writing and proofreading.
4. How to develop pre-reading skills.
5. Helping your child with phonics.
6. Supporting your child with reading fluency, accuracy, pace and comprehension.
This is a speaking and listening game on the topic of ‘Das Wetter’.
Students can play in groups of 2 to 4 players. Simply print Slide 4 (the board) for each group. Dice are also needed, although a template is included on slide 5. Full instructions are provided, including ideas of how the game can be extended or supported. Pupils take it in turns to move around the board, asking and answering questions about the weather.
A fun way of practising speaking and listening skills as well as weather vocabulary.
There are also help sheets provided for students to refer to, and slides which introduce the weather phrases - these, along with the game, would be enough for a full lesson on weather.
A Spanish board game to practise giving the date in Spanish.
Students work in groups of 2 -4 players. Full instructions and a help vocabulary sheet are provided. Print Slide 3 (the board) for each group. Laminate or print onto card for increased durability. Each group will also need a dice - a template to be cut out is provided in Slide 4 if needed. The instructions and help sheet can be printed or displayed on the screen.
A fun way to practise speaking and listening skills - all players move around the board asking and answering, ‘What is the date today?’