19 Slide power point on divided into 2 sections
STUDENTS analyse in pairs and individually 6 different presentation techniques for analysing the task at the beginning of the final project. they then give each goo / bad features and areas for improvement.
9 Slide ppt taking students through how to analyse a subject effectively (packaging)
D&T Christmas Quiz
12 slide Christmas Quiz with a design theme, includes a Christmas film section too.
should last 40-45 min
from what tree does mistletoe grow on to . . . . . . . who designed the ipod
enjoy !
1-2 hour activity on creative designing : modeling
Designing and Making models of a Clock based on 4 different themes.
includes step by step ppt including starter and plenary
1hr lesson plan which could easily be adapted and extended
resources for modeling
16 slide ppt introducing the subject of Architectural modeling.
Includes 4 cut / fold / glue 3D models as well.
Part 2 concentrate on Materials and modern methods of construction.
15 slide ppt explaining with 2 student centered activities what a Life cycle assessment is and how it relates to everyday products
includes starter activity
AQA NEA assessment descriptor sheets are way too cumbersome to be used effectively. I have created crib sheets to help teachers ongoing assessment . .with notes sections to help.
2 Word documents:
Portrait: C includes approx grade boundaries, notes section, edited descriptors etc
1X A4 Portrait condensed down to 1 side of A4
1X A4 Landscape 2 sides of A4 with notes spaces (hence slightly longer doc)
A double sided A4 [age on Ppt (folds to A5) which explains each command word in a short bullet point. Includes an interactive area next to each statement where student can indicate when they have used them.
double sided A4 pro-forma for students to record the stages of making for any product. includes 4 sections for each stage
description. quality control. time. room to sketch the activity.
Single sided A4 student checklist for the current GCSE Design Technololgy Specification, I have left my course work deadline dates on there. with tips section too
KS3 evidencing making power point and 3X recording documents
begins with planning an everyday activity, progresses to flow charts then diary style evidencing of making
I have produced this ‘crib’ document to help students complete their annotation and development sheets. consists of 2 X A4 sheets detailing processes, technical vocab and adv of each process.
A 14 page student booklet focusing on the design of a 3D Easter card including:
1 front cover
2 research sheet
3 idea and theme sheets
4 final design sheets
5 evaluation page
6 level page for planning
in addition you will need general stationary, colour pencils etc and thin white card
W1: icons........ students to design icons for a smartphone touch screen.
W2: case design ........ students design a range of ideas on a specific theme given to them for a protective case.
W2 PERSONALISED DESIGN ......... students produce a theme sheet then produce a customised design of their own choice.
The worksheets are designed for cover work as they are relatively self explained, however they can easily be integrated into existing schemes of work
A3 sized - student centered worksheet, based on the theme of using a range of techniques to design and model a mobile phone holder (plus other uses). the activities also include 3D modeling in card.
the accompanying ppt includes a starter and plenary, and explains all the activities. The activity was originally created for an observed lesson. The activities are easily extendable and editable.
Thorough covering of the main construction techniques for WOOD, METAL and PLASTICS.
SUITABLE for AS / A' level RMT and Product Design as well as Engineering.
Please feel free to adapt, can also be used for GCSE Design syllabuses too.